YT Funnyman Jon F Mn Poll


Well-known Member
As a tribute to Jon's sense of humor, who all has had the opportunity to meet him?
Sound off with state/location and date.

kruser: Morton, Illinois - January 17, 2016
Didnt have the pleasure to meet the man, but he was less than 300 yards from me. As coincidence would have it, I had to be at the main plant one morning for a meeting. We had chatted here, and he was going right by the plant, but I knew I wouldnt be able to n=meet him at the truck stop for a cup of coffee.

This was in Duncan, SC like 3 or 4 years ago.
Jon and I are good CASE buddies. He has been here at my home a number of times and we talk many times a week on the phone. I really apreciate the friendship we have established over the past few years. He is a great guy, and friend.
Hasn't happened yet. But the next time he's out here to Loren's, I'll work at it. (That's if the Case guys will let me in, as I'm the other orange) I did talk with him.
3/25/2015. we had a YT get together at loren's place. jonf and jayinNY and jay's dad and daughter and I joined loren and beth. great time!
He has been past here several times. But each time, he is running a little late and mid morning or mid afternoon. I have even been past his home base but he was on the road as usual. I think he is avoiding me. Just kidding. Maybe some day. All I can say is be careful in those truck stops.
Lol, never noticed that! But it is the first finger, not the naughty one. I keep the middle one for special occasions.
Haven't had the pleasure yet.I know he has been within a few miles of me though. I 'm just a few miles off of I 71.
yes ,,. Jon came thru Harrison county ind during the fair and we watched the tractor pull,, mite have been 2012,,. wonderful down home type of fella ,.. wisht I had a cornpiker like his on my farm
Last time I was out I called you but you didn't answer. Then what I thought was going to be a day off turned into just a couple hours so I had to leave.
Still waiting...would be a fun meet...maybe at Nelson"s in Clearwater? Good food, and a half hour away....
Never had the pleasure of meeting Jon, but he can collect a free meal anytime he stops in Shreveport. Same goes for any other of you.
I'll be passin through Shreveport later today and would have time for a short visit. Let me know if your interested and have time.
I met Jon spring of 2016. Made time on my way to Cloquet MN to look Jon up. Also have met out on the road a couple times in our trucks. I'm always amazed by how much knowledge Jon has and his willingness to share and help others. I have long ago lost count of how many funnies of the day I have laughed at - everyone should have a good laugh every day - Thanks Jon! I once heard a saying... 'A man's worth is measured by how many friends he leaves behind' Jon F of MN is a very wealthy man' - I'm honored to call Jon a friend. Mark K.
Jon stopped at my truck yard in Whitelaw Wi for a visit about two years ago. I have a bunch of semis like his. We had a nice chat about semis and case tractors. Bill N
Jon, it's 2:45 here and I'm just now reading your post. You're probably half-way home by now. If not, call me at 318 272 twenty ninety four.

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