Pic-How Many Remember Seeing These Tractor Signs On Hiways


Well-known Member
As late as 1980 some of these signs still remained on mostly secondary roads in central Kansas.....Farmers hadn't used steel wheel tractors in years so they were no longer needed...In early 1981 a collector friend in Kansas told me that the few remaining signs were going to be taken down by the Hwy Dept and thrown away......The next time I was out that way I grabbed this one close to where my late Grandpa farmed SE of Lindeborg,KS..
The county didn't even want tractors with lugs on the gravel roads; what few were left when I was young had to drive in the ditch.
Next time you watch It's A Wonderful Life, note the similar sign on the bridge where George Bailey is intending to jump.

Better save them Mennonite still use steel wheel tractors . Then there is the Amish. But it isn't to hard to tear up asphalt on a hot day with rubber tires. Seen a guy pulling out chopper boxes with a john deere 60 he really tore it up.
That would also refer to any track type vehicles such as a caterpillar with lugs on the tracks.
I remember seeing them on county roads in Coffeyville/ Independence area as kid. Dad didn't like going thru Port of Entry at Caney so wed go thru Wann from Dewey Ok.
When they paved the road about 1956 in front of our farm, they put one of those up. I remember a steel wheeled tractor coming down the pavement a couple of years later. I made one for our youngest son to hang in his house after he watched " It's a Wonderful Life".
Richard in NW SC
I remember those signs. Most of them were on the outskirts of towns. When I was a little kid those signs confused me because I thought all tractors had rubber tires from day one and how could rubber lugs hurt the road?

Last spring someone crossed the blacktop with heavy steel lugs of some sort south of me a few miles. Two full sets of divots from two passes cross the blacktop. The county had filled them back in by the time I saw them. Whatever it was must have weighed a bunch because the divots were pretty good sized. They were spaced too far apart to be a typical tracked type vehicle. Maybe a tiling machine?
I was about 12. The farm next to ours had a F 12 on steel. I don't remember why we needed it, but it became my job to pilot it through the logging trail between the farms. Of course I just drove it down the paved county road. WOW! it really marked the road. I was afraid I was in trouble because the evidence was obvious. No one said anything, but the marks were there forever.
Years ago seen a few on highway 75 in northeast Kansas. The only time I remember dad even talking about tractors with lugs was when his dad and him were pulling a corn sheller down the road. The tractor had steel bands on it and they come to a hill that was a little to steep and had to take the bands off.
Southeast Texas county and Farm to market roads.50's 60's until mid to late 70's most tractors were on steel for rice .Still see a few signs around.
Probably. Many tiling machines I used to do
tracks on only had a dozer type grouse pad
every 3 pads, the rest were usually
excavator type pads. They also used a short
dozer style single grouser with a very tall
one every 3rd as well.
Signs in our area were "Road closed to sharp shod animals and vehicles with lugs on wheels". Orange, with black letters. Wish I had got one before they took them down and sent them to the scrapper many years ago.
The area around PennYan NY have signs warning against lugs on the road for the Mennonite farmers.
we still had them back about 1970 ,because I remember talkin with my pals about the sign on the school bus route ,and saying aint none 'round here runin a steel wheel tractor anymore,.. But I saw a sign in farwest Maui back in 2000 on a road that skirted the water edge that was sometimes as much as 600 ft below,. the road was not paved in most places then, and was barely 10 ft wide in the most treacherous spots,no guarderails anywhere ,,. my son and I drove it in a mustang convertible ,,we saw a sign , .. stating ,,. DO NOT WALK ALONG TRACTOR All OPERATORRS Must stay seated ..

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