OT Oak Tree Questions

John B.

Well-known Member
I know this is way off topic but I know some one here will know the answers.

Two of my Oak trees in my yard are 20 years old. I have noticed the last two years that when the leaves come out in the spring they never really open up, they have a curled look shape to them and they're still like that now this fall. Do any of you know what can be done to prevent this? Also how can I get rid of the green moss off from around the lower trunk on the same oak trees?

Thanks for any information in advance folks.

Don't know where you are, but here in northern NY, we had some very cold weather well after the first leaves had popped--frosts at night hard enough to kill them. I've only got a few oaks on my land--I've got mostly white pine, birch, cherry and maples--but the ones I do have had their leaves frozen and haven't recovered. A few more leaves did come out on them, but nothing like a full coverage, and they didn't yield any acorns this year. The rest of the trees on my land were unaffected--it just got the oaks.
The answer is complex because there are at least 15 common oaks in the US and many more than that found in micro climates, or zones. My first thought is lack of water. If leaves get stunted in the first month or less, they won't grow more. There are also diseases that can affect oaks as well. If red oak or a variety, look up Anthracnose for a possibility. Jim
I don't water these larger oaks that have this problem. They're apprx 6" in diameter. This spring we had plenty of rain. (Our lawns never died off this year). I always fertilize these trees in the spring each tree with about two pounds of 12-12-12.
Hi John,
Hate to tell you this, but most likely it's sudden oak death syndrome.
This is a growing problem and affects Oaks primarily in the Red Oak family.
Not much you can do, but I'd consult a licensed arborist.

Fertilize the trees around Christmas. I use straight nitrogen and have had very good results. Fertilizer needs time to work down to root zone before spring growth.
Not sure why your leafs don't open. Oaks tree got damaged by mower. I have an oak tree that is showing signs of dying because tenants bang tree with mower deck. It will have to come down soon.

Do you have any trunk damage?

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