Fed and bedded cattle. Tightened up the chain and belts on the corn drag. Ground two loads of feed. What did you do?
Played games with Granddaughters, fed all animals and bedded some, ground feed and rebuilt chicken waterer. Note, I listed mine in order of importance.
Fed herd, hayed steers in feedlot, made two loaves of banana nut bread. Enjoying over an inch of rain with more on the way. Need to get in the shop and do some repairs instead of being here!
Suppose to be crappy weather coming in the next few day so worked on the generator on the back porch. Need to get some parts for it Monday before it will run. Fix some fence then fed cows and just finished this evening when it started raining.
Fed the cows and gave them some mulch hay for bedding as its so muddy out in the pasture, fed the horses and visit with then for a little while, fed chickens and brought in firewood, Worst job of the day was pitching hayledge out of my friends silo. That job sucks. Lol
Now I'm watching horse racing.
fed sons dog as he is out of town. Threw some hay bales to the cow so they could eat good before we get the big rainstorm in Missouri. Water running over the road now.
What is a corn drag? Assuming something to do with cattle? Never been around cows if so.

Slepin this morning till 6:30. Fed horses cats and dog. Worked on a D17D I am trying to make into a puller. Got the steering done. Took a nap around noon. Kids and grandkids are all at other in laws. House is quiet at last. Lol.
Bruce got any photos of you plowing, also how many you milking now. Are you going to have a track in the middle to feed the cows? thanks Kenny from SC 79 degrees today!
It was a sheety, day put new chutes on the barn cleaner, turned it on and went 6 or 8 inches and jumped and stopped! I see when I loosened the bolts for the hold down that comes out of the barn, it dropped down some then the chain caught it and broke it, going to weld it tomorrow!
Milked the cows, put in hay for the heifers then cleaned out their lot and hauled the manure up to the 40(10 mile round trip)
For me, to work is a blessing. The weather here in Michigan today has turned to rain. Not good to be outside in this weather when trying to get over a cold, so I stayed inside most of the day & did computer work.
Fed all of the snimals and slopped in the mud. Three weeks ago a sow died farrowing. There were two live pigglets and seven dead. I saved the two against my better judgement. I have two little buddies now that act like the dogs. They will still taste good. That's the mark of a farmer - being able to separate work and emotional attachments. You have to identify what makes financial sense. I'm not mending any wings, though. The dogs get those as snacks.
Went to the in-laws for Christmas dinner, in the city. Good meal, but no grace was said and we took home enough wasted food to feed our dog for a week. Maybe should play that verse there next time.

Got the old gal up, had her feed the hogs while I fed the bees. Pulled out the feed truck that got stuck-they sent out the wrong truck, driver could not get it backed into the barn. Carried in wood while she fixed a really great dinner. Drove over to see if they got done which the tractor, watched a little TV. Will get to spend time with kids next weekend. Hogs are looking good.
Helped my wife prepare tomorrows dinner as we are celebrating Christmas tomorrow to work around my wife's sister's chemo treatment. She gets another treatment monday morning so we are taking dinner to them in Grand Rapids (100 miles west) area. I love to cook when I have someone to cook for but when there is just the two of us it seems that we are good at making reservations. This is one of my favorite seasons with the special Church services, decorations and music. I so appreciate the talent of other people.
Got up at 7, checked out the fresh 7+ inches of snow that was in the way of progress. Went to town bought hundreds of dollars worth of groceries in preparation of the next 12" snow fall coming on Monday/Tuesday. Scooped deck and driveway, scooped father's driveway. Swept snow off the 4 grain trailer tarps. Fed calves, visited with neighbors who stopped by, went to friend's house and helped with his chores, fixed his fence, fed another neighbors cows because be was tied up hauling manure, visited with other neighbors afterwards. Christmas tomorrow; barley pops deserved.

Cheers, my friends

Ok, now I see what you're talking about. Never seen one, that stuff was probably gone from our family farm years ago. And down the road we have a big old barn with a drive through center and big corn cribs down each side.


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