Brush grabber or bark stripper?


Well-known Member
I've had very little success using a brush grabber. Is there a better way to pull small trees out of the ground?

Why does YT always rotate my pics from phone? Rotate your head. GRRRR
Make cage for 2 goats fitting on front of terramite. Make cage so goats can only stick head out. call device the terragoater made by a terrahauter.
Remember the little guy in junior high science class I had searching high and low for a flux capacitor ?
Wrap a small chain around the plant so the more you pull the chain gets tighter and that will work Several wraps will grip and hold.
I need a brush puller not a tree puller, I can dig trees out with backhoe. Today, I needed to pull brush out near an electric meter. Sometimes I want to pull brush out in a flower bed, not dig it out. Not sure how well a tree puller would work on small brush. geo
CenTex Farmall,
I would not recommend getting a brush grabber. I paid around $50 on amazon. It won't work on small brush. I tried pulling out a walnut tree, about 3/4 inch at ground level. WORTHLESS. Makes a great bark stripper. If you find something that works on brush the size of you finger, please post. geo.
My father used to have a short chain with small 1/4" links and a ring that you could choke around brush and gripped well since the links were small and conformed to the trunk tightly. Now tho I'm not sure where that chain is, haven't thought about using it since I got my Deere loader backhoe about a half dozen years ago, with the narrow bucket I can slip the teeth under any kind of brush and remove it with minimal mess and without getting off the tractor. I then grab them with the thumb and pile the mess wherever I like. Last fall picked up a mini excavator, do the same thing but faster and more nimble.
use a hatchet to clean off the bark for 2 inches, and make sure it has at least 1/4" teeth on the gripper. Lengthening the pull end levers 50 % will increase the clamping effort. Look up Buckthorn Pullers. Jim
agree with the others, small trunk...small chain.
couple wraps, gradual force, it won't slip, no need for 2 people.

Real little stuff (did some today) I use the backhoe teeth as a shallow cultivator. back and forth. when they fall over, I hop off and pull em out with my hand. out for those black walnut saplings. Had a barely 2 incher growing by my shed a few years back, hooked a chain at the base......and spun my loaded tires.......on a 5000....huh?
Put chain through the loop of a free clevice. wrap chain around brush, tree, log etc. put end of chain back through clevice and loop it back on itself and hook. the clevice allows the chain to work as a hangmans knot. the harder you pull the tighter the loop gets. Works like a charm. Dont need no grabber

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