I've never liked centipedes!

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
A couple of photos if my leg.
First one is on the side of my ankle and the second one my knee cap. They're just starting to get to the itch stage.

(quoted from post at 10:10:15 02/12/16) A couple of photos if my leg.
First one is on the side of my ankle and the second one my knee cap. They're just starting to get to the itch stage.


Those things can be nasty. When I was in the USAF went TDY to Turkey. We used to go catch Scorpions and Large Centipedes place them in a pan. Make them mad at each other to get them to fight it out. Centipedes won about 50% of the time.

We did this cause we got tired of knocking them out of our boots every morning. Never knew which one would you would find in your boots.
Looks like its healing up niceley. Now to use some of your YT quotes

That doctor bought good tools,,and did good work

Your scars will buff right out////get well soon,,,,Larry
Accident with your Bostitch electric stapler? Good thing they had the stapler or they would of had to run you up on the Singer.

Follow their recovery advice to the letter. I know folks who ignored it and were too active too early and they are paying hell for it. Take your time, do it right, and your recovery will be complete and the surgery will be far, far more successful.
HOLY SMOKE! What'd ya do???

Looks like you won't be jogging up to hop on any wagons at Le Sueur!
Hate to see that, I had a compound fracture of my left ankle in 1982, little bone at the ankle was shattered, big bone out of the socket, 8 days in hospital, 2 wks. in bed except to go to bathroom, 17 wks. off work. Hurt for close to 20 years, foot felt loose on the leg and then it was good finally, doesn't bother me at all now unless I sprain it or spend much time on a ladder.
You didn't do the staple job yourself, did you? Because if you did, you sure did a pretty good job. I tried stapling myself a couple of times because I have all kinds of staple guns, some mechanical (T-50), several using the compressor and I figured that doing myself would have been cheaper than going to the hospital, and it mostly was at first. On the air tank, I probably should have turned down the regulator from 95 lbs because it would have prevented me from having to staple the other side where the first staples went through and came out. And, I probably only should have drank just enough to numb me a little instead of getting to the point where I missed to whole area all together and actually repaired the dog that really didn't need repairing. But after I sobered up, I got it right, after I turned down the regulator to about 24 lbs. As far as the itch goes, I took most of my staples out two years ago but the ones I couldn't get out still itch. I probably should have boiled them and maybe used shorter ones. 3/4 inchers seemed a bit long, but they were the shortest one I had and worked after I bent them over so they quit poking holes through my shirt, pants, and my boots.

Ok, now that I hope that I took your mind off of it...what in the world happened to you? Looks like you're going to be lucky when all is said and done, BUT what in the world did you do that you won't ever do again?


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