Local Farmer Fatality Be Carefull Ya'll


Well-known Member
Bostic, NC
We had a local farmer electrocuted this week. He was spraying wheat and lifted the left 45 ft spray boom into power transmission lines. I didn't realize we had any sprayers around here that big. He might have survived but he climbed down and as soon as his foot hit the ground with his hand on the grab bar he was electrocuted. 66 years old and farmed all his life. Somehow it seems to hurt a little more when there's a tractor involved.
It's sad. We try to be careful but sometimes we slip up. My neighbor caught a 7200 volt line when he was folding the 90 foot boom on his Fast sprayer. This model of Fast folds the outer half of the booms up and over so they fold on top of the inner half of the boom. All it did was melt a few hoses. He could hear and feel the buzzing.
Very sad to hear. There was a video on the internet on what to do if you are in your car that is in contact with power lines. One of the things was not to touch the car and the ground at the same time. The other which I didnt know is you are supposed to shuffle your feet closely together for about 40 feet out from the car as the ground is energized as well. If you step too wide you will get electrocuted. I didnt know that. There is a lot to think of in a already dangerous situation.
A few yrs ago I had went out with p.up to check storm damage after it passed and got tangled up with high line wires. Was lucky that neighbor was in his yard and he called R.E.C. I stayed in p.up until elec.was cut. I was on a road that had a dead spot for cell phone,so thankful for neighbor being threre.

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