Stupid People Walk Among Us O/T

John B.

Well-known Member
I was our local Rural King Farm Supply Store recently. There was a young couple who purchased a 16ft long by 4ft high Metal Hog Panel. They had about a 6ft long trailer behind their SUV. Of Course the hog panel didn't fit so he opened up his hatch in the back of the SUV and stuck the remaining part of the hog panel inside his vehicle with the rest of it on the trailer. I watched for a few minutes and couldn't believe what I was watching. I did have to walk over and ask them. "What's going to happen when you turn?" He looked at me and said "I never thought of that". So I told him what I did when I bought mine was to lay it side ways on your trailer and arch it so the ends of the panel fit inside the trailers side boards. Him and his wife couldn't thank me enough by saving their SUV from getting damaged. Sometimes you wonder about people...
And you are surprised?

A nephew works at Wal Mart (big time under achiever). His stories about people who come in, buy a 60" flat screen TV and then try to fit it in a very small car. Some of the stories are very funny. I do know a retired guy in town that has a mid 90's Ford Range pickup with a hauling service. He gets lot of business that way. Most of his business is people who buy something large that they can't fit in their car and don't find out until they try loading it. Don't know if I'd really call it stupid of just people with no concept.

As stupid as what they were doing was.....there are still those out there that are stupid enough that they would have still driven off with it in the rear hatch after talking to you......
(quoted from post at 19:46:56 07/11/16) I was our local Rural King Farm Supply Store recently. There was a young couple who purchased a 16ft long by 4ft high Metal Hog Panel. They had about a 6ft long trailer behind their SUV. Of Course the hog panel didn't fit so he opened up his hatch in the back of the SUV and stuck the remaining part of the hog panel inside his vehicle with the rest of it on the trailer. I watched for a few minutes and couldn't believe what I was watching. I did have to walk over and ask them. "What's going to happen when you turn?" He looked at me and said "I never thought of that". So I told him what I did when I bought mine was to lay it side ways on your trailer and arch it so the ends of the panel fit inside the trailers side boards. Him and his wife couldn't thank me enough by saving their SUV from getting damaged. Sometimes you wonder about people...

It takes all kinds to make the world go around. Stupidity abounds and its a wonder more are not killed by their actions. But with that said there is a learning curve for everything that is done and you helped these people over the steep part.
Bought a load of 1/2" rebar 20'-long from local concrete company, and went to load it onto my pickup, and couldn't figure how to do it. I asked the owner, a friend of mine. He came out, said well since you have a big ol 4-wheel drive, slide it all underneath the truck, rest part of the load on the front axle, rest part on the rear axle, and haul it all home underneath. I was stupefied, I stared at him, I said yesssss, is that legal? He just shrugged and smiled. It worked great.
It wasn't stupidity, it was lack of experience. Stupidity would've been if you told them it wouldn't work, and then did it anyway.

Many people have never done much physical work. Wisdom comes with experience.

I've seen a young couple arguing over whether or not to buy a hammer. Young man didn't think they would ever use one.
Starting right out as kids most people don't get outside and do stuff. Whether as play or work. Maybe in farm country it is better. People who can actually do something, make something, fix something are getting rarer and rarer I think. Those who actually can are looked down on by a lot of people who can buy what they need and this doesn't help either. Who gets more respect, the farmer, machinist, welder, or the college graduate who can't actually DO something? I know there is a place for college, but it has taken on way too much status. And stupid people is one of the results.
(quoted from post at 06:21:44 07/12/16) Starting right out as kids most people don't get outside and do stuff. Whether as play or work. Maybe in farm country it is better. People who can actually do something, make something, fix something are getting rarer and rarer I think. Those who actually can are looked down on by a lot of people who can buy what they need and this doesn't help either. Who gets more respect, the farmer, machinist, welder, or the college graduate who can't actually DO something? I know there is a place for college, but it has taken on way too much status. And stupid people is one of the results.

Growing up in the 60's in NJ dad was about the only guy in the neighbor hood who had a good working knowledge on how to fix things. I can remember "assisting" with home, appliance and auto repairs. I installed a gas furnace on my own when I was 15 for family friends. Dad checked for leaks and the overall installation before the gas was turned on or the pilot lit. But because of my dad I had the opportunity that many local kids did not. You can't fault someone who never had the opportunity to learn something for know knowing it.

These people dad helped out, their kids, my friends, never learned anything either. So they couldn't teach their kids who now won't be able to teach their kids.


There's those that don't know because they've never been shown how and there's those that don't want to know, they just want someone else to fix it.
I have a sign in my office i just put up the other day that says
Common Sence
Has become so rare
It should be considered
a Super Power
One of the best animal trappers I ever knew told me "Everyone is ignorant out side there selected fields" That guy may have been a good computer man, DR. or lawyer but had no idea on moving stuff. Guess it helps if you look at it that way!!! The trapper did animal damage control for people and was a fish and game writer. He could not change a spark plug or do much mechanical.
OldTanker has it right. As a teenager I didn't care for the way my dad would fix the neighborhood kid's cars but expect me to take care of my problems "on my own". Of course, he'd shown me how to do most tasks (or similar) previously and he'd taught me how to figure stuff out when the manual didn't match the actual guts of the engine. If I got stuck, or needed an extra hand he was there, but he'd stay back enough to let me try and fail on my own. Now that I'm a parent I realize how hard that was for him to do, and how important it was. Thanks Dad!
(quoted from post at 06:54:36 07/12/16) and they get to vote lol

AND they do enlist! (GOD help them get through the first year and get some experience.) I agree with the comments that what they are mostly lacking is experience; they are not all stupid! 8)
You probably prevented an accident. At least some damage was prevented. But you never know he could have been an engineer or a smart architect. I have seen an architect that could draw a great plan step into wet concrete up to his Gucci socks. Smart guy but got out of his realm.
I saw a guy do the same thing with a ladder , I asked him what happens when you make a turn and he said " this has nothing to do with the steering"
you guys are funny,,. Lol,.. don't get me started on stupid ,. cept you just cant fix stupid ,. and sadly STUPID VOTERS that believe liars is the reason why Washington DC is such a treasonist mess of nin compoops , So Many there need their nasty diapers drastically changed for the better this fall ,, and I know I cant spell rite too ,, but ,I think you get my point
ohh , what a thought and idea , LOl // but .don't do that , just look at current events and history ...Stalin and Hitler and Hirohito tried doing that,. thinking they were cleansing society . and the stupids are still among us,. maybe they should a been the ones knokt off first before they done so much harm to humanity..
Today I watched a guy hauling about a dozen 20' pipes. He had a aprox 10' flat bed trailer, with the pipe hanging off the back and dragging on the road. 35mph and not a care in the world. good thing we had a few showers the last few days.
Tim in OR
yep , that will work , I have seen that done around 1964 under a 60 chevy one ton stake truck when dad was building our house for mom and us,.Dad had the back end of the rebar hiked up high with a rope, and it was still hanging out 3 ft and He flagged the end .. for a 8 yr old kid , witnessing that inginuity. I thought my daddy was pretty sharp for a guy that only went to the 5th grade ,. and I don't think I ever employed that idea on anything besides a harrow between the front and rear axles on a tractor with a cultipacker behind ,. I made durn sure the harrow would not come loose and ruin the rear tractor tires ,. it workt good .
farm and rural living does indeed create wiser people because of the peculiar circumstances our life style thrusts upon us to survive and therefore flourish,, with each battle won , it builds confidence and courage tenacity for most any redblooded young man or gal,. I recall when they were pouring the basement walls back in 64 ,. a red headed kid brought a 60 Ford concrete truck with the allis chalmers motor runnin the mixer tank ,.when all was done , and the kid handed dad the bill,. Dad asked him if he was in school and what grade he was in ,. he said he was sophomore and had his permit to drive ,and his daddy had a guy off work with a broken leg , and they needed to get the concrete mixin and haulin done, while the concrete stayed green so it would not cold seam , they were runnin 4 different truks , and besides they wanted to finish concrete work so they could pik corn tomorrow ,. he put that truck anywhere Dad needed it ,. a yr later this same kid went over to Hull -Dobbs Ford in Louisville to test drive and perhaps buy a 65 XL 500 Galxie with a 390 4v , 4 speed ,. and he did buy the car and raced it at the local county drag strip,. funny story, he likes to tell to this day , the day he showed up a t Hull Dobbs he had bought a big truck transmission in the back of a 1950 Ford buzzard baitpikup truck , and was not very clean with a little oil on his bibed overhauls ,. but he and his brother had a wad of cash that would choke a horse between them, and they wanted to test drive a 390 Ford if they found one on the lot ,. The salesman sized them up,.and told them they could only ride with him to test drive ,. but he wanted to makesure they were serious about buying and could actually afford to buy the car ,.at which time Ol' Buck produced a wad of hundred dollar bills that made the salesmans eyes bug out. Buck said he understood and couldnt blame the man ,, and he was serious about buying , but really wanted to see how the Xl run out. and he wanted a firm price of how much the Xl would cost TODAY in HARD Cash MONEY ,, the poor salesman said he would get with his manager and figure that out . Buck asked him how much earnest money of he needed to let them drive alone the white XL , they agreed on a hundred dollar bill as collateral , and Buck and his brother Jim took off with the white XL 500 for a test drive,. they drove the XL to corydon ind to show his daddy, and get his approval, even though it was Bucks own money, his daddy asked Buck and Jim if the salesman knew they were driving out that far ,. and the boys looked at one another and said Nope , we Never told him we were taking it home to show ya daddy, we just go that idea when we come across the river ,, the old Dad pikt up the phone and called Hull Dobbs long distance,. the manager answered the phone , and he quikly recognized who was on the other end . both parties started laughing, The manager told the Dad , That He Just Dressed DOwn The poor salesman Good , and was about to call the police and report a stolen car since it was closing time .. he had no idea who the boys were and did not see them at all but he had done business with their daddy many times,.. the dad handed the phone over to Buck and whispered Boy you Fix This , cause you started it and make it rite , and don't haggle on the price, pay the man, whatever he says ,. well buck done a quik apology and then asked and agreed on the price then and there ,. the manager told him to keep the car overnite and since they had left the keys in the old Ford pikup they were gonna pull it in the shop and lok it down for the nite,, anmd theybwould settle up in the morning ,Which They Did,.,. That white 65 XL 500 FORD seen a lot of miles for the following 20 yrs , besides racing nearlky every weekend locally, they all used to go to Bristol and Daytona with it every yr to watch the races .. those Folx knew how to live Large,,. and they certainly learned from mistakes and were not stupid , they worked hard every day to keep that from happening

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