Call out to Hoofer B In Manitowoc MN.

Hi Bruce. I had the 1470 on a 24' forage wagon and pulled it along side the chopper during corn harvest. Those wagons are HEAVY, but the old Case just snorted along. Wish I would have taken some pictures. PS I am in Wisconsin
Glad to hear you got the old beast out for some fun. Sorry about my mix up in States. It is a simple break down of head and hands, lol. I new you were in WI. . Sure would be great if you could post a few pictures of your collection . And that 1470 in particular ,we just don't get to see big Case tractors like that one around here. I think if I did , I would probably have to but one. Did your brother in-laws get their diary expansion completed. Things where really shaping up nicely when we were there . All the best Bruce
Towed alongside. There were some semis out there, newer tractors and the old 1470. The neighbors got a kick out of it.

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