For you awful dairy farmers


Well-known Member
On my facebook account, some people I know are discussing why everybody should stop drinking milk - because dairy cows are treated so badly.
I loved this particular argument so much I thought I'd share:

Dairy cows for milk companies that mass-produce milk have NO life, are kept pregnant their entire lives (so they continue to lactate - they are impregnated artificially) and kept in these tiny pens where they can barely move with their nipples attached to machines.
Obviously that was stated by someone who has never stepped foot on a real diary. In my opinion and from my own personal experience dairy cows are treated better than any other animal on earth. Except maybe the dog or high dollar show horse. The dairy cow is fed the best possible feed, kept in clean comfortable buildings that are designed to both keep them cool and warm. So maybe the person who wrote that needs a little first hand experience. Spoken from a former dairyman and a friend to dairy farmers everywhere. Gary
Wow! I wonder what source they have for their information. That almost sounds like some animated Sci-Fi horror film. I wonder if they know that they fart also? Those folks better change their diets considerably to avoid anything dairy or anything produced by those companies. Then that will show 'em!
And she was the expert in group.

I know exactly what she was thinking - she's seen pictures of cows in stands being milked, she just assumed they LIVED there. :)

That's just how the world looks when you come from Boston. Everybody there is an expert, and anybody living west of them is doing it wrong, no matter what it is, but ESPECIALLY when it comes to the humane treatment of animals.

Funny side note - I just took my daughter into Boston for the day last weekend. She wore her 4H Beef Camp sweatshirt.

There was a constant buzz behind us as we walked the crowded streets. It was pretty funny. People just didn't know what to make of it, but were afraid to ask.
That person is displaying more ignorance than they realize. Since when do cows have nipples. That's not what I learned.
You can be the voice of reason and experience in a crowd,but some people don't care how big of a fool they make of themselves. They'll argue til they're blue in the face that the sky is green even if everybody else can see that it's blue.
These people ( so called animal lovers) that complain about how farmers take care of their livestock have no idea what's really going on in the real world. They live in their own little world.
I agree. Doing a feed analysis for a dairy herd is more in depth than what any dietitian would do for a person!

Well to make them happy I will put up a complaint box on the wall, the cows can right down there problem and slip it in!
As my old pappy use to say "Pretty easy to complain about your food when your backbone ain't a rubbin on your belly button"
Gary, some people just can't keep themselves from violating that old rule: " Remain silent & be thought a fool or open it & remove all doubt!". There she be.
The worst part is whoever wrote that idiocy probably votes and most likely already has or will reproduce.
It's hard to argue with someone who believes that a farmer who relies on a herd of animals for his income would ever do anything that would compromise production. If I told them I was not going to fertilize the corn or control weeds they would think I was crazy. Yet they think somehow it makes sense that dairies would mistreat their animals and harm production.

The lack of forethought also amuses me. So let's shut down the dairies and drink soy milk. What happens to the cows? Release them all in Yellowstone? I know, we should find them "forever homes" where they can eat a bale a day plus grain and no one will expect anything back from them. That must be it...yeah...
I posted a video of a robotic milker where the cows just walk up on their own free will whenever they want to be milked.

She didn't have much to say about that.

I was hoping for more of an argument, but the conversation ended.

I guess it's hard for them to protest when it's the cows "mistreating" themselves.
(quoted from post at 05:22:03 02/02/16) On my facebook account, some people I know are discussing why everybody should stop drinking milk - because dairy cows are treated so badly.
I loved this particular argument so much I thought I'd share:

Dairy cows for milk companies that mass-produce milk have NO life, are kept pregnant their entire lives (so they continue to lactate - they are impregnated artificially) and kept in these tiny pens where they can barely move with their nipples attached to machines.

That pic came across my fb page also. A lady from Australia commented that farmers also kill the calves so they can have all the milk instead of feeding them.
My favorite is it takes 2400 gallons of water, 12 pounds of grain, 35 pounds of topsoil to produce one - that is one pound of meat.

Someone sent this to our local paper. I wrote back that given all the cattle on feed, the numbers slaughtered, and the amount of grain produced, all numbers available from the USDA, the writer's numbers did not add up as we were consuming more grain than we produced, not allowing for exports. I noted that the water numbers likely included grain and grass production and that if we pulled cattle off pasture soil water retention would certainly fall creating massive fields of dead slowly decaying material that would adversely affect everything.

There was a letter today fretting over the release of carbon into the atmosphere via the burning of fossil fuels where "the carbon will remain forever." Seemingly the carbon cycle wasn't taught at this guy's school or he was absent that day. Furthermore, where does he think all the carbon in fossil fuels came from? Could it be the Earth's original atmosphere that was largely carbon and uninhabitable?

This is what happens when schools do not teach chemistry, physics, or economics, when emotion and sentiment override reason and logic, when anthropomorphization takes hold and animals are thought to be equal to humans, when it is conceivable that an abused animal can be a productive animal, when it is believed that your property is their property.
As a great fan of science fiction.....Twilght Zone or Outer limits. "Too serve man" No don't go, it's a cook book!!!
Exactly right, Dave; do these crazies think that all these cattle, once freed from "bondage" are going to live in wandering herds like buffalo, contentedly grazing on our lawns and flower beds, with us driving around them in the streets. I wonder how many cattle these people would volunteer to provide care and feeding for?
It's getting so bad,that when you point out the "carbon" they're talking about is carbon dioxide,that part of air that we exhale and plants take in,they deny that!
Me thinks a number of folks protest too much... maybe it makes them feel better for some reason. In my neck of the woods, we have farmers who take better care of their cows than their kids, but we also have a number of folks who .. well let's just say could be a bit more caring. To suggest that all farmers take good care of their animals is just not realistic. I have known a few bad actors in my life and one in particular beat his cows, kids and wife and seemed more inclined to wax his tractor than feed his cattle. I got into it with the local Farm Bureau a few years back.. when they said(in print) all their members treated their animals in a kindly and humane way. I challenged their assessment..and after a few e-mail exchanges and 'phone calls.. they backed off. Farmers are people and just like the rest of society within our ranks we can find the good the bad and the ugly.
Gee , I wish I could have gotten into this thread sooner, and comment. Some how I was so busy today out in the barn neglecting my cows , that I didn't get in for lunch and see this topic. Oh , got to go and start getting things ready for night chores. Just grab a coffee , and back out to continue my evil ways.
Saw the same post. That same disgrace to her gender thought it was just cruel that after the cow didn't produce any longer or went down, they would have it butchered for burger etc. Spose she never ate a burger? What's she want to do let it die a pitiful death from old age? Has she ever seen how old,sick,weak animals end up dying at natures hands? Just plain agenda driven ignorance is all it is.

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