You may think this is a 'really' off the wall ?


Well-known Member
I always wanted to be a Veterinarian. So, while in college I also worked for a Veterinarian.

While working there they told me about the antibiotics they used and said they are of the same quality as the human form.

Ever since then, if I get an infection... I know I have a bottle of antibiotics to give myself a shot.

I have done this since the 1970's and it has always worked on any infection.

Just injected 2 Mil. of penicillin for an infected tooth and it worked.

Do any of you so this too?
My parents were tail ender depression kids and us kids were raised bout the same way they were. My mother was a nurse as well as farming with my dad and growing we rarely seen a vet or dr. My dad had lots of salves and herbal remedies he would use for us kids and cattle alike. If more was needed he would consult with mom and out to cow medicine fridge we went. We never injected anything though just measured the cc's out and into a glass of milk and down it went. Used a lot of "cow" meds you can also get same antibiotics for dogs in pill form. Would I recommend it no but did it work save my parents a bundle during tough times for sure. I do still have an uncle that describes his illness as the dog has this or that what should I use and off he goes with it and does fine. Like I said I don't want a tongue lashing so I'm not advocating just saying.
I have no problem using Bag Balm or a few other topicals on my body that were originally meant for animals. And my son mentored with a vet, so I know some animal/human medicine is the same.
But if you would happen to inject some bad animal medicine into your body, and the medicine was clearly at fault, how far do you think your lawsuit would go?
(BTW, I've never sued a person in my life. Don't assume that I'm an ambulance chaser)
Several years ago there was a cattle rancher near Dallas that injected himself with an antibiotic meant for animals. He injected too much. It caused a heart attack and he died. Be careful with your dosing.
I use Fish Pen tables. It's fish penicillin in 250mg tablets which is the same dosage a doctor would give you. I sometimes get an infected tooth and the fish pen clears it up every time.
For those who mentioned infected tooth makes me think that you're not taking care of your teeth. Tooth disease is the #1 cause of heart disease. My FIL years ago had a heart valve replaced. They told him before we do this surgery you need to get your teeth fixed first.

I know first hand when a nerve for a tooth starts to die off it is very painful as is in any other part of the body. I'm not sure if this is considered an infected tooth or not since there is no swelling. After my root canal was done the pain was gone. I would assume this is an infection.

Anyway I have heard some of the old timers say they give themselves shots with animal medicine. I'm surprised you don't need a prescription to buy it at the local farm supply stores. I know you can't give Tylenol to your pets they say.
Boy, I know you said you've been doing it since the 70's, but there are a lot of reasons you may want to talk to a doctor about that before doing it again. There are a lot of good reasons doctors don't use penicillin any more unless they have to, not to mention the dangers of getting the dosage wrong. You don't want something in you that has built up a tolerance to penicillin.
I had a dog that needed eye medicine. Had to find a drug store that would compound it. Talking to them found out same medicine a human would use.Price for the dog 20.00 dollars. Human price was 85.00 dollars for the same bottle.When I was a kid Dad used more animal medicine on us kids than the human stuff.
I never have,but the one time manager of the elevator used to tell about a guy who'd come in when his dad was manager. When he wasn't feeling good,he'd go over to the refrigerator and get a bottle of penicillin,grab a disposable syringe,draw some up,unbutton the side buttons on his bibs and give himself a shot in the rear.
The stuff you buy at tractor supply for animals has a human dosage amount on the chart.
I'd be more inclined to go to the dentist and get it taken care of, given a tooth infection, can eventually spread into the brain once through the jawbone.
No I do not self medicate using syringes. I would think that possesion of syringes is illegal in most states.So you sort went to fake medical school and now work on yourself . Interesting.
No I do not self medicate using syringes. I would think that possesion of syringes is illegal in most states.So you sort of went to fake medical school and now work on yourself . Interesting.
Have you ever heard of MRSA? It's a major public health problem, caused by the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the penicillin family. The "M" stands for Methicillin, a form of penicillin; the "R" stands for Resistant, which is what develops when an antibiotic is used incorrectly. You might be curing your toothache this week, but you could be setting yourself up for a much bigger problem down the road.
(quoted from post at 11:17:05 09/10/15) Have you ever heard of MRSA? It's a major public health problem, caused by the inappropriate use of antibiotics in the penicillin family. The "M" stands for Methicillin, a form of penicillin; the "R" stands for Resistant, which is what develops when an antibiotic is used incorrectly. You might be curing your toothache this week, but you could be setting yourself up for a much bigger problem down the road.

Now this makes since about a horse guy that I know.
Veternarian's are all gold diggers as far as I'm concerned. If my dog has had ticks on her and I'm sure that she has Lyme disease, he'll want to do a $100 Lyme test. I tell him heck just give her the antibiotics, Lyme tests are 'inconclusive' anyhow. He loves to hear that.
Donno as it is illegal. Syringes are readily available from mail order vet supplys. We go through a BUNCH of them every year immunizing our flocks of sheep and goats. Will have to check with my pharmacist (daughter) for more difinitive answer.
JR Sutton- "not to mention the dangers of getting the dosage wrong."

Dosage is listed as per 100 lbs of body weight. There are not different concentrations of it.
When we were in Mexico last time, had to fight to keep my wife from stocking up on antibiotics over the counter and bringing them home (for the customs issues, not because they were not safe). Now we order them from Canada online and ship to the front door. Probably not as cheap as vet meds. Oldest son is in pharmacy school right now, not sure how he feels about that...

I remember some interesting ads for euthanasia meds in the vet magazines, those I may have a use for!
K Effective- Yup, I paid $18.00 for 100 ml. of penicillin from farm store. Dosage rate is 1 ml.
per 100 pounds of body weight.

Works for me.
Pharmacist- daughter says no restrictions on sales of syringes. Michigan, that is. Your state may vary. Says some insulin is over-the-counter, so are syringes. Also says they are available down the street at the TSC store. Probably other farm supply stores as well. We buy ours in bulk from a mail-order vet supply.
Syringe possession is not illegal. They can be ordered by large quantity, from Vet supply. For animal use, heehee.
Bag Balm is good stuff. Was in a pretty good accident years a go, lost a lot of the skin on my forehead. everyday I covered it with bag balm and bandages. Kept it juicy. I have no scar tissue, only time I feel or see it is when it gets really cold out and my face gets red. I cab see a triangle scar and it gets colds quicker.
It seems in New Jersey the governor has vetoed a bill to allow possesion of syringes.Illegal. Points of injection on the skin are also grounds for arrest.

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