Forgot all about that Sunday night


Well-known Member
Dang,I forgot all about that show where that idio........I mean,that guy,was gonna let himself be eaten by an anaconda. Seems he chickened out when he found out it actually meant being eaten by an anaconda. Go figure.
Snake show
Guess he didn't know that anacondas usually crush their prey to death before they eat them. Oh well, he's famous now and I'm not.
For the first time ever,PETA was right though. They said the snake should have been allowed to eat him.
I missed it too, but I didn't get it, right from the start.

What was supposed to happen? Once the snake eats the guy, they would have had to cut the snake open to get him out, assuming that he survived. If he did survive, he would have horrible bite marks on anything that wasn't 100% protected.

Also, how was the constriction supposed to not effect arms and legs that were not protected? I'd say that this was never going to happen anyhow. It was all just a big hoax to get people to watch.

Look at every other supposed "reality" show these days. At first, there might be a sliver of reality to the show, but as soon as the people get famous, their reality changes, but the show goes on to pretend like there aren't changes in the reality star's life.

Look at those guys in the pawn shop. Everything is staged, every person that comes in is staged, and the place is now a tourist stop. It's not even open 24-7 anymore. I do have a t shirt from the shop, and my buddy got Richard Harrison's autograph. That is what you can get there. That is what people come in for.

GAC's show Farm Kings, is filmed just north of me. That show is staged and scripted. Joe sounds like-a-ro-bot-when-he-talks-be-cause-he-does-not-sound-nat-ur-al because he is reading off a cue card. Just watch his eyes. They are reading lines. Dan King's girlfriend admitted the show was staged. Their business is real, but, it's not what the show makes it seem like. It's all different now. The production company is giving them big bucks to rent equipment and do these projects and expand the business when it is not feasible. None of that would have happened without the film and production companies.
I wondered how they were going to accomplish that and keep the guy alive. Strange, maybe, but I kept snakes on and off for 30 years. Never had an anaconda, but have had large boas and a very large python. I guarantee you they do NOT swallow anything while it is alive. They suffocate the prey first and persist until no breathing is noticed. Only then do they uncoil and prepare to swallow the prey. You can force-feed a snake, but it is not without some risk and wouldn't have made for good TV.
(quoted from post at 18:09:36 12/09/14) Dang,I forgot all about that show where that idio........I mean,that guy,was gonna let himself be eaten by an anaconda. Seems he chickened out when he found out it actually meant being eaten by an anaconda. Go figure.
Snake show

Seriously???....They went through all that work and the guy didn't know that those snakes crush their prey to death before they eat it?...Yeah I'll agree they should have fed him to it just for the sake of that alone!!
There's a video out on U tube that says "Man eaten alive by vicious dog" Actually the man has his finger in a puppy's mouth.
Discovery Channel really "Jumped the Shark" on that one. (reference to Fonz jumping over sharks in ?Lake Michigan? on Happy Days toward the end of the show's run.)

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