virgina peanuts

been enjoying them for over 60 years but cant remember ever getting one with more than three nut in one shell. can anybody else?

good luck to all farmer in 2015.
Back in South-Hampton County seems like I remember going out in field after harvest, bringing in lots, sepaarting them, Aunt roasting a bunch in the oven, lots of peanut oil and lots of salt, and I THINK I can remember 4 sometimes. I know I DO remember big old thick-cut Smithfieldham sandwiches.... ,
First off, I'll be the grammar police!! It's spelled Southampton, not two words in it. Ought to know, lived here all my life and yes, you'll see four nuts in a shell on occasion, just as beans'll have four to a pod once in a while. My wife and I love the smell of fresh dug peanuts and she has said if a perfume company could put the smell in a bottle, you couldn't keep farmers off of a woman wearing it!!
I don't have any knowledge of the number of nuts in a peanut pod, but I LOVE roasted peanuts. I eat some nearly every day.

I really love to make sandwiches with 2 pieces of white bread, butter, grape jelly, and peanuts. Put it together and press the bread between your hands.


Tom in TN
I only eat Spanish Peanuts (Red Skins)(I know that's politically incorrect) that's what we called them as a kid. Raised on a Texas peanut farm, never more than 2 to the nut. That was the days when it took half of the men in the county to thrash a field of peanuts.
My dad has spent at leat the last 50 years of his life growing a few rows of peanuts each year. He started out with the small red peanuts, Someone else on here said they were Spanish nuts and they do have red husks on the pea that come loose when they are dry. Originally, they usually were 2 sometimes 3 to a pod.

By carefully picking out the 3 pea pods to replant over the years, he has worked up to a fair portion being 4 peas to the nut, which he now saves for his seed. A few even have a fifth pea in them.

I am understanding that commercial growers don't want large pods, their equipment handles the 2 pea pods best. they also like the peanut with the tan colored husk as it grinds up with the rest of the nut when making peanut butter.
I remember as a kid eating peanuts grown in New Mexico. Three or four nuts to a pod was common, sometimes five. The pods were skinny and long while the nuts were small, so I can see why that variety would fall out of favor.

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