Back from panhandle

David G

Well-known Member
I spent the week in the Oklahoma panhandle working on a natural gas compressor station. It is a 700 mile drive, so got to see a lot of farming along the way. I do not know if it is normal for this time of year south of us, but very little corn was up, a lot of planting going on, but not up. There was a lot of some type of grass up about a foot, would assume it is wheat or rye. Most of the lakes look real low all the way.
Lived just East of the Oklahoma panhandle for about a year, didn't remember seeing any corn there. mostly wheat, milo, sorgham and various forage crops like alfalfa. The farm I worked at had a hybrid Sudan grass we put on the irrigated land between wheat crops that was used as forage for the dairy cows

I drove through MD VA WV PA NY NJ this week. In Harrisonburg VA I saw haylage being chopped and trucked, and just before dusk a Fendt with three disc mower heads traveling down the road at 30 mph on the way back home. I saw corn being planted all over VA.

I drove through MD VA WV PA NY NJ this week. In Harrisonburg VA I saw haylage being chopped and trucked, and just before dusk a Fendt with three disc mower heads traveling down the road at 30 mph on the way back home. I saw corn being planted all over VA.

Here in SC my garden corn is mostly 6 inches high, some less some had deer nibbling on it. Saw some commercial corn this morning that was also 6 inches high. I planted the garden corn the first week in April.


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