That time of the year again...

This message is a reply to an archived post by Rusty6 on June 16, 2014 at 07:00:44.
The original subject was "Re: That time of the year again...".

Hi Rusty6. I realize this post is over a year ago but hoping you or someone can help with a question.
I have a NH 270 serial #15511 and have been looking for info on Sisal and plastic twine.
Currently using Sisal but would like to switch to plastic.
I thought I might have to change some parts ie. bill hooks but NH dealer says he doesnt think so.

Does anyone know if I can just switch to plastic without swapping parts.
I really like the baler. It may be old but works pretty darn good.
I have a NH 68 hayliner, I just put plastic twine in it last year and started bailing. Only missed one bale, and that was my fault anyways. I don't see any issues!?!

I think NH baler can usually use either, but balers are individuals and some can be picky. I recently bought a NH 270 which I am having to rebuild and it came with part balls of plastic twine and good knots.


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