Talked to my brother about gardening!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
I was talking to my brother just a few minutes ago. I told him about posting about how I did not like gardening. He laughed and said it really felt good when he finally made good enough money to where he did not HAVE to have a garden. I kind of wonder if some of my dislike for gardening is just the fact that it reminded me of tough times in the past. Also for most of my adult life I had very little "free" time so gardening took away from other work that needed done or paid wages. Plus I hate weeds so if there is a garden it has to be kept clean.
The worst part of the garden as a kid was the extensive bossing around the adults did and the never ending dissatisfaction with the work. Knowing a buddy that did not have to do it and knowing he was out doing things you wanted to do.
As an adult it is almost an artistic expression and a statement of independence from society.
Me too... tilled under a carpet like cover crop of it in my garden patch this year. However, if you leave some of it, a woodchuck gets in, good chance he'll go for the pigweed tops. Its how I figured out one had made a den within the fence under the stairs, kept seeing that pigweed nipped off.
My self I love to do a garden. Just came in from picking green beans and pulling onions. Plan the till the onion area after I cool down and plant a few more plants I have not been able to get in the garden due to to much rain
NY 986- "As an adult it is almost an artistic expression and a statement of independence from society."

I agree. Some of the pics of gardens from posters here look like they belong on calendars! They have awesome looking gardens...i.e. Larry on the corner, ADC guy, and others.

I just wish I could find a good market for weeds. I'd be rolling in the cash. LOL
When our neighbors hosted the farm tech show, my Dad entered the largest weed contest all three days. The Burdock he submitted won two out the three days.
I have to go along with NY 986 gardening is nice way to do some thing were there is no right or wrong way to do it. And if you fail ,so what . It can be as big or small as you feel comfortable with, and you get to eat the rewards of your own labour, tax free. As well as eating good food, you get some exercise. The taste of new potatoes , and a sun ripened tomato ,still warm when you bite into it...priceless.
I like gardening because the rows of beans are never long enough to critique. I was so proud of the arrow straight rows in the bean field around the house. Until they started popping up yesterday. Those things aren't straight and I have until fall for it to make me crazy. It has to be that planter. Has to be. It looks like a narcoleptic was running the tractor.
My reason for a garden is to justify to the better half an excuse for another tractor. I tell her it's my "garden" tractor LOL!
I am like JD, when I was growing up I hated to help in the garden. Now we have one every year, summer and fall. I always plant a big turnip and collard patch in the fall. I tell friends and neighbors to get all they want. A millionaires money can't buy a homegrown tomato or a new dug potato or a fresh ear of corn if he don't know somebody that grows them. Tommy

My parents were poor farmers, but we didn't know we were poor. We did not have running water for a long time, and they didn't have a bathroom until after i was grown. However I never went to bed dirty and never went to bed hungry. A garden was part of the survival strategy. I hated weeding the garden but it was a necessity. We did not have a freezer but did a lot of canning and drying food. I still love dried apple pie.

My wife came from a gardening family and we have continued the practice. Gardening is the most profitable type of farming because it saves on food bills. Presently we haul leaves from trees in the yard and pile on the garden. I really hate that job, but love it for keeping weeds down in the garden and conserving soil moisture.


There were 7 of us kids Dad was a slave driver the only way to get out of his chains was to get a job become self supporting and MOVE OUT...

I am the baby I ended up with all the chit work :twisted: At 14 I made enough money to support my wants but Dad supplied the roof over my head so I was not home free...

I never cared for garden work till about 20 years ago I became my Dad... I tell folks when I worked in tobacco the boss's kids always got to drive the tractor that was there job. I said to myself if I ever get the money to own a tractor I will become the tractor driver :D

Every year I down size but always add something new. I ate my first home grown tomato today ell yel its worth it...

It takes allot of time to do a garden big are small, when my wife was living we could live off what we grew vegetable wise . I was the tractor driver, she was the picker and caner...

I tell folks its not EZ keep at it you will develop was to make it easier, Start small don't think big...

I ate my first home grown tomato today ell yel it was worth it :!:
JD et al, when I was growing up I was like you all, and hated pulling weeds and the experiments my mom wanted to try. When I got older and had my first place one of the first things I did was clear a small area and plant a garden. I still have a small garden but the food I am able to grow is more than worth the aggravation of pulling the most invasive weed that I have ever seen, salsa verde. There is just nothing I have found that will kill it.

My freezer has much of the fruits of my labor and the shelves in my basement has them also. I have been given many complements on the canning that I do every year. BTW I do this all myself, as I am no longer married and she couldn't stand working in the earth.

We gardened when we were first married because we had to. Only trouble was, she worked outside the farm and I had my hands full farming and the darn weeds always seemed to get the best of us. Still we raised a good amount of food. Didn't like it much because of the lack of time factor. Once I quit farming and started working out it simply was not practical to fool around with a garden. Now that I am retired I have the time and it does save a bunch of money. And I like eating my own food. Between raising our own meat for the most part and the garden, we don't buy much food. How I feel about it ten years from now when I'm 75 may be another matter entirely.
Gardened all our married life, 50 years and counting, wife cans, freezes, and pickles everything. I plant, weed and pick. True division of labor. The kids treat our root cellar like a supermarket when they come home, can't get stuff like that in a store.

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