Calming dog down? (OT)

Do any of you have a way to calm a dog down as he barks and carries on for hours after we leave? We are keeping my parents dog while they are in Alaska and we have neighbors in a duplex and they are not happy with us. And we haven't been in this house long. Please help. I have heard benadryl(sp)? to help calm him down. Is there anything else you can think of to help? I have ran him in the mornings, tried to get him to wear down a little, all to no avail. He is an 11 year old springer spaniel that weighs ~45 pounds. Thanks
We have a shock collar but not one that runs when they bark. I'm worried he would shock himself to death with it. Hahaha he isn't the brightest dog on the face of the earth.
Son put a collar on his labradork and the dog's bark turned into a "Bark, yelp, bark, yelp". It never did shut the dog up.
Benadryl is relatively harmless in small doses but I would ask my vet if he has something better, and how much and how often to give the dog etc. The owners may not be too happy about it but you have to do something I can see. The dog is in alarm being in a strange place alone and is only doing its natural thing. I have been in one of those dog care hotel places and dang near every dog in there barked constantly. The owners would be better served to leave the dog at home with somebody dropping by once a day to feed etc. My dog breaks out in hives if we leave her anywhere, but she if fine at home when we are gone. Just my 2 cents as a critter lover, good luck with it.
I thought that Benadryl was deadly to dogs. Seriously. I know that one of them is. Your advice, ask a vet would be a good idea.

Calcium tablets work wonders. Crush one up and mix it in with food. The dog will be alert, but won't bark continuously. Some dog's aren't too bright tho, 30/30 cures that.
He'll learn pretty quick! The longer they bark, they harder they get shocked...not sure if they are all like that but I know some are. Otherwise benadryl works wonders. Would call a vet to see how much to give.
Dont they make muzzles to go over their snout? I know they cant bite with em on.

I guess a .22 is out of the question since it's your folks dog.

What kinda dog is it? Breed has a lot to do with it. Those little, high strung, "yap dogs" just yap all the time.

I give my little mutt Benadryl for allergies. Vet said 1cc per 10 lbs of weight, liquid kids stuff. She laps it out of the little syringe like candy!
Take him to a kennel and board him there? It could be time to call up you folks and explain the problem to them. Then ask them to come up with a solution, you might be surprised.
My dog wasn't the brightest. He would charge the leash til he collapsed his trachea. Then he would flounder about on the ground, recover and do it again. I thought it would eventually kill him but he died if natural causes. Probably didn't extend any,
I had a golden that was deathly afraid of storms. The vet had me give him Benadryl. I started with one to see if it helped. He ended up needing two to take the edge off his nerves. Vet's recommendation.
Over the years, I have had a couple of dogs that had separation anxiety. Yours seems to be suffering from the same problem. Among the things that I have had tried with limited success are things to divert the dog's attention away from your leaving or from being alone.
As the old saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.... Well, something like that seems to help with dogs. I suggest something like a nice big rawhide chew, feeding him at the same time as you are leaving, or making him a special treat to give him as you are leaving. That seemed to help with my dogs.
I also tried a device called a "barker breaker" that was sold at the local pet store. It "hears" the barking and gives out a piercing whistle. The theory is that the whistle distracts the dog so that it forgets why it was barking. It gave me limited success. The dog would bark just enough to run down the battery.
I also had a beagle that did not like to be left alone. I tried a lot of things with him. After trying a number of things to distract him while I was leaving, I had success with a pork barbecue sandwich. Every day, as I was getting ready to go to work, I would make him a sandwich of pork BBQ. He became conditioned to expect that, and would be quiet when I left. He was a strange dog. When I ate my supper, I put his food down at the same time. He would not touch his food until I was finished, and I put my plate on the floor for him to lick. Same thing every day! No matter what I fed him, he had to taste my food first.
Ask your vet for some "doggy downers" Mild sedative used for dogs traveling by air. Like valium or perhaps the same.
(quoted from post at 17:50:54 07/21/15) Benadryl is relatively harmless in small doses but I would ask my vet if he has something better, and how much and how often to give the dog etc. The owners may not be too happy about it but you have to do something I can see. The dog is in alarm being in a strange place alone and is only doing its natural thing. I have been in one of those dog care hotel places and dang near every dog in there barked constantly. The owners would be better served to leave the dog at home with somebody dropping by once a day to feed etc. My dog breaks out in hives if we leave her anywhere, but she if fine at home when we are gone. Just my 2 cents as a critter lover, good luck with it.

Best advice.

Be careful leaving rawhide chews for your dog unattended. They can eventually chew off a portion, swallow it and can get it tangled to where an operation (quickly) is the only thing to save them.
try leaving a tv or radio on.

If your parents live close by, I second leaving the dog there and checking on him.
In his 'kingdom' he will be fine. He knows the place and the rules there.

Benadryl? suppose it might help, won't hurt em. talk to a vet about the dose.
Had to give it to my Pug when I had him, when we got in fights with yellowjackets. Dumb dog would try to fight em instead of running. I'd snatch him up and run, brushing them off him. (I always got it far worse lol)
Concerned because of his size, I called the vet..she said just give him Benadryl...nothing special..drugstore human version. he was fine.
(quoted from post at 15:40:28 07/21/15) Do any of you have a way to calm a dog down as he barks and carries on for hours after we leave? We are keeping my parents dog while they are in Alaska and we have neighbors in a duplex and they are not happy with us. And we haven't been in this house long. Please help. I have heard benadryl(sp)? to help calm him down. Is there anything else you can think of to help? I have ran him in the mornings, tried to get him to wear down a little, all to no avail. He is an 11 year old springer spaniel that weighs ~45 pounds. Thanks

Get some Valerian from the health-food store and put a 3 or 4 drops in his water bowl awhile before you leave - may take more than 4 drops but I'd start with 3 in a quart or so of water. :)

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