I didn't pull up the article, but if you have something Secret and pertaining to national security, you have to keep it from the blabbermouth press and the snoopy public.

Back in that time frame my mother and I did see a funny cigar shaped object with windows one afternoon south of Houston, Texas. Both of us will swear that it was a UFO.

But that's about as far as it went other than remembering the occurrence.

I bet it's been 50 years since I've seen one, used to see them4 or 5 times a year at least.
I have never seen a cigar shaped one but have seen a HUGE triangle shaped one and a small one that looked like a silver garbage can, both of them was not ours,, I guess those who have never seen anything like this they are skeptics,,, fine by me I know what I saw
There are beings out there. I never seen prove but think so. Ghost visit the living around here. The governments of the world hide a lot more then what ever will be "declassified".
The gov. is maybe watching this post now to make sure nothing gets out.
I've seen a couple odd things when I was a much younger man. Can't prove what they were but the one night I had such a feeling of discomfort that I don't think I have felt since.
Was there supposed to be a link?

Saw something once at a pretty busy lake on the first day of bass. Lots of fisherman talking to each other at the boat launch. Everyone saw it, and everyone got dead silent. Everyone watched until it disappeared, and then slowly the low talking came back, and within a minute back to the normal background noise of guys at the boat launch. No one said a word about it. It almost felt surreal.
tom ,., I believe You ..it justmite have been ours . saw history channel while laid up with buggered leg ,all they had was ufo stuff for a week ,, seems like the majestic 12 had triangle craft for some time now ...seen soime strangestuff in the skies in my time too
i'll throw another wrench in this, where i live, its 70 miles to hollaman afb, and white sands missile range nm. where the bomb was developed, its 50 miles to roswell nm, where walker afb used to be, hanger 18 was unknown to me or its significance in 1947 in the alien crash [ its where the stuff was first taken] years later i found out to my shock that i had spent 2 years working in that very hanger. plenty of weird stuff around here , black helicopters flying atound at night, and those big tiltroter aircraft, flying up this valley at dusk there so low you could hit one with a model rocket, also saw a program today that claims there are vast underground bases where people work and suposedly alien beings are present in this area, makes for a good nights sleep!
I seen the same show today,, also was through that area in the middle of the night a few years ago,,, pulled off the interstate to have "p" break was more than one strange thing in the air that night,,,, and by the way, what is up with the town of Truth or Consensus?
On US Highway 6 by Greenwood, NE once a number of years ago, I saw what clearly looked like two flying saucers appear over some trees along the highway.

Turned out it they were the domed tops of two huge white vertical petroleum storage tanks. The light hit them just right so the domed tops stood out and the white sides blended in with the clouds in the background.

Beyond that, I have an open mind. I'm sure a lot can be explained by like what I saw, although it wouldn't surprise me if some were real.

In Australia some years ago, a totally sane and credible airline captain saw a lighted object fly alongside his airplane for several hundred miles and it only veered off when the pilot had to make preparations for landing. He had given the tower a running description of the object along the way. Several nights later, a private pilot in a small airplane called the same tower in a panic, describing the very same thing. His conversation was cut off in mid sentence, and nothing was ever seen or heard of him again.

Makes you wonder.

I believe the universe is so big the chances of us being alone are relatively small. I also don't believe we can comprehend everything we might encounter.
Actually it probably was our viewing angle that made it look cigar shaped. A typical looking flying saucer shot from the side would look like a cigar.

Back in my younger days: One night me and some of my buddies were sitting on the river bank and enjoying a abundant amount of adult beverages. We all saw something in the sky. Our vision was somewhat impaired and we couldn't identify it so it must have been a UFO.
UFO sighting reported increased every time the U2's went up for initial testing (not to far from Vegas). This was because the planes were still in raw aluminum and reflected the sunlight. After a few weeks the planes were painted near flat black and the sightings dramatically decreased.

Now that's spooky! how did it disappear? Im afraid to click the link. the CIA might start reading my mind, or sending me messages subliminally to reprogram me. Where did I leave my tin-foil hat?

Someplace or another out there in video land is a video shot from one of the shuttle missions or some telescope. It shows some bright objects traveling through space. Suddenly you see another object move from a planet or asteroid or some land mass move out towards one of the objects. The object it was heading towards reverses and moves in the other direction. I have no clue what they were and I didn't write down what the program was, but it darn sure wasn't a weather balloon or swamp gas out in space.

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