Speaking at a funeral service, follow up.

Hello friends
After all the wonderful responses to my original post, I thought I would like to tell you how it went. I'm so proud of my sibs and myself, we all spoke from the heart and did so with respect and love. I tried to use the advice of being the first to go, but since im the baby of the family my oldest sister went first and then it was my turn, please endulge me as i tell my story again.
Several years ago, before my Dads alzhiemers became bad we where baling hay on our highest piece of ground (up on a hill) so we were changing kicker wagons on a fairly level spot. Well wr were talking and didnt block a wheel on the loaded wagon and.......you guessed it, away it went, rollong down the hill til it jack knifed and tipped over.
And this incident brought to mind something my grandfather said to my Dad and he told me "Son, I cant pull your load for you, but I can block the wheel". Of coarse at this point I started to get choked up, but I expressed that my Dad had done this for me several times in my life and I was forever grateful and I loved him very much
It came off better in the spoken word then is does me typing, but I hope you get the idea.
So thanks to all of you giving me the encouragement to get up and do this, and im so glad i did.
Well said, Chris. My dad is gone ten years now and I still miss him. FIL is gone over twenty. He left me with some bits of farmer's wisdom and I'm still using his tractors.
Brought a tear to my eye... What a wonderful thing to say, I am sure that he would have been starting to choke up too... ;)

Good Job..

Chris, You honored your Father's memory very well with the story. I think/hope my children will talk about life with me that way some day.
Spoken word or typed word, a wonderful message. How true of a lot of dads. Im glad it went well. Your dad would be very proud.
Nice message you have posted for others to enjoy reading. Those words spoken of your Dad will be with you for a lifetime. If you had not taken the opportunity to relate your Dad's wisdom given to you, other's would not have known and you would have regreted for not given the message. We are all proud of you. Cheers, Murray
I never met you or your father. Those words choked me up as I read them. Beautiful sentiment and very true. My father never spoke that phrase but he certainly "blocked my wheels" more times than I can remember. Next week he will be gone for 20 years. I miss him.
Thank you.
Great story. Glad you did it.

I really wish that I had spoken for my dad's funeral... but you don't get do-overs (and not sure I could have gotten through it anyway).
Well spoken.

I've always envied fellows who had a great relationship with their fathers. I didn't. My maternal grandfather probably influenced my life more than my father. Somehow I always felt my grandfather spent more time with me than with his 11 other grandsons. Did he see the situation more clearly than I did?
I have a picture of my Dad and Me sitting at a table in the Care Center on Fathers Day haveing pie and Coffee. This picure is right above my p.c. so I look at it daily. He has been gone now for 9 yrs and I still miss him a lot.
We all have a dad weather good or not so good. from what you say your Dad was a real good guy, and be missed. I am glad the service went well as could be under the circumstances. My Dad has been gone for over 20 years now, and still miss him, but we still have the wonderful memories, as your family does. Stan
We go to a Quaker church and Quaker tradition is after the preacher speaks, we have "open worship". This a time to say what your heart leads you to speak. I had an uncle who was an English teacher for 40 years and he always seemed to have the right things to say!! Daddy's been gone 23 years as of July 17th and I still miss him! We had our ups and downs, but I've tried to emulate him in my work ethic-do it right the first time!!

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