New Grain Bin Costs


Well-known Member
I"m thinking of putting up a new grain bin. With the acres of corn planted & the yields I"ve been getting it looks like a 25K bushel bin is about what I will need. Is there a rule of thumb for a average bin cost. X amount of bushels = X amount of $$$ I will want a fan & large unloading auger but no drier. Thanks Gerald
That would have been a good reason to go to the farm progress show! I shopped new bins 2 years ago at the Ohio Farm Science Review. I was told that an installed bin was around $1.85 a bushel. The concrete was quite a bit of the cost. Labor wasn't too bad. Biggest costs were the drying floor, fancy staircase(instead of vertical ladder), and concrete.

That was 2 years ago. Who knows what it would be now. I thought the price was extremely reasonable with $8 corn. With $2.85 corn... well... it's hard to pay for it, but the potential to profit from it increases as the basis gets stupid and the price drops. I am looking at a -$0.45 basis for November corn that will probably increase to -$0.55 or -$0.65 by harvest time. Just holding it until March or April last year, netted an additional $1.35 per bushel. At that point, the bins pay for themselves quickly.
Paid for a 8500 bu a few weeks back. Just under 11K, ladder, floor, fan transition, 2 sumps, unload auger. I provide motors, fan, sweep... Concrete and rebar was $2500(just finished). All my labor.

Same bin built would be a little over 20K.
$2.00 per bushel for a 20000 bushel Brock ready to use with worthless spreader, one 10 horse radial fan and 8 inch unload auger with power sweep and all electrical work six years ago. Added a second fan three years ago. Wish I would have used centrifugal fans for the lower noise level. It's claimed centrifugal fans push more air. True? Jim

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