Well, winter is here!

Donald Lehman

Well-known Member
High winds last night. Power was out for about three hours. Foot of snow this morning. Plowed the drive way so I could get out to go after TMR and the milk truck could get in. Fifty feet visibility going after TMR. Six to eight inches of snow on the roads. A bit dicey with an empty dump truck. Another foot of snow since 7pm. Gotta plow out a spot to start a manure pile after I take the better half to work. Snow is almost knee deep where we haven't plowed...............

Weather guessers are thinking about 2 more feet today. Tug Hill could get another three feet. Yup, winter finally caught up with us. I expect once the snow clears it'll get colder'n a vampires kiss.
I used to drive semi for Great Lakes Cheese I would get to Adams once and awhile they sure get the snow over there! Jim

Oh, man! Wishing you and your wife and everyone out there a safe day.

Sheeesh, I'm sure glad we live west/south of The Great Lakes.
It's about 2 pm. we just finished plowing the driveways a second time after clearing out a spot for a manure pile. It has let up to a "light snow" at this time. Translation: I can actually see the barn from the house. (chuckle) Shoot Sweetfeet, we are used to it. We just laugh it off. Oh yeah, Jeff has to chop bedding yet today, too.

I'm sure glad we got that fuel pump replaced Sat.! Lol!

Yeah, Adams is on the western side of Tug Hill and hard off Lake Ontario. They can really get dumped on at times.
I quit(not the smartest thing I ever did) back in 1994. I always liked having to lay over in Newbury, they would put us up in the motel at the state park. There was a tavern almost next door to the plant, they had the best ribs I have ever had. I also have to say they were the nicest people I ever worked for. Jim

You just need to move 30 miles north Don. Cold, clear and windy here. Actually, we need a couple feet of powder to bank the foundations. I imagine we'll get it soon.

Keep yer socks dry friend!
Total Mixed Ration. blend of silages/forages, grain, minerals, etc, balanced for the nutritional needs of the group of cattle you are feeding; i e milkers high or low production, growing heifers, etc
That high of snow "yields" would probably just have me perpetually ticked off... at least all winter anyway. LOL

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