CL agrivation


Well-known Member
Why do sellers do things like this? I was searching White tractors on Craigslist Sunday. Came across the nicest 2-105 that I've seen since they were new and sitting on the dealers lot. The ad was posted March 26. Fifty miles from home,ten thousand dollars. I wanted it bad,but didn't know if I really wanted to spend the money right now. I couldn't get the darned thing out of my mind,so just for the heck of it,I sent an email yesterday afternoon to see if he'd had any serious inquiries on it. I had a new email this morning saying that it sold right away. THEN TAKE DOWN THE AD!
I can sympathize. They beech if you send them an email asking is it still available but never take down the ads when sold. I have gotten to the point I do not inquire on anything over about 10 days old. Sellers anymore, CL, ebay or whatever, act like they are owed something and that buyers are the only ones with issues.
Whenever my Dad calls about a tractor and they say he'll get so mad he'll say he's gonna buy another brand tractor, lol.

Probably way to far for you but a farmer friend of mine farmed his last time last year and is selling all his stuff. He has white/oliver every thing except for a big JD. It's all in good condition and well maintained. I think they're doing an auction on sheridan realty online auctions in a week or so.
What's the name? There's one in Hudson,but I don't see any Olivers or Whites on that one. One in St Johns has a big White FWA and an Oliver 2255 FWA. I didn't see any others coming up right away on Sheridan's site.
I called a guy on a bass boat the other day. He was real confused said he wasn't selling one. I kept telling hi, more and more about the boat and then he said, "I remember now, I sold that three years ago".
Sometimes when someone calls me and buys something, but they are driving or don't have the means to write an address, I will put SOLD in the ad and leave it for a day or so until they can get the address. Also let's others know it has been sold and keeps the calls down, for the reason stated above.That would be at least a couple of reasons for WTF I guess - Bob
I have only bought several things off craigslist and had no problems. I will not Email any of them because most are bad at responding and answering your questions if they even answer your questions.
We don't have craigs round me but have another online junk mart instead. something that annoys me is a guy lists a tractor, then the picture isn't the one they are selling. There has been a fordson listed for parts 3 hours from here.

it was needing to drop a bit in price for a super major that was shown in the pictures for me to go get it. Gradually the price has got closer, so click on the add to call the guy. Well I guess he's changed the pictures and it is now a 1953 tractor that's not worth the asking price.

I know the questions to ask for the difference between the models, many don't know the answers, so asking don't help or they won't send more pictures. I'm betting somebody else drove 3 hours to look at a super major for parts, and near strangled the guy when they saw it wasn't. so he had to change the picture. This thing was on with the wrong picture for near 2 months and had loads of hits so somebody had to go look!.
Why leave it up? I was just doing a search in some outlying areas and found one posted March 9 that said SOLD instead of taking it down. Is he bragging that he used to have the item or what?
Hi CenTex
I see that quite often at least if a guy can read he knows not to call L.O.L. I think it might have to do with cell phones/Iphones. one of our local online junk marts you can edit from an i phone but you can't remove the listing,or add sold in red like they say in the add option list. You have to be on a home computer/internet connection. The question was asked on that sites general discussion forum last week and the site owner answered with thats why the adds are still up or not got sold on in some cases.
Regards Robert
Maybe he isn't too computer savvy and had someone post the add for him, waiting for his helper to remove it?
then you have the people who want to know if you have anyone interested in it ???? what's up with that ???
That should be the first question a potential buyer asks. There was a 1650 Oliver on there a year ago. I called the guy as soon as I got chores done in the morning. He said he still had it. I told him I was on my way,I'd be there in about an hour and a half. It was 75 miles away or so. I hit a detour for bridge construction,his directions sucked. It took me just over two hours to get there and find the place. I got there,somebody came out of the house,I asked if I had the right place. He said "Yea,my brother's not here.". I asked if the tractor was there so I could look at it? He said "No,it went out of here about a half hour ago.". I said "I told him I was on my way!". He said "Yea,he said he had two guys coming. He wondered which on would get here first.". Seemed to get a big chuckle out of it like it was a game or something.
So ya,"Do you have anyone interested" is the first thing I want to know. If he'd have told me he had somebody else coming,I'd have told him I'd call after lunch to see if the guy took it instead of spending four hours on the road for nothing.
What's it been,12 days? Seems like they could have done something by now. He emailed me back,so he must know how to at least do that much.
WOW..That is the sharpest 105 I've ever seen. There's several thousand bucks in rubber on the rear, low hours, well maintained cab, jeez $10k was a freaking steal.
Tell me about it! Last one I saw on an auction that was even close to that one brought $16,500. I went and looked at a 2-85 a few weeks ago. The cab was completely shot,the hood and sides looked like they'd been run over,tires were round and black,but that's about all I can say. They wanted $5500 for that one.
For ten grand,they really had me wondering if this one was a scam or if it had some serious internal issues that they weren't about to talk about.
I believe it. If you'd have said they wanted $17000 for that tractor I'd have believed you. I'm thinking it had to have been some sort of scam. Or a misprint. What do 18.4-38 Firestone Radials cost apiece? Anybody know? All i know is they aren't cheap and this sucker got 4 of em'!
There are very few "Truth in Advertising laws". Many used car lots put a sharp vehicle out front to draw attention and bring in potential customers. They have no intention of selling their attention-grapper. One local lot has put out the same pickup two springs in a row. Leaving the ad up might be better advertising for the dealer than any paid newspaper ad. Leaving it up and varying the price would help him gauge the demand for those tractors.
I don't go there any more. I got tired of trying to sell something having people call set up a time too look and then never show. All the stuff I sell now goes to a consignment auction.
How can people can post the same ad with the same wording and same pictures and same contact information on every craigslist in a 200 mile radius?

I tried to do it a couple times myself because I see it done all the time, and got slapped down by craigslist #2 IMMEDIATELY because it knew I posted the same exact ad on craigslist #1.

So, I tried changing the wording. Cragslist #2 IMMEDIATELY slapped me down again because the wording was "too similar" to another ad on another craigslist.

So, I completely changed the wording. Cragslist #2 comes right back and slaps me down because the pictures were the same as what I'd posted on craigslist #1!!!

So I used different pictures. Craigslist #2 slaps me down AGAIN because I'm using the same email address!

In order to post to multiple craigslists, you have to:
1. Completely rewrite the ad, using NO words from the original ad. "Farmall M" has to become "International Harvester tractor with letter between L and N" or else it won't let you post it.
2. Use completely different pictures. Apparently it compares some tag imbedded in the picture.
3. Come up with a completely different email account for each posting.

Yet, I see people posting IDENTICAL ads on half a dozen craigslists in the area! Sometimes half a dozen times on the same craigslist! HOW?
I use craigslist a lot and try to take my adds down but a couple times I have went into my email and deleted the add and the email, then find out the add still there and no way to get rid of it. But they are supposed to auto delete in 45 days so 3 years would not be there. Also someone made a comment about waiting for people who never show while someone else said they got there it was already gone, not craigslist fault, just bad business from some people.
I never had a problem posting on more than one area with same stuff. You just have to go to your email one at a time, you cannot enter multiples in the I AREE/ACCEPT or whatever page it is. We have dealers here that have the same adds on several areas every day. But the very worst place to do business is facebook, lowballers and people cutting in on you, and most people will have you send pics and details after you price them something and you never hear from them again.
No. They've got a rough one that they're asking ten for. If they'd had that one,as nice as it was,I'll bet they'd have had $17,500 on it.

It helps if you look at Craigslist not as a classifieds site, but as a challenge. :lol:

I've been on both the buyer and seller ends. Bottom line is you have to mentally inoculate yourself before proceeding AND you have to have a sense of humor.

Regarding why people put "SOLD" in an ad instead of deleting it. I'm 99% sure this is a taunt to all the inevitable lowballers that emailed them telling them they were out of their mind and offering them half the asking price.

I listed an outboard motor one time on Craigslist. It was a 15 HP outboard and it had electric start, which was extremely rare on this small of an outboard from this era. Some jackwagon emailed me within minutes of posting with a taunting email about how I had my head up my buttski and I would NEVER get my asking price.

So when I sold it within hours of posting the ad, I replied with a picture of the cash and other specific instructions about where he could stick his uninformed opinion.

It's not a classifieds site, it's a challenge.

Correction,they want 95 for the one they have. I just checked. Close enough for government work.
So if you go back looking for ad that you saw previously you know it sold and didn't just disappear because some jack legs flagged it off the site. I really don't see the issue.

The one that ticks me off is when people will include every freaking thing under sun so the sort feature doesn't work. A person is selling a Chevy 1500 pickup but at the end of the ad they put 2500, F150, F250 Toyota, Yukon, suburban, Bronco, Dodge, Ford, Explore, Expedition and so on so every search brings up their loser ad.
I see the same thing all the time on CL.

The one that gets me - sometimes they edit the listing to say - SOLD, in addition to the description. - LOL
Couldn't find it either. Maybe it's not tell next month or something. I'll ask him next Sunday were he's selling them and let you know.
I got ahold of Ryan on that one just for the heck of it. It doesn't even have air. Never did have right from the factory.
Was just looking at trucks on CL and exact same add and picture was on 2 different ones one add just above the other. What I cannot do is get it to bring up contact information.
If I've emailed my phone number to a bunch of people about an ad I put on CL I always edit the ad and put sold in the heading when it sells,otherwise if I just take it off as soon as it disappears I'll
get a bunch of calls to see if I still have the item.
Some do that in Ebay listings with negation as a way of adding useless key words.

E.G., "67 Camaro for sale.....NOT a Porshe 917, NOT a Hudson Hornet..." etc.

I'm sure you've seen those too.
Idiots, lowballers, tire-kickers, no-shows are not unique to craigslist. You guys remember newspaper classifieds, Pennysavers the Swap Sheet? That was Craigslist before there was a Craigslist.

It's just that social media has made it so much easier to post the ads and reply to them. When you had to call to place the ad or reply to one, you had to muster up the courage to dial the phone and talk to a STRANGER! Oh my! You'd be surprised at how many people are shy.

You just can't let it get to you. After a while you develop a feel for who are the idiots and tire kickers.

One tip I have to weed out the no-shows is to make yourself busy. I can only meet you during these hours on this day. That way you limit how much you wait around and give the buyer a sense of urgency to actually show up. I've never had a no-show working like that.

I just still want to know how to post to multiple craigslists. I never get to the email stage. It shuts me down at the PREVIEW.
The original one you posted was definitely worth $10K.
Ive looked at a few in that price range that were not even close to being as clean.


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