Is there ever a good time to have Lyme disease?


Well-known Member
It sure isn't now! I've been watching four spots that I
found ticks on after fencing a while back. They all
turned into a bullseye about the time the fatigue set
in. Went to the doctor today. That clinched it.

With my arthritis I'm sure the two will gang up to
make life fun at some point in the future. I'm hoping
the antibiotics help with the fatigue soon. I've got
750 acres of beans to get in before long and falling
asleep at the wheel of that planter won't go well!
We'll pray for you. Don't push it too much... it's very serious stuff. Good you got a diagnosis right away and are on antibiotics.

We knew a young gal in her 20's that got a delayed diagnosis and Lyme's whooped her... I mean REALLY whooped her.
My neighbor got it about 20 years ago - from the same quarter of ground near as she can figure. It nearly killed her as they didn't catch it soon enough. She's permanently disabled from it. The doctor was all bent out of shape that I had waited weeks to come in. I wanted to make sure and not cry wolf. Stubborn farmer.
DEET 40 and lots of it.
Shoes, jeans , shirt , cap, drop jeans and spray underwear.
Don't leave home without it, and spray up good. Deer brought us al, these ticks.
Weren't here 40 years ago.
I have had ticks latch on me and went to doctor right away and given a packet antibiotics to take. My doctor told me any time I get one on me to come in and they start you on antibiotics. Hope antibiotics kick in and help you soon.
Ticks seem earlier this year. I have not had any on me yet but I have been getting them off one dag for a few weeks now.

Hope all goes well with the meds and Docs orders.
A friend of mine, year older, married to my classmate, got Lyme disease a few years ago, didn"t know it for a while. I visited him in the nursing home two weeks ago. He"ll never go home again. Take care of yourself.
Sorry to hear that, I had it late last summer, concentrated into my left shoulder, no fatigue, just the bullseye rash. I never saw or found a tick on me either, last time I had one was months before. My shoulder felt as if someone was drilling the joint with a 5/16" bit, my arm was just about completely useless.

For all those in tick land, PERMETHRIN, applied to your clothing, check out the you tube video showing the difference. Its a good barrier, and once they touch it, they will drop off and die.

They gave me doxycycline for 10 days. Seems I'm cured, but I will be doing some follow up just the same. Never wait, been bit, find a way to get those antibiotics regardless, whatever it takes, rash or not, get the MD or whomever to prescribe them.

Go to a Lyme literate doctor that will actually give you enough antibiotics to cure it quickly as possible..Most local doctors don't treat it long enough...Some doctors don't even acknowledge that Lyme exists....My wife was bitten at age 18 in 1971 and it wasn't correctly diagnosed until February 2008....She felt lousy for 37 years and most doctors said that it was in her head....She had bad headaches,terrible fatigue,aching joints,sores,etc...She is now some better but will never be even close to 100% because it went untreated for so long..

At Christmas 2007 my wife was in terrible shape and could barely get out of bed.....I and my son typed in all her symptoms on the computer.....It all pointed to Lyme....We searched for a Lyme literature doctor in our state and there were only two of them whom were both booked up for a year...She got on the cancellation list and got it within 2 months...We saw patients there from coast to coast..

There seems to be an epidemic of it in my area....People found about about my wife having it and have called her for advice....Shes referred quite a few people to her doctor and several have went to him and are much better now...One was in a wheel chair and is now walking again..His local doctor said that there was no such thing as Lyme..
Stupid computer...It changed Lyme literate doctor to Lyme literature doctor....It seems to think it knows what I want to say and I have to watch it..

The ticks are terrible in my area this year....For some reason they don't get on me but a friend had 4 on him the other day when we were in a junk yard...There will be more and more Lyme cases...This area had no deer until the late 1960's but now we are over run with them....

Lyme killed a good tractor collector friend of mine 50 miles away....
With the wet year, tics are nasty here. Already took 3 off the wife and have felt a couple crawling on me, but they didn't attach themselves yet. even find them crawling through the house

Make sure you get long enough antibiotic treatment and enough dosage.
Quite often the little buggers have other stuff like bartonella and babesia in addition to the lyme. At least you had the bullseye show up.
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