Moderators-My post got poofed WHY

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
I posted this afternoon about a transmission I sold on Ebay and for some reason it got removed. I said nothing that was not appropriate. Are just certain people permitted to post on this forum? I'd sure like to know. Keith
Well, Kieth; After being on this site for many a year, I learned that If I couldn't make a posative comemnt about some person who commented here, I just let their comment go, Chris or Kim did the correct thing, ending your post.
loren, the Acg.
Don't know, it happens. I had one disappear a week or so back, I imagine the word I used in the title offended someone. Didn't mean anything by it and certainly see much worse by other people. But I don't let it bother me and you should not either. You have the "ultimate power" after all.

But what I really wanted to tell you was that the one thing almost all forums have in common is that it is forbidden to question, and in some cases to even mention, the mods. And if you do, maybe site comments would have a better chance of response and less risk of deletion.
It turned into a derogatory free-for-all with unkind words towards others that I do not want in my living room, or anyone else's living room for that matter. Nor did I want to have that discussion published under the name of this business, which all posts effectively are.

Any and all posts that match the above description will be removed, as soon as I know about them. Thanks to those that click the Report to Moderator link when they see something that may not be aligned with the purpose and integrity of this website and community.
I've been on here for a few years also & didn't think I said anything against anyone on here at all. I was mearly talking about a local person that bid on my item then had the nerve to ask to make payments. Oh well what's done is done. I'll do my best to not post and just read the rest of the posts about how people hate others for pulling into their driveway, don't pay their bills and how lazy the younger people are LOL. Keith
Seems I remember reading your post this morning. Wasn't anything you said I'm guessing but maybe one of the comments it generated in reply. Then the whole string gets poofed rather than the one offender so don't take it personal.
Kieth, I don't think it was what you said but what others had to say. I personally didn't see the post.
Hi Kim
if what you are saying is true you better go down the page to the truck discussion Harvey 2 looks about ready to get a bashing from another member.
I think it"s a good job I"m not moderating as there would be 8 pages go poof here some days, if I was enforcing the rules.
Good luck with your difficult job you will never please anybody. I"m still surprised i"m here somedays Being a guy that will say what he thinks out straight!.
Regards Robert

When you see things like that going on, hit the "Report to Moderator" button.

I'm a mod on another forum; people think we're Superman, and review each and every post that's made. No. We're humans and it's just not humanly possible to read and review everything.

Moderators depend on "tattle-tales" reporting egregious infractions. If it doesn't get reported, it doesn't get poofed.
Hi Mike
Thanks for that info, so if a guy for some reason
decides he's gonna pick on somebody he don't like
on the forum. would that in theory mean all he has
to do is hit report to moderator and that guys
post would get deleted, or do you go read the post
and use your discretion to stop that happening?
Never been a moderator Don't want to be, like I
said before some guys would hate me, But just
curious how it works.
Regards Robert
Report just alerts the moderator to a potential issue. Then it is at the moderator's discretion to let it slide, delete the post, or edit the post.
Robert Major,
I wasn"t aboot to get bashed. I did a Barney Fife, and that was to nip it in the bud!"
If anyone says sumthing negative aboot me or to me, I keep this saying in mind.
You"ve got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on the affirmative
Don"t mess with mister in-between
Spread joy to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium liable to walk upon the scene.
There was a line in the song by Ricky Nelson called garden party, aboot you can"t please everyone, so you gotta please yourself.
Lache Pas la Patate
I had no intent of bashing anyone My point was you said you drove for 30 years. In my experience as a owner of several road tractors I have had several instances ,some rather humerous, of drivers and dispatchers using broken english. This was after the post of russian drivers. One that comes to mind of as east coast factory dispatch wanting my driver to go boird. Driver though he was to wait and run with Boyd a local company near us. Dispatchers manager called me wanting to know why the driver was waiting in the parking lot. I said your dispatcher wanted him to wait and tun with another local company. Turn out he was wanting our man to fly or drive as fast as possible, like a BIRD.My only point was broken english and foreign words sometimes give a total different meaning. Sorry if I ruffled and FEATHERS so to speak.
he!!, maybe it's me, i've only posted about 5 comments in the last week cause i been busy doing other things and 3 are gone.
Hi Harvey I was just watchin your back after the written beating you got in posts a few weeks ago. If your happy that's fine, i'll just go sit back in the corner and keep quiet.
Regards Robert

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