Who invented THAT?


Well-known Member
Here's a funny one for you. It's very cool, but instant blindness comes to mind. The little rocks that would be thrown through that deck would peel the paint off everything in a half mile radius. Maybe safety standards are a little helpful after all.
Invention of death.
I am thinking that the open slots are so air can blow up through the cooling fins on the motor. But you have to wonder who the heck thought this would be a good idea. Even if it didn't throw rocks you would be covered in grass clippings. It is almost worth buying just to show it and laugh about it.
well it dose have guards on all 4 sides and ample air flow
I seen other alder mowers that were just little more than a motor n blade with a handle n wheels attached
here's one that cuts rakes and fertilizes at the same time but does look a lot safer than the one in the add
If it is truly from the 30's then think, the depression, rich mans toy. Someone who during the depression could afford that, plus even had electricity could find any number of people who would push it for a meal. That gives several advantages to the rich person. 1. nice looking yard 2. helping out a someone in need 3. feeling good about themselves 4. thinning the heard........ :shock:

Rotary mower replaced reel mowers in the 1950s not the 1930s. My one Uncle bought a reel mower sharpener right after WWII. He paid for it in just a matter of months. But by the early 1950s it was all over. Rotary mowers had taken over the market place.

So I would bet that the mower in question was made in the late 1940s or early 1950s. Also remember in that time they were pushing that everything would be electric in the future. They envisioned nuclear power plants all over the place. It was the "new" cheap energy. The health effects were not well understood at that time.
Can you imagine talking your wife into cutting the lawn with that? Here honey it throws dirt, rocks, sticks and grass clipping at you. It has small wheels and is real heavy so it is hard to push. The real bonus is when you run over the extension cord and get the shock of your life.

I think the guy selling those also sold life insurance policies. I can hear the sales pitch. "You don't need life insurance? Well let me sell you this marvelous invention and you will need it."
That looks pretty safe compared to the disc mowers and discbines sold today.

Guy that rents my farm demo'ed a new Fendt setup last fall and flying debris took out the RH cab window, this year their NH discbine took out the rear window of the cab on their 4430.

His son, who was operating each one when the window got whacked says that is a bit of a "pucker moment".
Another mower that had "fail" written all over it was the original Flymo lawnmower. Some British chap invented it. Worked like a hovercraft. Ford tractor dealer tried to sell me one in the early 70's. I left quickly when the governor got stuck.
The mower that got Australia going on rotaries was the Victa "Toecutter" - first model shown in

Reminds me, I watch an Amish boy who could not have been 10 years old cutting a huge half acre lawn with a 16 inch reel mower pulled by a draft horse. Really an eye catcher.
So I would bet that the mower in question was made in the late 1940s or early 1950s. Also remember in that time they were pushing that everything would be electric in the future. They envisioned nuclear power plants all over the place. It was the "new" cheap energy. The health effects were not well understood at that time.

So what are the health effects?
First one that I ever saw was when I was a kid working for the power company in the city. A guy was mowing up the street a little ways. He hit something and the blade came spinning down the street by us. No guards or any thing on it.

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