Watch this!!! We think we have problems!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
I cam across this video of this fellow playing a guitar. He is very good and seems to be in a great mood doing it. He has a tougher row to hoe than most of us but he seems in high spirits. We all should remember that when we are having a "bad" day/week/year.
Great unusual Guiter player
JD Seller,

That guy is really good!!

We've seen another guitar player like him - Tony Melendez. Have to share a link to Tony doing "Let It Be"... but he also does a lot of Christian Music.

He will be at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch Sun., July 27 with his band Toe Jam leading the worship service for their Miracles Happen weekend. (That Sat., the 26th the will have a military tribute and there will be some great Christian bands that night. There is also a TRACTOR SHOW and CAR SHOW at the camp that weekend.)

We usually go every year. It's a great event to support. Ironwood Springs not only does summer camp for kids... they do a military camp for wounded military and they do a camp each summer of physically handicapped kids too.

If anyone wants to know more... go to ironwoodsprings DOT com
Then click on Upcoming Events and then the link for the July 24-26 Miracles Happen Festival.

OOPS... forgot the link! Here it is:
Its hard to imagine having to accept and rise above a physical deficit like he has. I believe the one in the link below has been posted here before, just goes to show you a person can still accomplish quite a bit when dealt a hand of cards like these guys have.
Apricot Lane Farms Chris
Doesn't fit exactly here but you will get the gist.

My Mom related this saying to me as I was growing up:

"I had no shoes and I complained....until I meant a man with no feet."

Billy I have seen that video before. I would really like to meet that young man. He is just amazing for his attitude.

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