Crulity to animals

Came home the other day to find a box with a note and these pups in my driveway.
Note accused our dog of impregnating their dog.
I have a fenced yard but guess he could have gotten out.
They do look like our dog but that is no reason for dumping the pups off in the driveway.
After talking to the police the humane society was able to find us a female dog that lost her pups.

So now I have 3 male pups half rat terrier and half I do not know to find homes for.
Heck the foster mother is even available.


That's a good mama. A keeper. I worry that she looks pit bull ish but I hear that breed is fine - it's their training I guess.

What happened to dealing with the hand the Lord dealt you? I'm sure their mama dog was happy to lose those pups. A litter of three? I'm betting they kept their favorites and these are the runts.

Why wasn't their dog fixed? They have as much to answer there as you would. Of course, any dog or cat that walks on this farm get fixed - even feral barn cats. I can't judge others for not doing theirs. I go overboard!
That breed is not to be trusted, and I've seen a few that you would like to, but have proved me wrong later. I ran into one running loose on our property and it took some convincing to get him to run off and away. Training or not, buyer beware.
Decades ago when I lived in Illinois and worked in Chicago, I worked with a fella, Ray. We, the trades worked all week and every weekend except the weekend between Christmas and New years. Ray, the general foreman refused to have us work that weekend. So the point is that like us, Ray worked pretty much 360+ days a year, long days too. Ray, married with four daughters decides to get a dog, I think a Golden or Lab, but not just any dog. This dog was sired by a national champion male and the mother was as well. Anheuser-Bush and someone else. I remember Ray had to not only pay to have the pup flown into O'Hare and pick the dog up, but he had to pay to have it accompanied by a trainer or handler and pay for their hotel stay overnight and flight back home. It was funny as all get out. So now Ray wanting a champion dog as well starts going home a couple of nights a week at normal go home time so he can take the dog to all of these obedience classes and such. This goes on a few months. One class ends, the next week a new one with another trainer starts. Then it happened. Ray let his dog, Jackson out into the yard one day, the dog puts its nose up in the air and smells a female in heat, takes off and goes and parties with the female if you know what I mean. Ray told us trade guys "...that stupid dog got him some, and now he can't get enough. All of his training went right out the window. I open the door and out he goes to find him a female...". Ray's dog had pups all over the place. One day I'm riding the commuter train into work and happened across a story in Dear Abby or Anne Landers that I never read, but did that day. "Dear ...., My husband is never home and we have four daughters. He bought this stupid out of control dog that terrorizes the home and knocks my daughters down, I hate the dog...what should I do?". I'm reading that and say that sounds just like Ray. I get to work, go to Ray's office and hold up the paper, "Hey Ray, I just read this story...". Before I could finish he opens his desk drawer and pulls out an envelope from Ann Landers or Dear Abby, pulls out the reply letter back to his wife from her, WITH the official Ann Landers or Dear Abby seal on was Ray. Funny as all get out.

So your dog is a stud. Get used to it. Don't waste your money on obedience training now. It's too late.

Yes notjustair she is a pit bull. Think she came from Villalobos Sanctuary aka Pit Bulls and Parolees.
Very sweet dog. Well trained. Someone lost a good dog. Most likely may even be looking for it.
The humane society has many displaced dogs that got separated from owners during the recent floods.
The last time someone dropped some young cats here, I caught them and took them to the Humane Society. One got loose in the house and pee d on the carpet downstairs. I will use the shotgun on the next batch. The Humane Society killed that one anyway, because it was too wild to adopt out.
John IF you have any small kids around I would never trust a PIT bull dog of any kind, Stereotype or not!!!! I am not going to gamble on the genetics of a KNOWN violent breed of dogs around my family.
People can do stupid things. My aunt was put into a nursing home she had gone through a move that had unsettled her and she had become temporarily confused. I was doing my best to take care of her but my mom and sister were after her possessions . I didn't know soon enough otherwise I would have stopped it but my aunt had a young nice spaniel named tanner she had spaniels all her life and they were her babies. My sister without asking or getting permission took the dog to the vet and put it down. Marie never mentioned her dogs from that day on i never forgave or forgot they then took all her stuff for themselves I finally called social services and got marie the break she needed. But a beautiful spoiled puppy was killed for nothing it bothers me to this day how much extra joy marie would have had to know that puppy had a good home and she could have seen it fortunately I had a friend who had a spaniel and they would go visit.
Just sayin...if either of you had neutered your dogs...

Dave, owner of 4 dogs and 5 cats, all neutered and no problems of the sort.
Guess dog could haven gotten out, OK but did you ever find him out? If got out not likely he got back in without you finding out about it.
Our local humane society won't take cats.There's only one no kill shelter and it's 40 miles away.
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here , Ontario , Canada , if you do not wish for your dog to create new dogs ( goes for the wifes flea bag cats as well )
you spend a couple bucks and get them neutered , if you did not do it and end up with puppies or kittens you did not want, you are an
have 2 dogs now ( had 4 at one time ) & 3 cats all neutered no puppies, no kittens
if I couldn't afford the vet fees for neutering, wouldn't own the animals
I had a guinea pig neutered once. Bought my daughter one from a pet store for her birthday when she was 6-7. I was ill one Sunday and missed church so I got to witness it birthing four babies which were conceived in the cage at the store apparently. One turned out to be a male and he stank to high heaven so I took him to my vet and pleaded for mercy. $35 later the illegitimate offspring of a $15 pet posed no more threat of increasing the herd. Happy daughter. I dunno what she prayed for that Sunday but she left for church the owner of one and came back the owner of four.

when I grew up there was no animal shelter. No one ever took there dogs to the vet to have them taken care of. Back then people had respect for others and took care of there own animals.

About 10 years ago, I had a co-worker who always told me the same thing. He had gotten a pit bull as a puppy and raised him in a caring household. The dog never showed any problems of any kind.
Except when the dog was about two, the post man came up to the door with a package. For some reason, the dog went ballistic. He actually ran through the screen door and chased the post man to his vehicle. The post man barely managed to get to his vehicle as the dog went crazy around the vehicle and acted like he wanted to tear the mail man apart. The dog had to be restrained by my coworker. This was the first (and only) time the dog did this. The owner had him put down because the post man reported him and he owner didn't want anything like that to happen again with that incident being reported the first time. The owner confided in me that he just couldn't believe any dog could do such a Jekyll and Hyde act without any kind of clue ahead of time and he told me he was never going to get another pit bull. The only thing I told him is that one must remember that this dog breed was bred for fighting and you never know what kind of genes suddenly take over...for no reason.
I realize that this incident COULD happen to any breed, but I'm not really too worried about it with my Chihuahua with very few teeth left.
We should be able to choose what breeds of dogs we would have or what breeds we would not have. Also we can chose our friends anyway we want to. I am not saying this is the best but we do have those rights.
My big yellow lab made a run at the UPS delivery guy once. When the dog got close enough the UPS guy reached into his pocket, pulled out a dog biscuit, handed it to my dog, and dropped the package off on the porch while the dog was munching on the biscuit. So yea, dogs do what they're bred to do.
We had a mutt that was a very good dog but he did not like a guy I had working for me. We were doing the roof on my house and the dog would not let him come down the ladder. I didn't like him much either so kept the dog. That was the only person he acted that way around.
Wish I was closer I love Rat Terriers.Reminds me of something about 20 years ago a car stopped past my driveway and I could see a guy get out and drop something in the road then he took off all this at least 150 yards away.I got in the truck and drove down the road and there is a box lying in the road got out and noise coming from the box. This Idiot and a lot of other things I'd like to call him had put a small dog and 4 puppies in the box and duct taped it closed no way they could get out and someone would probably have hit the box in the road.Anyway I took them
to the house and we raised the pups and found homes for 3 of them and I kept the female and one pup.Nicest little dogs you ever saw would like to get my hands on that guy still to this day.
We had a great dog, dead now, but she never did anything agressive to anyone. Except one of my daughter's former boy friends, the dog would not let him in the house. Even bit him a little. Turned out he was beating my daughter. We kept the dog and my daughter got rid of the guy.
(quoted from post at 11:44:56 10/02/16)
when I grew up there was no animal shelter. No one ever took there dogs to the vet to have them taken care of. Back then people had respect for others and took care of there own animals.

Somewhere along the line someone decided that putting an animal down was "cruel," so now you can't even do that yourself anymore. It's illegal if they catch you. How long will it be before vets can't even do it?

What's cruel is making an animal suffer because you'd be sad if they died.
Would you also say its cruel keeping a person alive and not 'putting them down' because you'd be sad if they died? Most animals and people have a will to live and want to live
regardless of their situation of course there are exceptions going by the number of human suicides but only a small percentage of those are because of pain and suffering.
When people kill a pet its usually because they don't want the hassle of caring for it anymore and then rationalize a bunch of reasons why the animal is 'better off' to ease their

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