Allan in NE

Well-known Member
I don't know how to approach this other than to just do it because it has been requested about a thousand times in the past 48 hours.

All we were left with after the fire was my shorts and the wife's nightgown. I'm a 71 year old man sitting here typing on someone else's computer and in someone else's house. I'm kinda at a loss right now as to where to turn or what to do.

Mailing address is: Allan Clapp, Box 407, Chadron, NE 69337

Thank you,

Red cross and salvation army has programs to help some. So does some local community programs like grange etc. Hope you had good insurance. I thought you were younger than 71!!! You may have to look at manufactured housing it will get you in a home quick. If you custom build you ay have to rent or get a short term housing like mobile home. I had a friend go thorough this he was a long time getting back to normal. good luck.
Allan and family, everyone is shocked after receiving the sad news with the loss of your home and belongings. The information received has been distributed across the U.S. and Canada. Many people are saddened and are prepared to assist in what ever way possible. The message from JimN last night expressed our feelings and everyone is prepared to move on Jim's words of advice, we are all one family when a time of emergency arrives. Perhaps Jim can continue on for this project to become a reality in way's to spearhead the completion. Having spent most of my working and retirement life in firefighting , many situations with loss of home is very sad. We must appreciate the fact there were not any injuries to you or your wife. We will keep you in our prayers. God Bless, Murray
Allan, You have my deepest sympathies I'm glad that you are OK. Yes this will seem overwhelming I'm sure but the sun will continue to rise and set and it will become a little more clear each day, but you have to remain patient. God Bless You and your family! Jim Nutsch-Wilber, Nebraska

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't even imagine the challenges involved in trying to recover from such a disaster.

I'll be seeing Marvin Bailey in church on Sunday. I'm sure that he will join the rest of us in prayers for you and your family.

May the Lord provide uncommon peace to you during this troubling time.

Tom in TN
you and your spouse are alive thats the important thing!!!! i had classmate go thru two fires in 3 months time year and half ago. talk about bad luck. anyway they are back going now. so will you. you did have ins i hope??
That sounds so overwhelming, I won't pretend to relate.

Keep your chin up, you have each other, you can get your life back together its just stuff.

There, am I hitting the old sayings that are supposed to make you feel better?

Hey, you got friends, look at the response you get.

Allan, you and your wife are alive and that's all that really matters. Everything else can be replaced. You and your family are in my prayers. God bless you and may he give you strength in this difficult time.
Allan and Mrs. Allan,

Hang in there, both of you!

We cannot imagine going through a total-loss house fire. BUT you WILL get through this moment by moment, day by day, week by week... even though it feels overwhelming right now.

Just so glad that you both made it out of the house OK.

Take care,
Sweetfeet & Her Other Half
Allan glad to hear from you.Check your mailbox in few days,I hope others can step up for fellow YTR member. Hang in there respectfully Scott McIntosh
It must be horrible to go through this but think of it as just another bearing on an axle going bad, it can be fixed.

You have my deepest sympathies also.What you are going thru is horrible.All you can do is face it one day at a time,maybe one hour at a time,maybe a minute at a time.You will get thru this,you have a lot of support from the YT community.Your mind is most likely spinning with WHY did this happen,and WHAT am I going to do.No one has all the answers,but each day will be a little less painful-you will get thru this.Mark
I would guess the upside to this is just what you typed. You AND your wife are still here. The tragedy would have been if one of you wasn't. I certainly don't want to downplay the incident, it is still almost unimaginable, but you are both still here to talk about it.

I have a feeling help is on the way. Good luck to you - Bob
Good heavens, Allan! Don't know if we have ever had any direct dealings over the years other than responding to each others posts, but I know you when I see your posts. I had no idea of your loss. Hopefully you had insurance to at least replace the financial loss...not that it replaces a life collection of possessions. Is there anything you need that we could help with? Very sorry to hear this.
We had house fire over 14 years ago . We were in shock felt better when we go clothes tnecessities. Wife and kids stayed with neighbor we borrowed camping trailer to put at place and got well working again then put trailer on property while we rebuilt tore down and rebuilt we had lots of help from local farmers and neighbors. I know you must be in shock but best thing to do is stay busy get with insurance company and get plan of what to do. Do you have livestock to take care of too. We replaced with modular house but still took about year insurance would have rented house or put up in hotel but we had to be there for animals. The insurance companies can try to take advantage and provide things they are supposed to do.

I have followed your posts here for a long time and have a great deal of respect for you. I am thankful that you were not hurt.

It might be a bit premature for us to chip in at this point. Don't get me wrong, I DO want to help and have some means.

However, I want to help by contributing to what the insurance company will not cover. We don't know what that is at this point. I don't want to pay to help your insurance co. Heck with that. I DO want to help with what they won't or can't cover.

Please stay in touch here and we will try to assist as needed. In the meanwhile be thankful to God for your health and your life.

Who is your insurance company? When my brother's house burned down his agent showed up with a check for $10,000 the morning after the fire so they could start replacing things right away - like fresh cloths on their back. The $10,000 was not conditional of acceptance of a final settlement but would be deducted from any final settlement reached in the future. It got things started while they quickly rented a house (first and last months rent + deposit) and a some dishes, and other things. They were surprised how quick the $10,000 dissappered given how eveything from washer and dryer to a bed to sleep on or a bowl to eat out of were bought on the spot because they couldn't wait a week or two for sale or travel a bit to find a better price.
Allan, I'm keeping you and your wife in thought and prayer during this difficult time. I can't relate to the loss you're experiencing, but don't loose sight of the fact that the most important thing is you and your wife are safe. Thank you for posting what can be done to help you at this time. I'm confident your friends on YT will show you assistance and support through all you have to deal with.
I rummaged thru the burn pile this morning; found this milk pail full of pocket change and take it to the bank. Was still wet from the firemen's efforts and wouldn't run thru their counter. So, we're drying coinage this afternoon.

Hey! It gives me something to do other than pouting. :>)



So sorry about your loss. I've never been through that so I don't have advice other than to take it a day at a time. Letter follows.

Just to pass the time I will guess that the amount of change there pictured is $350. I do have some experience in that area. Some years ago I was short $90 for some machine work on a disc mower. Being short of funds I fished the $90 out of my change drawer and didn't make too big a dent in it.

(quoted from post at 10:10:20 10/22/15) This is not for Allan, but rather for the rest of us. Let's try to cause his mailbox to be too small.

I'll second that!
Where I live, the red cross will be at a home fire while the fire dept is still putting it out. They will give you shelter for a few days and a voucher to buy clothes.
Little do you know the number of times your comments have helped me fix something. And I surely appreciated it though I could never thank you. I know everything will work out as a power beyond us will be there. I wished I lived closer so I could help out. Keep the faith and you will be fine.
Been pretty busy this fall but once I heard about your fire have been checking ever day for updates. Can,t say any more than the rest but sure am glad you and the wife are ok. Hate to loose those musical instruments.. Enjoyed it when you were into the music post. Check the mail box and keep you head up.. buddy
I saw last night"s post about the fund at the credit union, but thanks for your mailing check will go directly to you. I know other yt"ers will do the same. Thank God you both made it out alive!
Allan, and Wife. It sure is a punch in the gut to be burned out. When I read about your loss I just can't imagine what you are going through. I hope by now the Red Cross, or someone has you put up somewhere. I, like others here have sent you something from California. May take a little longer. Keep your spirits up as best as possible. Stan
Allan I saw this over on RedPower and just wanted to come here and express my deepest sympathy in this aweful time. Saying prayers for you in Pa tonight. God Bless.
Very sorry to hear of your loss. So glad you and the wife were not injured. Take one day at a time, and things will come together. You will be in our prayers.
Small check sent.Tide you over until ins kicks in. Do you think it was that Ford Truck that started it?
Over the years you have shown us many photos of your equipment, cattle, land, hay, ranching operation worth in excess of a million dollars. None of this was burned. Your insured house went up in flames, away from your real value investment. I have sent a check, but I think we all would like to hear the back story.
That's an interesting thought.
My friend's Ford Diesel pickup caught fire and burnt his pole barn down two years ago.
It was never determined why it caught fire but it was determined to be the cause.
Been through a couple of these myself, three months apart. Apartment living at it's best.
It takes a while, but aside from the irreplaceable family heirlooms, you will accumulate much better stuff this time.
All I can offer is faith with patience......

As my Grandfather used to say " It's all up from here !!"

That was the day after the huge two story stanchion dairy barn burnt to the ground.
The VFD back in the day was not near equipped to handle such a blaze. He was stopped by my Grandmother for trying to hand out coat hangars to the Volunteer firemen.

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