Just another day in paradise here in central NY

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well as the title says, just another early March day. We had squall lines come through most of the day. There sure isn't any mud in my back yard yet. Temp did get to 33F., and the flakes were big, what we call "Sap Snow". Weather is supposed to get above freezing several days this comming week, so we are planning on tapping the maples shortly.
Loren, the Acg.
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I sure hope it gets better soon, I am scheduled to be up that way the week after next for work.
"Just another day in paradise".

Yep, I can see what you are talking about. However, that's kind of funny..."Just another day in paradise". What I mean is that I run into a couple of fellas a bit, one at a grocery store and the other at a hardware store, both High School age that say that quite a bit. I get to the cash registers to pay up for my goods and ask, "Hey, how's it going" to most in general, and whenever I get to those to youngsters and ask, they usually reply negatively, "Oh, just enjoying another day in paradise". I'm guessing that both are about 17, maybe 18, working evenings after school during the day. Now, if they live to be say 80 years each, that means that they both have about 60+ years of "Oh, just enjoying another day in paradise". Them two young fellas are going to be miserable for a long, long time.

Anyway, looks about cold and snowy your way. Good luck, stay warm and dry.

Not that much different I live right where he is going and you may have seen these pictures. We had flurries instead of those squalls.


I guess we both have a differing opinion of paradise. Might be a tight fit, but looks to me like that Case would fit inside that shed. Chris
Chris, there is another 770 with cab, a 411B, a 511B, and a Kubota KX41 trackhoe squeezed in that barn. I can just barely squeez my body in to get to them.
Looked about the same here this morning also, Loren. One more day of carpenter work here and then it's time to get at the rest of the sugarbush roads. Should have the roads pretty well opened up by this weekend. Unless we keep getting more SNOW of course! (chuckle)
The local news was doing a clip on the snow-sledding season around here and the reporter was talking to several fellows from Minn. who had traveled to tug hill NY because they didn't have any snow where they lived this winter.

Copenhagen has the most snow in the nation this year, and the fellow who does the official measuring remarked that this hasn't even been close to a record. He said the record was something over 300 inches. I had thought the record was around 200 inches. Shoot, I was only 100 inches off!.
In Bemidji we had about 8 inches of snow on the driveway when we got home from AZ last week, but the new Subaru drove right in! 10,000 miles on it and finally needed the AWD! Went up to the farm on the Canadian border over the weekend and drove the truck in that driveway too, maybe 10-12 inches.
33F here in Haliburton and sunny to-day, still lots of snow in the bush, plan to start tapping this week. Everyone on the Maple syrup chat line seems to be of the same opinion.
Maybe you could add another bay on the end of the shed. Long, long , long ago, I had to leave tractors outside, since I have a building, they have to be inside. Just felt sorry for the Case.

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