Get someone to mow the other field


Well-known Member
I have been mowing a 10 acre field for a lot of years. Now all of a sudden I need a contractor license, even though I carry a million dollars worth of liability insurance. Just because there are new houses next to the field. They think being a contractor will protect them more, if something happens, which is very slim mowing.I tried to explain, that a contractor will probably carry the same insurance as I have. The guy said I can still mow the 25 acre field he owns, in a more open area. I told him why don't you get some one to do that field also. I have enough German, and Norwegian in me to be just stubborn enough to pass up the other job also. Stan
I am with Richard, find somebody else it aint worth your time. Contractor would probably charge them twice the money.
A contractor with a license just means he will charge more to do the job. Doesn't mean he will do a better job.
Yep, tell him all or none. I did a $450 mow job for a gal once, after I was done she told me she was impressed when I mowed the one area as it was really steep and she had to mow it backing up the hill...which starved a bearing in the transmission on her tractor and it was now in the shop. Next year her husband comes over when I am mowing the neighbor's field and wonders if I will mow the steep part for them. I think you know what I told him....
What kind of contractor, exactly, do they want you to be? I ask because all of the contractors I know are in the building trades. I have never even heard of a contractors license to mow a field.

Personally I'd have done exactly what you did, but would have told them to figure out exactly what license they wanted me to have first. Not that it would change the decision to tell them to shove it, but simply to make them realize just how stupid their demand was when they couldn't find a contractors license that specifically mentioned mowing....which would be the ONLY thing relevant to the work at hand other than the amount of liability insurance you carry.
Stan if you have a business license then you are a contractor. Some things require a specialized licence (plumber, electrician) others don't (land clearing, nonexplosive demolition). Every day way are bombarded with different requirements from different towns and municipalities and DEHEC. Some so stupid it's unbelievable. It's just the hoops they make you jump through.

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