
Well-known Member
My wife will be leaving for work soon,,,It is raining so I will stay home,,,,,doesnt make me feel good,,,she worked the entire 34 years we have been married,never getting much time off.For many years she would pack my lunch box at 5 am , For years she didnt get home till 7 pm,, Im sure you all have great wives too,,,,its time to hear about them,,,not just mothers day or birthdays,,,How about it? Im declaring this rainy day wives day!!!!
I will second that, she is my best friend along with everything else, would be a lonely world without her. I think about it often and give thanks as she is a cancer survivor for 15 years now and neither one us thought she would ever be around this long.
Hi Larry, nice comments about your wife. My wife of 58 years is just going out the door at 08:30 A.M. to do women thing's with her sister for the morning. During the Christmas season we alway's get involved in many community projects with helping other's and being as my wife loves to prepare meals ans serve them, we are fully involved until about the 20th of Dec, . Life is as good as you want to make. I still have plans to drop by your place sometime in the summer to meet you . I alway's enjoy meeting people.
My project for the morning is making room in the garage and barn to place two more tractors inside for the winter months. Cheers, Murray
I have the hardest working wife in the world. She just left for work where she has worked for almost 30 years. She has been at the same doctor's office all those years. We met over 41 years ago at college and will have been married 41 years in February. She plans to retire in a little over a year. She has her sewing room off the back of my shop and we are there together almost every evening. She collects old oil cans and coffee and tea mugs from all over the world. She has 8 sewing machines, including 2 very old cabinet style.
Raised 2 fine sons. I have been retired for almost 14 years from Clemson and spend my time gardening, canning, welding in my shop and working on many projects.
She supports me in whatever I do.

It don't get any better than that.
Richard in NW SC
The wife hasn't actually been employed as a nurse for six or seven years now,but she always has somebody that she's taking care of. She left about half an hour ago like she does every morning. She goes up the road a quarter mile and gets the 85 year old neighbor couple up and ready for the day. Gets them cleaned up,gets their breakfast for them,whatever they need.
She'll come back home for a few minutes then head up to my aunt's house to check her compression socks and do a little bit of housework for her.
If good deeds will get you in to Heaven,she'll be there.
Thanks for the idea to start this thread. Hopefully, we will share it with our wife when they get home. It is nice letting them know how we feel.

My wife also just left for "work." She works with kids as an assistant at the local elementary school. It gives her joy to see the eyes light up when a child finally understands something they have been struggling with. Or we will be in a store and a kid will run up and give her a big hug.

January will be 44 years for us. During that time, we have weathered many storms and survived ever stronger. Only a few of the bigger things she (we) have dealt with: We had a son died at 6 days old and we survived. About 22 years later, she went thru cancer and at the same time, our worthless daughter decided to run off on us when she needed her the most. Then a few years after that, I dealt with cancer and she was there supporting me all the way. Her father had Alzheimer's and living about 1,000 miles away so my wife suggested we give them an acre of land, just across the drive from our house and they put a houses on it and moved here. My wife cooks one evening, her mom the next, and we eat together. After her dad died, her mom gets depressed often but we are right here for her. The Bible says "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." Some day, we would like to be on the receiving end of things before we die. But we still have each other. And we have seen tight fisted people that have done much worse than us so I guess we are receiving many of the blessings now.

My wife of 41 years will be leaving for work a little later on. I will stay mostly home due to the storm. She stayed home and was mom, book keeper, and then office manager for our business until after we sold it nearly ten years ago. She is secretary now for our church and is a woman of strong faith. She did a great job raising our children. Our daughter is a PHD and is on faculty at Harvard, and our son is a graduate of seminary in LA and is currently on sabbatical as an assistant store manager at Lowes. On our farm she was always on call to tedd or bale hay when I was pulled away by business emergencies.
Lost my wife when she turned 50 from cancer. Married 32 years and she followed my dumb butt all over Texas. Helping everyone she met when they needed it. Special needs kids to home health care. Wore herself out doing it. But it was what she loved doing. She deserved more than I ever gave her.
We have been married 33 years..she raised 3 kids while I worked..always doing for everyone first and never wanting for herself..My wife is the most caring person that I have ever met..and I am so greatful the good lord gave her to me.I (and my family)would be lost without her.When there is a problem inside the family..she is the's hard to Christmas shop for her because she never wants anything..she makes sure our 6 grandchildren have a good Christmas.Thank you for your post...we all are very lucky to have our wives.

Wouldn't take anything for my wife of 44 yrs., BUT, wouldn't give you a nickel for another dozen of them
I will always tell anyone I would be a big NOTHING if it is was not for two good women that married me.

My first wife was the back bone of the family. That enable me to provide for the family without worrying about how things would get done. We where able to have 29 years of married life before God called her to him. I was devastated!!! I was left with five children, with the youngest son just five years old. It was a trying time.

My second wife is the younger sister of one of my best friends in the world. She dropped everything and came to help care for my kids when my first wife died. They all call her Mother and their Birth mother 'Mom". I was in a funk for over a year. If she had not been there to keep things together I am sure the kids would have been much worse off, myself too.

Three years after my first wife passed my second wife "asked/told me" that we where going to see a movie in town. She informed me then that we where "officially" dating. LOL about a year later I asked her to marry me. So she has kept me on the straight and narrow since then.

Her heath is not good now. So I try to make everyday one where she knows how much I care/appreciate her.

Yep, two GREAT women made my life pretty darn good.
great post, wife of 37 years is at work, teachers aide, has lupus and struggles some days but keeps on going, admire and love her
I tried to put together a post about mama of 40 years, but site tells me I have used restricted words, tried editing about 10 times with no luck, guess I will just say she has been great, and see if it goes thru
My wife is the Godliest person I know. We were childhood friends, high school sweethearts, and we've been married for 52 years. She's the only "girlfiend" I've ever had, and I wouldn't change one thing about that.

She taught honors and advanced placement English in Christian schools for many years, in addition to teaching English at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, GA.

She has been, and continues to be my best friend and life partner.

Tom in TN
We've been married 61 years. We went to school together during WW2 and we moved away about 12 miles after the war. We graduated from different
high schools, but I asked her to my senior prom in 1951. We were married in 1953 while I was in the Army. Here's pics from 1953 and of us in 1956. Hal

I wouldn't trade my beautiful/sweet wife for anything. We've been married for a little more than 30 years and we've gone thru many issues I still tell her that she's the most beautiful woman in the world which she is and thank her almost everyday for marrying me and putting up with me. We met in college and each of us were dating someone else when we met. I asked her out and before long we were exclusive. She is a farm girl and has worked in town quite a bit but she also has taken care of the farrowing when we've been in the field. 2 years ago she was permanently laid off in town so she has been helping me farm. It sure is great having someone to help load the planter and haul grain away from the combine in the fall. Heck it's great to have her around all the time. She has given me 2 wonderful daughters one of which has gotten married. I better quit this is getting long.

My friend and second wife of 35 years taught school for 30 years and is the choir director at church and also bell choir. We are both retired but she is always on the go because she belongs to several local groups such as historical society,PEO,railroad museum and quilts at church weekly. Her mother who just turned 92 and is now in assisted living and she goes there all the time.
We are a blended family of six children and you wouldn't know who belonged to whom by her caring.
(quoted from post at 04:59:41 12/09/14) My wife will be leaving for work soon,,,It is raining so I will stay home,,,,,doesnt make me feel good,,,she worked the entire 34 years we have been married,never getting much time off.For many years she would pack my lunch box at 5 am , For years she didnt get home till 7 pm,, Im sure you all have great wives too,,,,its time to hear about them,,,not just mothers day or birthdays,,,How about it? Im declaring this rainy day wives day!!!!

My wife is great! Around 85 tractors out back and no complaints as long as they are parked behind the wife is great!
As the years have gone by (married 41 1/2 years ago in college) I have come to appreciate my wife more and more. She's worked since we were married as a nurse. Went part-time for a few years with our first child but went back full-time when we had 2nd and 3rd in diapers and my business was seeing hard times. She's been FT for over 30 years now. Every marriage has it's ups and downs and we've sure had our share. But things have never been better and we're looking to retire together in 2 1/2 years, God willing.
My wife is a woman that is truly outstanding in her field. We have been married for 32 years, and have raised 3 boys. She has also worked at the municipal Library as a reference librarian,as well as goes to the barn with me each morning to help milk. At just over five feet tall my missus is proof that dynamite comes in small packages. Bruce
The wife and I will be married 41 years next week.

She is something special. She was a totally fantastic Army wife. We had to be in at 5:30 AM and I was seldom home much before 6PM. She got up, made coffee, got me up and out the door. Got the kids up, fed and off to school. Made dinner, cleaned house, starched my uniforms. Took kids to appointments (we have 7 of em) and played mom and dad while I was off doing whatever I had to do, sometimes for extended periods of time. She started working when the youngest was 5. So I made the morning coffee and put laundry in to start the day. She packed up and moved from her to Riley to Germany to Riley to here while I was in Korea and then to Bliss, Germany then Knox then here. I retired in 02. She still works and picked up a college degree along the way. When I got real bored and decided to farm my own land she has supported me 100%. She doesn't get mad when I buy a tractor or piece of equipment! Plus she hunts and like to go fishing. Don't get no better than that!

Wonderful thread Larry, My wife is named Karen as was my brother's wife which made two Karen O'Connors in the family and they both looked very similar. Confusing to many people to say the least. My wife taught elementary school for thirty years and I am not sure if I have graduated from the third grade yet or not but she is still working on me. She is the most selfless person that I have ever known. Loving her was the easiest thing that I have ever done. As it should be in all marriages, she is the most important person in the world to me. She is pictured here in front of a Giant Sequoia and also with our youngest daughter.

HEAR HEAR to all the good women that stand behind our butts. My wife and I have been together 15yrs and married 11yrs. She supports my tractor habit,doesn't like it but never say's a word. She also stepped up and became the treasurer of my club I belong to. But the biggest reason I would be up the creek without here is my 2 boys that are Type 1 diabetic.

This woman has risen to the challenge and is absolutely phenomenal at it. She is involved with JDRF and other support groups for parents of type 1 kids. I only wish I could keep things together like she does. Trucker
I have a fantastic wife. We have been married for 36 years and even though we don't have any of the same interests, other than family, we seem to click.
She worked in a factory that made electric heating elements. When the factory closed she went to school and became a NCMA and loves her job. She is a people person.

My wife and our Grandson.
Here is my better half and my 674. Couldn't have asked for a better or harder working woman. Together over six years, married one and a half. I think I might be a little younger than most members.
Thanksgiving Day was our 48 wedding anniversary. I worked in town and farmed for 18 years and she stayed home and raised our two boys. Then she went to work in town while I farmed for a year till we bought a business. She was there everyday doing books and taking care of the money. She was probably under more stress then me. She could handle people better then I could. Had the business for 23 years till she had a stroke. Then a year later she had cancer. The boys did not want the business so sold it. I just couldn't take care of her and run the business and run cattle too. Now a lot of my time is spent taking care of her. Wouldn't trade her for the world. If the good Lord is willing and the creek don't rise, might get to 50 years together.
My wife and I are young I guess - ya'll got me beat by many years! Only knightstead is close to me.

Laura and I have been married for 9 years. She's terrific. She's raising our three daughters (2,5,7 yrs) at home. Constantly making sure our family is in good shape. She isn't the same person as when we met - she's better! We're growing together, facing challenges and going through them together. When I'm "stuck" she kicks me into gear. When she's stuck, I give her a hug lol...
Never met another like her and hope I don't have to. Hats off to the gentlemen whose wives passed away.
My lady has worked everyday for the last 40 years for the same company, except for one year where she got a wild hair and quit to work for a "friend", that ended badly, and she got back in with the same company. We work at the same place so we can ride together. She keeps the house clean and the pets fed. She also helps out on our small farm and is in the barn every night cleaning up manure and feeding. Can't get her to drive the tractors or mow any pastures or lawn grass however. I think it's an allergy thing. We've been married 38 yrs, last September 11.
EVERY day is wives' day.

Think not? Pick any day, and when your wife asks you to do something, look her straight in the eye and say, "Y'know, today just ain't your day."

After the paramedics fix you up, see how you feel about tellin' her that ANY day just ain't her day...

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