OT Follow up to jury duty

David G

Well-known Member
I showed up this morning, clerk of court verified that I had submitted my paperwork correctly, no trials this week, I am done.
Had to do it last fall for a couple weeks. Pretty much the same thing for local county circuit court. No trials or got the thumbs down for jury selection. Lawyers must have liked my right-wing conservative background. One trial was for insurance fraud. Never got on the jury for that one either, but was ready to tell the judge that I was biased because I hated insurance companies.
When I have jury duty, there is a number I can call24-7 to find out if trial is a go or cancelled. If cancelled that's it, I'm done.
Really...for some reason I am locked in for 2 weeks(on call)have to call in at 11:30 to find out this is the last week..My neighbor showed up for jury duty and listened to the prelims..A guy was suing another for 3,000,000..neighbor said"holy balls that's a lot of money".they walked over to him and said..Mr.Harmon we will not need your services."
I had to be on a jury once and ended up loving it!! I can understand it may be a burden for some but the court house is only 20 minutes away from me and my company will pay me regular wages up to a month so I'm not out anything really.. For lunch they gave us a menu and we highlighted what we wanted and they brought it to us. My trial lasted 3 days. It was interesting and the goof ball attorneys made it down right comical at times. Can't wait to go back!!
I got called over 20 years ago; they had us up in the jury boix for questioning and one of the attorneys said, "Mr. Railsback, I see on your questionnaire that you listed your occupation as 'parasite;' What do you mean?"

I answered " I work for the government which I did." I thought the judge was going to bust out laughing. Needless to say I was excused.
(quoted from post at 09:21:03 02/16/16) Had to do it last fall for a couple weeks. Pretty much the same thing for local county circuit court. No trials or got the thumbs down for jury selection. Lawyers must have liked my right-wing conservative background. One trial was for insurance fraud. Never got on the jury for that one either, but was ready to tell the judge that I was biased because I hated insurance companies.

Really? What about stores marking up products to cover shop lifting? And they ALL do that from little mom and pop places to super stores. Insurance companies do the same thing. They pay a lot of small claims they know are fraudulent because it's cheaper than having a lawyer get everything together to turn over to the police. Plus if they tried every case like that for anything from a couple of hundred dollars to a thousand or so it would anger the public and result in a fine. When they do that they pass the cost of the fraud onto all of their policy holders. So you are OK with paying for shop lifting but not OK for paying for fraud?


I've been called 4 times but have never served on a jury. The 1st time they ask me if I'm Ok with awarding damages, I tell them that I'm OK as long as it's not some astronomical amount that the lawyers get the most. That usually gets me off and I'm being perfectly honest.
I've never been called for a criminal case.
I've been a registered voter all my life and lived in same county for 37 yrs. and never called for jury duty. We were building a house, sold our and move in with the in-laws in the neighboring county. Hadn't been there 4 months and got a summons to jury duty in the old county. Since I didn't live there I was excused. Lived with the in-laws for about 6 months and had a chance to house sit at a place just a 10 minute drive to the new place in yet another county. Yes, got called for jury duty in the in-laws county and excused from that. Now I've lived in this county 23 yrs. and have yet to be called to serve. The wife got the call late last year, she had to call in on Monday to see if they needed her for that week, for three weeks in a row. Never had to go.
(quoted from post at 17:21:03 02/16/16) Had to do it last fall for a couple weeks. Pretty much the same thing for local county circuit court. No trials or got the thumbs down for jury selection. Lawyers must have liked my right-wing conservative background. One trial was for insurance fraud. Never got on the jury for that one either, but was ready to tell the judge that I was biased because I hated insurance companies.

So it's all right to screw the insurance company? Maybe you should cancel all of yours and take your chances with fortuitous events out of your own pocket (maybe you do now). Fraud and bloated settlements are only a couple of reasons that premiums are so high.

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