Agenda for today

While this is just a normal day for most of you this is a big holiday for us.
In some sections of town more business will be closed today than are closed on Christmas day.
Suppose to be sunny and 57 today but add in a little alcohol and running around for worthless trinkets and them fools out there will never notice the cold.
In fact I can safely say there will be more than a handful of people that will not remember today when tomorrow gets here.
If you have ever been to Mardi Gras you know very little is off limits today.

I can remember a little over 10 years ago.
My wife; just married son; and I took my new DIL (not from here) to the quarter this time of year.
We were all walking down the street when we noticed a girl trying to persuade some guys up on a balcony to give her a big stuffed animal. My son and I stopped and waited for the action to take place. Guys were gathering with camera in hand. My poor DIL kept asking my wife what was going on as she had no idea what was fixing to happen. When the girl lifted her shirt and my DIL realized why we were standing there I thought she was going to come unglued on the top of my sons head. Sure glad she did not have a frying pan or such as she would have clunked him good.

For me I think I will just stay here and do some things in the yard.
Grill me a big rib eye steak later on as this is the last day I can eat red meat for several weeks.

So Happy Mardi Gras to all; no matter where you live.


So you are going to stay home and do some things in the yard?

Is that the official story we are telling your wife when she comes back from babysitting?

No problem... Hope you have a good one.

Fat Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Fat Ash Thursday...
Yes that is.
Like I said....
Very little off limits today.
Things that will get you arrested a week ago or tomorrow are fair game today as the cops will usually look away even if someone is complaining about it.
Crowds are just to big to fuss over the little stuff.
Worthless Trinkets???

I have a 18 month old grand daughter that loves to play with all the beads I collected in 1973 when I was their. She likes to see if she can put them all on at one time. She won't take them off until she leaves. She takes after her Dad who use to play with them thirty some years ago.

You are right about one thing though. I didn't remember much about that fat Tuesday. I'm glad I out grew that facet of my life.
I would find something to do in the yard, too. That's WAAAY too many people for me. The weather sounds nice, though. 57 and sunny in February here and you'd see very few coats being worn, and some would be down to T-shirts.
Yes centash it is a pretty big party.
The main activity starts with the annual greasing of the poles last Friday morning and goes threw midnight tonight.
So the have been some out there that have been partying for 5 days straight now.

They grease the poles to stop people from climbing them up onto the balconies.


Had the chance to be there a couple of days before Tuesday in 1991. I am not a party person but everyone was saying you gotta go! MAN Bourbon Street is on it's own damn planet! That picture is in day light. Wait till the sun sets! As you said the cops are so cool. They have horses and they just stand to the side as all of these half bombed chicks want to come over and pet the horses on the muzzel! One thing, if you like GOOD jazz that is the place to go. All up and down the district of bars and clubs they have live jazz and you can just go from one to another. Around New Orleans there are like nine or ten radio stations and all they play are different kinds of Jazz. Most everyone has no idea that bourbon street itself is only maybe six blocks of craziness. The French Quarter is what we are talking about. That city is still on the recovery list after the big storm. Trouble is if you built your house 21 feet BELOW sea level sooner or later.
Oh, by the way, the Marine landing ship Guadalcanal Was pulling in on Saturday. Party on!!
No actually while the party is going on everything is WAY cool. Everyone is just having a GOOD time!
We do things a little different up here in the German part of Minnesota.

We had Bockfest in town on Saturday.

It was nice this year, it got above freezing! Last year it was near zero, a lot of beer taps and cups of beer froze.

They have some camp fires going, and caramelizing the beer with hot pokers in the fires.

But it is all outdoors.

I don't think beads are real popular, I don't think anyone wants to take clothes off in these temps......

Got about 4500 attendance this year, not bad for a town of 15,000. They had easy parking, the Targest store closed the last day of January, so the lot was plumb full of cars and tour busses.

Brings a lot of people to town, but it don't think many stay long.

On Friday they have a Fashing celebration, which would be the German version of Fat Tuesday. So it is a weekend deal. But the outdoor deal on Saturday at the brewery is the neat deal.

I haven't gone in 15 years. Got married 15 years ago, wife doesn't like beer, cold, or crowds, so that was about that.......

Schells Bockfest
A friend of mine grew up around there and would tell me tales of his exploits at these gatherings. Sounded like it would be fun to watch.
We had Bockfest in town on Saturday.

Hey, Paul!! My daughter was up in New Ulm this past week to visit at the college. Funny she didn't mention the BockFest! I had kidded the girls going up that the brewery tour was probably on their agenda, little did I know the real Fest was going on! She's an extremely studious type, but did travel up with a Pastor's daughter, and you may know what they are like! I know that's where I would have been.

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