Waht is your father's day request?

JL Ray

With Father's day approaching, I thought I would beat the kids in asking, so I put mine out to my girls last night. IT's the same thing I have asked for forever. My two daughter's know this, but I now have a third daughter from new wife, so I posted it. My request is "All I ask for is your time" Come see me, spend an hour with me. Oh and if you bring pizza thats good too. And as I type this, my phone just got a text message from #2 daughter asking if I want breakfast on Sunday morning. I have the best kids in the world. So proud of them.
I'd also like to cruse around the block on my IH 350.
A simple Phone Call from each of the kids is what I usually get and I love and appreciate the fact they thought of and remembered me is worth more then any material gift.

John T
All I asked of my family was that they be here. They always have been and I think they are planning on it this year as well. Couldn't give a lick about gifts. Just family...all together...over a good meal. I don't know how it is possible YOU could have the best kids in the world, since they live HERE! :)

Enjoy your day!
A conversation with my wife that doesn't involve me spending money.

If I sound like a cynic, I am one.
I was afraid I would end up with a shirt and tie so I put a bug in her ear that my jack and jack stands could use replacing. My coworker had a truck fall on him
recently. I always slide the tire up underneath with me, however, I would prefer the peace of mind. Aaron
Its what any father wants. To see my kids. Too bad they are all too busy to stop in and say hello. (I better quit right there.)
I'll second JohnT's sentiment, if they take the time to call, that will make me happy. I don't need a shirt or tie.
I had a car fall on me when I was 16 years old. The weight of the car wasn't on me, but I was pinned under it and just got a few bruises.

It was a good lesson. Ever since, any time I'm under a vehicle, I have spare tires, tree stumps, and enough other stuff piled under it so if it comes down it can't come down far enough to pin me again.
We always go to the beach cabin and walk down to the little fish place in the evening. Halibut fish
and chips fresh off the boat. First Fathers day with new Son in Law. We will see if Daughter makes
it. I know she will....James
My wish is that I could have my daughter more I
only get her one day a week and every other
weekend she's only 3 1/2 but I do get her for
Father's Day and I had her for Mother's Day, So
that satisfaction for me! Lol

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