Funny difference in opinion!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
A good friend rolled his JD 445. He was not injured. The tractor did run for a time while upside down. It locked the motor. A short block is no longer available and was $2800 at last pricing. Fellow has one advertised as "low" hours. Then when you read the actual ad it say that the hours are 1500+. That is not low hours for a garden tractor to me. Do you think 1500 hours is low hours on a garden tractor.

PS the parts needed add up to over $3500. His mower is worth maybe $3000. I have tried to talking him into just trading his in as a parts machine but he will not even talk about it. He is going to end up with a repair bill that is as high as he could have bought a newer garden tractor for. That makes zero sense to me. He did not buy the current mower new it was ten years old when he bought it. So why not just move up for the same money????

So I would guess two different examples of differing opinions. LOL I had not even thought about the owner's view in those terms until I started this post.
I'd try to pull the spark plug/plugs? I don't know if it is a gas or diesel? I'm a Ford man that pulls JD equipment. If it is gas I'd put oil in the cylinders and see if it will free it up. I have done that with 2 cycle's that were locked up from putting the wrong gas in them. Worth a shot...MTP
Steve the issue is getting them to "fit" in the original hood. The newer Kawasaki motors are taller. So the hood can not close if you use the newer motors.
Kinda like guys who buy a $1500 8N then spend $3000 restoring it. End up with $4500 in a tractor with no modern features.
Other brands too btw.
You can bring a horse to water...
If it ran while upside down, it probably fried the crankshaft and all the bearings from lack of oil.
Do those things have pressure carburetors or fuel injection? I'm trying to figure out how a normal carb runs upside down for long enough to seize the engine.
Friend bought a nice 455 with 1200 or so hrs for $2650 at an auction last year and the diesels bring more than the gassers,he needs to keep his machine for parts and
look for another 445 or better yet a 455.
After seeing many time that they are selling nothing but junk now dads he my feel that he knows what he has if he gets his rebuilt. Any one who has rebuilt a classic tractor that needed more than a paint job probably has more in than its worth. Randy
1500 hours on a mower is a lot for me. I just bought a Craftsman, 25 hp, 50 inch deck, for 300. It has 600 hours on it, and it is a 1996 model.
I suspect that JD Seller knows more about John Deere equipment and motors that all of the rest of us combined.
I would simply figure its HIS MACHINE,,,,,,,HIS MONEY,,,,,,,,and HIS CHOICE and certainly no one else's business and not be concerned any further. People ARE ALLOWED to make wise or yes stupid economic choices and people ARE ALLOWED to their own choices regardless if one or one million others deem it wise or unwise. Live and let live and be concerned with your own personal life and be less concerned with your neighbor is my philosophy.

I subscribe to the "Serenity Prayer" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Its sure less stressful and more peaceful that way, hey if we all had the same opinions or way of doing things wouldn't it be a boring world lol, so that's my opinion and those are my thoughts to which others are certainly entitled to agree or disagree.

Yall have a good one and God Bless

John T
I know nothing about that model but perhaps it has features on it that he likes and wants that is not avaible on a newer model. I don't know if it is gear drive or hydrastatic but if hydrastatic then it may have the hand speed control that I found out last year is not avaible any more, only foot speed control that I will not buy a tractor with. So something like that would make a big difference in what to do and then to find a good one of the same model may take way longer than having it repaired and cost more than the repairs likely and then if you think it is a good one then you are likely to find needing repairs you had not counted on so it will cost you more again plus anouther wait but in repairing his he will know what he has. It had to meet his needs when he bought it and anything elso may not meet those needs satisfactorly. New is not always better or as good.
Knowledge is a powerful thing. It sometimes causes one to overlook things that another viewpoint might discover.
I bought a place and there was this jd445 left behind and the hood was cracked,side panels messed up,no grill,bad battery etc. Put a battery in it and after a bit it fired right up and ran smooth. hydro fluid was pouring out of the power steering cylinder. Long story short I got it in operating condition and with new blades it cuts nice. This is second year of operation and it doesn't use any oil and has 2490 hrs on the Kawasaki engine. It's not pretty but performs ok. This is the first JD of any kind that I've owned.
(quoted from post at 06:08:52 05/16/16) I would simply figure its HIS MACHINE,,,,,,,HIS MONEY,,,,,,,,and HIS CHOICE and certainly no one else's business and not be concerned any further. People ARE ALLOWED to make wise or yes stupid economic choices and people ARE ALLOWED to their own choices regardless if one or one million others deem it wise or unwise. Live and let live and be concerned with your own personal life and be less concerned with your neighbor is my philosophy.

I subscribe to the "Serenity Prayer" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Its sure less stressful and more peaceful that way, hey if we all had the same opinions or way of doing things wouldn't it be a boring world lol, so that's my opinion and those are my thoughts to which others are certainly entitled to agree or disagree.

Yall have a good one and God Bless

John T
Personally, I like to see people spend their extra money on equipment and repairs they don't need than spend it on gambling and alcohol. But it is still their money. Well put John T.

I certainly don't want to start a firestorm but the epitome of this is the way everybody today looks at our presumable political nominee from each party. Talk about difference of opinion.
Well guys I see I got a conversation started. LOL

Pulled the spark plugs first thing. I am 90% sure it fried the crankshaft. There is zero backlash. If the pistons where stuck you would be able to rock it a little but it is rock hard stuck.

I will pull the motor later this week. Maybe he will luck out and it is just the rods stuck to the crank and the crankshaft is salvageable. The piston bores look good as I looked down them with a bore scope. So maybe we can get by with new rods, rings, and a gasket set. This is the HOPE your lucky forecast. LOL
when an engine is's dead.
Find a used engine and swap it.
Can't find an engine?
If they made more than one JD 445.........there is one for sale someplace.
Buy another, take the best parts of both and make one very nice machine.

I do understand the attachment. i had a car once that had so many engines/trans combinations that I swapped in....and body panels after crashing it multiple it $-wise? nope, but I sure did like that car!
Thank you, my current philosophy had developed after yearsssssssssssss (0ne advantage of growing older) lol its just so peaceful and relaxing and makes a person so free when you "let go and let God" and arent concerned with your neighbors opinions (or a lawn mower) and just take care with God Family and Country as your priorities.

From an old Jimmy Buffett song about an old gentleman........" Now he lives in the islands, fishes the pilons and drinks his green label each day, writing his memoirs loosin his hearing, BUT HE DONT CARE WHAT MOST PEOPLE SAY"

Old John T

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