Speak so I can undedrstand you


Well-known Member
These scammers just don't get it. If you are going to call at least speak so I can understand you. I cold barley understand this guy, and the back ground noise of other people doing the same thing to other people. He wanted to get into my computer to fix a problem. I told him to do something it will be impossible for him to do to himself, and hung up. Stan
It's not just the ones from overseas. There was one with such a heavy Bronx accent talking so fast one time that I couldn't understand a word he was saying and I told him so. Then he got cocky and started talking real slow and deliberate and asked if I could understand him now.
I used to hang up on these guys but now I love to have fun with them. When they ask to get into my computer I ask a bunch of question specifics about the problem and after all the answers I tell them how interesting it is since I don't own a computer 'cause I don't know how to use one then wait for their response.
I once had a girl call with the heaviest South Jersey accent that was so cute I had her repeat a lot of stuff then told her that I didn't want anything but I loved to hear her talk.
I kept these "you have a virus" guys on the phone for well over an hour one day. I was sitting at my desk with not much to do, so figured I'd just see how long I could keep them going.

They kept telling me what to enter, I'd do it - up until a point that I knew was dangerous. They kept trying to get me to a particular web site - they'd take me through all these steps and ask what I saw on my screen - I'd finally tell them ok, I'm seeing a site called "yesterdays - tractors - dot - com".

They repeated all the those steps over and over again - getting more and more frustrated every time I told them a different web site.

They'd be speaking louder and more clearly each time so I'd get every step right - only to confound them at the last step.

I got "escalated" four times.

The last guy I got was SCREAMING at me with frustration! He kept telling me I was a liar that I couldn't possibly be seeing what I said I was seeing. I just kept playing it cool. Telling him I was sorry, let's try one more time, I'll try my best to do it right.

He FINALLY hung up on me, about an hour and a half into the call SCREAMING that I was a liar - and he could see my screen and I was lying - and that I was a piece of ____

Sounded like he was going to really blow a gasket.

I thoroughly enjoyed it - and highly recommend it.

If everybody wasted their time like that, they'd stop.
yes - I've gotten a few of them from the deep south. They make my ears itch - I just could NOT understand a word of what they were saying.

I don't like to be rude - I'm always curious about kind of scam they're running so I do like to listen for a bit just becasue - but with those calls I just had to say "ummm... WHAT?" About five times in a row.
That didn't work. YouTube, KQ cash call. The poor Dj struggled with the local listeners.
I had one last week that kept telling me to do this, do that. Then he asked me what I was seeing on my screen. When I told him the information he gave me as well as his number from caller id had been forwarded to the FBI, he quickly hung up. I do have the FBI site bookmarked for other reasons but it is handy if I need it.
I got another one of those calls last night...back ground noise...mushmouthed woman from who knows where... I just got started to go nuts on her and she hung up. Computer must really be screwed up, about the 4th call in 6 weeks.
I got a call from some guy with a mild Spanish accent saying "Hi Grandpa, it's me, you're oldest grandson." When I pressured him for his name, he said Jason. Of course I have no grandsons named Jason, but I guess it's an old trick to get grandparents to send money to get them out of jail, etc.
I have been getting calls from - Security Promo- a 720 area code. Told him today didn't need an alarm system as I had 2 dogs and a 12 gauge. Didn't stop him , informed me that the dogs couldn't call 911 and get help. Just hung up on him. joe
I tell them that I don't like doing business over the phone. It's so impersonal. But if they're willing to meet me in person, we can talk about whatever it is they're wanting to interest me in. So far, I haven't had any takers.
Stan if it's not a local number or one I have saved I let it go to answer. Funny thing is most don't leave a message!!!
I was always waiting for someone to call and want me to switch phone companies and then tell them Im not interested as I don't have a phone.... ;)
i had a man call me and till me the same stuff. The interresting thing was that i was never on my computer that whole day . I took my computer iin had it checked and there was nothing wrong with it, Intersesting is it whay did i get called?
I got an odd call the other day on my cell phone. Since I get all kinds of cold calls on my cell, due to the business, I tend to answer everything. Anyways, this woman asked for "Brian" or some such name that wasn't me. I politely told her I was sorry and that she had the wrong number. Her response was to day, "Well, maybe you can help me anyways. I'm so and so with -----" It was obvious she was a telemarketer and was looking for donations, or something, so I hung up on her.

I guess that's a new way for them to get around do not call lists, etc, as they can say the call wasn't intentional, and they were sorry for calling, but they had simply misdialed.
(quoted from post at 21:11:31 12/22/15) I like the ones that try scamming on emails and can't even spell the words correctly.
Charlie M, they're smarter than you give them credit for.
They know they misspelled those words. They do it on purpose.
That will tip off most people who might not be easy targets.
They want the gullible.
we had one sorry peace of mud that i couldn't understand told him so he kept asking me if there was anyone that could here speak and understand english. i told him yes there is and you sure as heck can't
I have a home phone number because the local phone co charges for a phone line to get internet, whether you actually have a phone plugged in or not.

There is an interface/premises disconnect box thingamajig thing in the basement and I have pulled the plug.

Scammer problem SOLVED!

P.S., the house phone never rings late at night and wakes me up, either!

My cell phone remains in the truck at night to charge, and is set to "vibrate only", so not much distraction there, either.

I hope these tips will be helpful to you in eliminating the annoyances you are experiencing!

Our dear old Aunt Susie [ confined to a wheelchair with MS for many years, but a GREAT sense of humor ] used to start off "Oh I'm SO glad you called, the kitties have been so funny this morning, I have just been WAITING for someone to call to tell, you see the tom jumped across the table lamp, and knocked over the flowers, but of course the moma kitty just SAT THERE!!! .... " and off she'd go, off into the ozone, non-stop. For as long as the telemarketers would put up with it.
(quoted from post at 17:04:03 12/22/15) yes - I've gotten a few of them from the deep south. They make my ears itch - I just could NOT understand a word of what they were saying.

I don't like to be rude - I'm always curious about kind of scam they're running so I do like to listen for a bit just becasue - but with those calls I just had to say "ummm... WHAT?" About five times in a row.

A guy from the NE that can't understand someone from the deep south :lol: :lol: now that's funny. I actually agree. there are a few states that I have a hard time understanding the accent, GA and MA are 2. Were I live in NEAR is another and I was born and raised here.
And there is a new telemarketer scam out there. A lot of people have caller id and will not answer calls from outside the area. so they now have a way of spaming a local number, I got a call from the local electrician last night asking if it was me that called. He answered a telemarketer calling from what his caller id said was my number. I would love to get that scam stopped. I don't want the local people mad at me.
So, you unplugged your landline, left your cell phone in the truck turned on vibrate only. Yep, they sure won't bother you. Nor will anybody else that might have a legitimate reason to try to contact you.

Unfortunately, those of us who actually interact with other people like family and friends, this would not to be a workable solution. I am truly GLAD that somebody was able to reach me to tell me that my mother had been taken ill and had limited time left. I was able to see her while she was still in possession of her senses. I was also glad that my girlfriend was able to reach me when her car broke down and I was able to rescue her. There have been other examples over the years, but I think you get the idea.

I think a more practical solution is to simply hang up on the offender. Simple, quick, and easy.
Trouble with that is I get so many troopers and what not calling and asking for donations I they are legit ? and I pose as an officer then it could back fire and I'd be in jail !
I am thinking about changing my answering machine message to like one I knew someone who had. It went like this---do to the high number of telemarketers I am screening all my calls, please leave a message.
I had two "computer virus" calls on Monday. When the first guy called in he morning I was grumpy, told him he was lying, he got real upset and claimed he wasn't. I told him to go to ---- and take his friends with him, then hung up. The afternoon call was quicker, said I didn't know about windows since I had an Apple, guy hung up almost before I finished the last word.
being from Mass, I have a hard enought time communicating with people as far south as rhode island - forget alabama or georgia
Some of us keep in contact by text!

Works well with family, friends and most of my customers.

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