
Well-known Member
I'd like to salute Ohio's governor, John Kasich, for not caving in to pressure to subvert our Constitutional right to 'open carry'. He is sticking to his oath of office by upholding the Constitution but, hopefully, all of those who choose to carry openly will do so responsibly and uphold their duty as American citizens and prove him right! :!:
I need to clarify....

He couldn't change Ohio Constitutional Law without Legislative approval. The RNC starts in the morning and there is no way that it could happen.
Law Abiding Citizens carrying weapons....I really don't see a problem. Who said an armed society is a polite society?
I'd agree that he couldn't change it on his
own. I don't understand what the big deal is
anyway, open carry is legal in 42 states.
What's wrong with the other 8?
Well so far he has not honored the pledge he signed to back the party's nominee. I guess I'll give him a few days until it's official then condemn him.
I sure wish he would tackle the school funding issue here in Ohio. Been a long time since the early 90's the supreme count of Ohio vowed the way they do it from property taxes was unconstitutional. so far no one will touch the issue.
(quoted from post at 06:58:35 07/18/16) I believe that every body that carries it should be out in the open, not concieled.

Carrying open is just asking for trouble, and most lilkely WOULD make you a target.
O no no no. Why would you do something like that. concealed is the best way because to me your not lets say advertising. Some folks think that if you are carrying a weapon in site they think your being a smarta$$. So if its concealed nobody sees it nobody knows its there and you just go about what ever you are doing without all the stares. But when you need it ,its right there.
(quoted from post at 07:42:30 07/18/16) O no no no. Why would you do something like that. concealed is the best way because to me your not lets say advertising. Some folks think that if you are carrying a weapon in site they think your being a smarta$$. So if its concealed nobody sees it nobody knows its there and you just go about what ever you are doing without all the stares. But when you need it ,its right there.

100% in agreement!!
Leroy, how would you have felt this weekend if I had had a pistol on my hip? What you did not know is I was armed the whole show and only a few knew it. I even sat and talked to our sheriff twice over the show. Open carry wil get you in a peck of trouble, however I do carry open on my home place, might have a critter to take care of. Had a ground hog think my backstop would be a great place to dig.
For all that talk down about open carry, the only reason your able to do so is because you have no experience doing it.

On my end, I've open carried, nearly every day, for about 3 years now. Believe it or not, just like concealed carry, if your not flaunting it, most people don't even notice. I have yet to have anyone that does notice speak negatively about the fact I'm carrying, or even appear 'scared'.

When it comes down to the nitty gritty, gun owners have had to fight to keep a lot of the Constitutional rights that they have tried to take from us. That being the case, why should we willingly give up a right we have just to make a handful of anti-gunners happy?

When you think about it, the only experience many people have with firearms, is what they see and hear on TV. Given that 99% of that information is inaccurate, or an outright lie, designed to make guns and gun owners into something bad, those people need a good experience to counter the bad info.

In other words, for the fact these people can see a gun, in a public place, and walk away knowing that it didn't just jump out of it's holster and shoot them (as the media would have them believe will happen) lets them leave the meeting with a more positive outlook on guns and gun owners.

Given enough good encounters, they realize that what the media is telling them is false. Eventually they get curious, and ask questions about what your carrying, and in some cases that I've heard talked about, actually become interested enough to become gun owners themselves.

On the other hand we have concealed carry. I do that too, when I feel it's more appropriate to my style of dress, or just to the situation as a whole. Thing is, when carrying concealed, no one knows I have my pistol with me but access to it is restricted where it's now when I carry open. Personally I like knowing I can get to my weapon as quickly as possible, should the need arise...but, as I said, when I feel CC is more appropriate, I will do so.....

For those that are responsible gun owners, and have legal open carry in your state, I would highly recommend doing so, if for no other reason than to get some experience. Just be prepared to answer questions, and educate those who ask them regarding the legality of it, the reason you do it, etc, etc. That said, in three years I've had maybe 6 people, out of the thousands I've encountered, even mention mine...and all were to ask me what I was carrying, and why I carried cross draw as opposed to onside. Not one negative comment to be heard, and that's after talking to Moms and their kids in line at the grocery store, guys at the local parts house, and Grandmothers in Wal-Mart.....just to name a few.....

So, open carry summed up....It's not that uncommon, it's just become somewhat taboo. However, IT'S A RIGHT for some of us......and I, for one, refuse to willingly give it up by not exercising it when, and where, legal to do so. In fact, the way I look at it, the pistol on one side of my belt is no different than the knife on the other. Both are inanimate tools that have a use. The knife I use all the time. The pistol I pray I never have to use but, like all of my other tools, I like having it just in case.
No way would I open carry. I wasn to "surprise" the crook. Never fight fair in a gunfight.

But, if left alone, this crowd could all carry with no issues.

the problem will come from the Anarchist, Black lives Matters thugs. They will provoke a fight, just to make the good guys look bad.

Also open carry would be dangerous with the cops on edge.


Whether you choose to carry concealed or open is entirely up to the individual. I am in agreement with both sides of the discussion.

But here's the deal. You own the weapon, and you have the permit to carry it legally. The weapon should ALWAYS be with you. It's a whole lot better to have it and NEVER need it, than to wish you had NOT left it locked up at home.
Of coarse that's what they will do but the Media want tell you or show you that.. All i can say is
bring it. Like Rustyfarmall said better to have it and not need it than need it and dont have it.
The reason they wanted it changed temporarily is because "open carry" doesn't mean "open point" or "open brandish" and we all know some of the thug demonstrators will inevitably do both and then diss and moan when they get shot. ALSO, whether anyone wants to believe it or not , when a Policeman tells you to put your weapon down...you must obey whether it's open carry,concealed carry or whatever. How many thugs do you think understand that? Police orders nnalert the law in those situations. We all know some demonstrators will challenge that. Very fine line between "rights" and "protection" A line that should NOT even be in the equation given the extenuating circumstances here. Even concealed carry is illegal in school zones , bars etc and any place that posts signs to that affect. Even the RNC perimeter is off limits. How do you suppose they did that??? Face it, Kasich hates nnalert and even the convention at this point and he isn't going to cooperate in any way. Right back to "politics trumps reason". Then we lose lives. Not many common sense decisions made in this country anymore.
Saw on news last night. A person had a shot
strapped to leg. A gun will make protesters
think twice.
I support open and concealed carry and it should be left up to the individual. The comment about open carry and people becoming familiar with open carry is valid. I remember a time when seeing person with tattoos was unnerving to a lot of people. Now most think nothing of it. Not the same you say? A gun is no more dangerous than the ink in the tattoo, it's the person that it's on that makes the difference.

There may be an incidence at the convention but, if there is, I will bet my last dollar that it will be started by someone other than a legitimate visitor to the convention. If you get my drift.
I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.

(quoted from post at 11:52:50 07/18/16) I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.


Yes. Hopefully smart enought to know that a snub-nosed .38 special just isn't very accurate at anything over about 5 yards. The bullet will easily reach out to over 80 yards, but what will it hit?
(quoted from post at 16:04:50 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 11:52:50 07/18/16) I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.


Yes. Hopefully smart enought to know that a snub-nosed .38 special just isn't very accurate at anything over about 5 yards. The bullet will easily reach out to over 80 yards, but what will it hit?

Horse puckey. The bullet will travel many hundreds of yards depending on angle and if you practice enough a 1 7/8" Smith Bodyguard 38 Special will chew the center out of a bullseye at at least 25 yards. I've put all 5 rounds in a 6" paper plate at 50 yards, and I can't see crap anymore. It's a matter of practice, natural skills, practice and more practice. Not accurate past 15 feet? :roll:
(quoted from post at 12:39:06 07/18/16) For all that talk down about open carry, the only reason your able to do so is because you have no experience doing it.

On my end, I've open carried, nearly every day, for about 3 years now. Believe it or not, just like concealed carry, if your not flaunting it, most people don't even notice. I have yet to have anyone that does notice speak negatively about the fact I'm carrying, or even appear 'scared'.

When it comes down to the nitty gritty, gun owners have had to fight to keep a lot of the Constitutional rights that they have tried to take from us. That being the case, why should we willingly give up a right we have just to make a handful of anti-gunners happy?

When you think about it, the only experience many people have with firearms, is what they see and hear on TV. Given that 99% of that information is inaccurate, or an outright lie, designed to make guns and gun owners into something bad, those people need a good experience to counter the bad info.

In other words, for the fact these people can see a gun, in a public place, and walk away knowing that it didn't just jump out of it's holster and shoot them (as the media would have them believe will happen) lets them leave the meeting with a more positive outlook on guns and gun owners.

Given enough good encounters, they realize that what the media is telling them is false. Eventually they get curious, and ask questions about what your carrying, and in some cases that I've heard talked about, actually become interested enough to become gun owners themselves.

On the other hand we have concealed carry. I do that too, when I feel it's more appropriate to my style of dress, or just to the situation as a whole. Thing is, when carrying concealed, no one knows I have my pistol with me but access to it is restricted where it's now when I carry open. Personally I like knowing I can get to my weapon as quickly as possible, should the need arise...but, as I said, when I feel CC is more appropriate, I will do so.....

For those that are responsible gun owners, and have legal open carry in your state, I would highly recommend doing so, if for no other reason than to get some experience. Just be prepared to answer questions, and educate those who ask them regarding the legality of it, the reason you do it, etc, etc. That said, in three years I've had maybe 6 people, out of the thousands I've encountered, even mention mine...and all were to ask me what I was carrying, and why I carried cross draw as opposed to onside. Not one negative comment to be heard, and that's after talking to Moms and their kids in line at the grocery store, guys at the local parts house, and Grandmothers in Wal-Mart.....just to name a few.....

So, open carry summed up....It's not that uncommon, it's just become somewhat taboo. However, IT'S A RIGHT for some of us......and I, for one, refuse to willingly give it up by not exercising it when, and where, legal to do so. In fact, the way I look at it, the pistol on one side of my belt is no different than the knife on the other. Both are inanimate tools that have a use. The knife I use all the time. The pistol I pray I never have to use but, like all of my other tools, I like having it just in case.

I carried openly every work day for over 20 years. Concealed is better for all involved. You wouldn't believe the people that go nutso seeing a cop with a gun, much less a non-cop.
(quoted from post at 12:18:31 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 16:04:50 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 11:52:50 07/18/16) I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.


Yes. Hopefully smart enought to know that a snub-nosed .38 special just isn't very accurate at anything over about 5 yards. The bullet will easily reach out to over 80 yards, but what will it hit?

Horse puckey. The bullet will travel many hundreds of yards depending on angle and if you practice enough a 1 7/8" Smith Bodyguard 38 Special will chew the center out of a bullseye at at least 25 yards. I've put all 5 rounds in a 6" paper plate at 50 yards, and I can't see crap anymore. It's a matter of practice, natural skills, practice and more practice. Not accurate past 15 feet? :roll:

Yes. I know there are folks who can do it, and I have done it myself a time or two, but the repeatability of accurate shots is much better when using my 9mm semi-auto.
(quoted from post at 17:02:44 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 12:18:31 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 16:04:50 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 11:52:50 07/18/16) I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.


Yes. Hopefully smart enought to know that a snub-nosed .38 special just isn't very accurate at anything over about 5 yards. The bullet will easily reach out to over 80 yards, but what will it hit?

Horse puckey. The bullet will travel many hundreds of yards depending on angle and if you practice enough a 1 7/8" Smith Bodyguard 38 Special will chew the center out of a bullseye at at least 25 yards. I've put all 5 rounds in a 6" paper plate at 50 yards, and I can't see crap anymore. It's a matter of practice, natural skills, practice and more practice. Not accurate past 15 feet? :roll:

Yes. I know there are folks who can do it, and I have done it myself a time or two, but the repeatability of accurate shots is much better when using my 9mm semi-auto.

And I'm far better with my Smith 19 or Colt 1911, but telling people a 38 snubby is only good to 15 feet is just ridiculous. Anti-gunners take statements like that and use it against us. Lets tell the truth- most guns are far, far more accurate than the people using them!
(quoted from post at 14:19:29 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 17:02:44 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 12:18:31 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 16:04:50 07/18/16)
(quoted from post at 11:52:50 07/18/16) I support open or conceal carry. I don't support those who think it makes them the law. For farmers or ranchers who may need a fire arm on their side I completely understand it. For people working and or living in less than friendly areas, defiantly. For people who feel safe with it-sure. But I have seen another side, a few years ago I was at a flea market. There was a guy walking around with his family, he had a cannon strapped to his side and he was strutting like he was king crap of the flea market and we were all supposed to be impressed with him. I ran into someone I knew there and pointed out this individual. My friend knew him, he evidently was on thin ice with the police already because he was always trying out show them and he had pulled his gun on someone that he thought was trespassing and was actually on their own land. But let me tell you he sure thought he was something.

My opinion is you have to be smarter than the gun.


Yes. Hopefully smart enought to know that a snub-nosed .38 special just isn't very accurate at anything over about 5 yards. The bullet will easily reach out to over 80 yards, but what will it hit?

Horse puckey. The bullet will travel many hundreds of yards depending on angle and if you practice enough a 1 7/8" Smith Bodyguard 38 Special will chew the center out of a bullseye at at least 25 yards. I've put all 5 rounds in a 6" paper plate at 50 yards, and I can't see crap anymore. It's a matter of practice, natural skills, practice and more practice. Not accurate past 15 feet? :roll:

Yes. I know there are folks who can do it, and I have done it myself a time or two, but the repeatability of accurate shots is much better when using my 9mm semi-auto.

And I'm far better with my Smith 19 or Colt 1911, but telling people a 38 snubby is only good to 15 feet is just ridiculous. Anti-gunners take statements like that and use it against us. Lets tell the truth- most guns are far, far more accurate than the people using them!

The point I was trying to make is if you do carry, no matter what type or caliber of gun, you neeed to visit a range on a regular basis and practice, practice, practice. If you bought the gun along with one box of ammo, and you still have most of that original box several months later, you are not doing yourself or anyone else any favors.
A few short weeks ago, Ol' John was being castigated as a RINO. Now he's a Patriot with a capital "P". The interesting thing is he got both labels by pretty much doing nothing. Go figure.

On the plus side, if you add a few hundred armed demonstrators to the mix, the nnalert Coronation might not turn out to be a borefest after all.

It really was fortunate that John didn't win the primaries. It turns out he had a scheduling conflict and wouldn't have been able to make it to his own nomination, even though the convention is in his home state. A lot of other folks can't make it as well. The whole Bush family is tied up; maybe they're having a lobster bake up in Kennebunkport.

But hey, they managed to get Scott Baio! Woo-hoo! Do ya think Chachi's performance will be bizarre enough to top Clint doing Dirty Harry while talking to a chair? (I doubt it...)
If your going to practice shooting for personal protection you only really need to practice at 30 foot or less. You need to learn how to point blank shoot because your not going to have time to use sights in most cases.
My wife has a Rossi 357 magnum with a 2 inch barrel. With a little effort I can hit a steel silhouette with it, at 100 yards.

In other words, a snubbie is definitely good far past 15 feet in the hands of someone who shoots regularly.

On the other hand, I don't care what firearm you choose, it will be worthless if the individual holding it has never fired it, since the day they bought it.
I'm all for open carry or concealed carry.
Let me say this though: the guys that are
open carrying a Bushmaster or pistol gripped
shotgun to make a point just look
ridiculous. That's just my observations.
Why would anyone take a gun to a protest? If you used it, you would spend all your money defending your actions, most likely spend the rest of their life in jail and be found guilty of a hate crime in the court of public opinion, abundant news media.

Just because you have the right to carry you are going to have a hard time defending your actions unless some crazy starts killing cops. Bullets are the only thing that stops crazy people.

I wouldn't want to be near a crowd of crazy people.
(quoted from post at 18:20:42 07/18/16) My wife has a Rossi 357 magnum with a 2 inch barrel. With a little effort I can hit a steel silhouette with it, at 100 yards.

In other words, a snubbie is definitely good far past 15 feet in the hands of someone who shoots regularly.

On the other hand, I don't care what firearm you choose, it will be worthless if the individual holding it has never fired it, since the day they bought it.

What kind of ammo, and has the Rossi been modified in any way? Trigger job, etc? I have a Ruger SP101 in .357 magnum. Recoil is nasty.
When open carry was in the process of being passed in Mississippi our Sheriff made a public statement that it would be like the O K Corral here and a large number of other law enforcement across the state were in agreement. That has been proved totally false! We now have concealed carry without a permit and afik there has been NO problems. The only requirement for both is that you must be able to legally own a firearm. I carry openly and have never had a negative comment.

Most handguns are far more accurate than most believe. A friend and I decided to try his 22-32 S&W kit gun from a rest at 165 yards. This is a small handgun with a 3" barrel, 22 rimfire. We were able to keep the shots in the body of a turkey silhouette. The groupe was about 8 inches for both of us. As a qualifier we both were international class IHMSA ( International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association) competitors. Our targets were steel silhouettes of animals. Chickens 50 meters, Javelinas at 100 m, Turkeys at 159 m and Desert Rams at 200m.
(quoted from post at 07:09:35 07/19/16) When open carry was in the process of being passed in Mississippi our Sheriff made a public statement that it would be like the O K Corral here and a large number of other law enforcement across the state were in agreement. That has been proved totally false! We now have concealed carry without a permit and afik there has been NO problems. The only requirement for both is that you must be able to legally own a firearm. I carry openly and have never had a negative comment.

Most handguns are far more accurate than most believe. A friend and I decided to try his 22-32 S&W kit gun from a rest at 165 yards. This is a small handgun with a 3" barrel, 22 rimfire. We were able to keep the shots in the body of a turkey silhouette. The groupe was about 8 inches for both of us. As a qualifier we both were international class IHMSA ( International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association) competitors. Our targets were steel silhouettes of animals. Chickens 50 meters, Javelinas at 100 m, Turkeys at 159 m and Desert Rams at 200m.
A football field is 100 yards long. 165 yards is a football field and 1/2, plus 15 yards. That is a long way. I would probably be able to identify the target stand at that distance, but most likely NOT the bulls-eye. Were you using a scope?
I had a Ruger SP 101 and didn't like it and went to a S&W Model 66 with large grips and like it. The model 66 seams to handle the recoil better than the SP
101. The SP 101 I had had trouble shaving lead and Ruger fixed it but latter on it started doing it again and I just Traded it for the S&W.
Time will tell. Unfortunately too many folks open carry simply to demonstrate that they can. That, in my opinion, make a weapon into a theatrical prop; kinda like a silly hat. It's those folks with no respect for the responsibility that goes with the right who will ultimately cause all the trouble. I was raised to respect the power and authority that goes with a weapon and can't abide making it less.
(quoted from post at 16:25:48 07/19/16)
(quoted from post at 07:09:35 07/19/16) When open carry was in the process of being passed in Mississippi our Sheriff made a public statement that it would be like the O K Corral here and a large number of other law enforcement across the state were in agreement. That has been proved totally false! We now have concealed carry without a permit and afik there has been NO problems. The only requirement for both is that you must be able to legally own a firearm. I carry openly and have never had a negative comment.

Most handguns are far more accurate than most believe. A friend and I decided to try his 22-32 S&W kit gun from a rest at 165 yards. This is a small handgun with a 3" barrel, 22 rimfire. We were able to keep the shots in the body of a turkey silhouette. The groupe was about 8 inches for both of us. As a qualifier we both were international class IHMSA ( International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association) competitors. Our targets were steel silhouettes of animals. Chickens 50 meters, Javelinas at 100 m, Turkeys at 159 m and Desert Rams at 200m.
A football field is 100 yards long. 165 yards is a football field and 1/2, plus 15 yards. That is a long way. I would probably be able to identify the target stand at that distance, but most likely NOT the bulls-eye. Were you using a scope?

Nope we all used open sights.
Elmo, How tall is your turkey silloutte? I have a set that I cut out of steel long ago ,but I don't know what scale they should be. I hung them on chain at the back stop along with 6 five inch plates. I hate to walk down and reset targets. Lot of fun before .22's went sky high. joe
(quoted from post at 22:45:35 07/19/16) Elmo, How tall is your turkey silloutte? I have a set that I cut out of steel long ago ,but I don't know what scale they should be. I hung them on chain at the back stop along with 6 five inch plates. I hate to walk down and reset targets. Lot of fun before .22's went sky high. joe

It is 24" from bottom of foot to top of head. It is 16" from tip of tail to front of breast. I think that you can still download patterns from the IHMSA website. http://www.ihmsa.org/targets/ looks as the size has changed in the 35 years since I have made mine.

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