The gnats are driving me gnuts


The gnats this year in southern Minnesota are crazy. We can't even work in the shop without a fan on. Even outside with a strong breeze they still keep coming. I have been using spray's with little success. Have always heard Skin So Soft works but haven't tried it yet. What do you guys and gals use?

Grab some vanilla extract and put a dab behind your ear.

Try at HOME fist! Don't want to smell like that at work unless the gnats are at bay.

I"m North of Lacrosse, in Western Wisconsin.
They say that the Gnats will only get worse, with
global warming.
Avon "Skin-so Soft" works great for me. I even
seal a used wipe in a Zip-Lock bag, and use it
more than once.
Use this sun-blocker: Banana Boat, SPF 30.

Smear it on your head and face, or smear it on an old cap.

End of gnats.

I never have to fool with sun-blocker, I tan really good naturally. But this crap really works for bugs.

LA in WI
We had 'em earlier but they seem to be gone now. Mosquitoes are just starting to come on. They've been pretty light so far, even back along the wood lot. I've only killed maybe a dozen so far. Deer flies drive me nuts. They rarely land they just buzz around.

I use "Absorbine Jr.". It is liniment, and intended for sore muscles, but a little on the back of your neck and around your ears will keep the gnats away. I keep my hair pretty short, so I put some on the sides and back of my head.
Was in SW MN, SE SD this weekend and they were really bad. Had to stop twice to clean them off the windshield.
Biting little buggers too.
I was glad to get back to the city where they spray and control them.
something with DEET in it, the higher percentage the better. i also put some tp in my ears so they don't attack them. we missed gnat season this year, the wind must have blown em all over to y'all.

We didn't have those gnats until about 10 or 12 years ago.
Buffalo gnats they're called around here.
In 2011 we had way more rain than normal and the gnats were the worst we've seen them. Then the next year we had a drought and hardly any gnats.
They're gone for the year here. They usually get gone when it starts getting hot and drier.
I guess the people who still have them have been getting a lot of rain.
I bought another thing of Buggins today to have for next year. If you wait until the gnats show up to buy any it will be sold out.
I mix vanilla and water in a an old hair spray bottle and spray around my head and arms. Works good, but you have to spray quite often. We had them here in central IL. earlier. They are gone now. When the temperature of the water, where they hatch, gets warmer they will disappear. They hatch in moving water and after it warms to about 75-80 degrees, I can't remember temp for sure, they will disappear.
I have found a product called " Bug Soother". Comes in a green 6 or 8 oz. bottle. It is made in Columbus Junction, Iowa. They carry it in the local stores around town. This stuff works better than anything I have ever tried. Smells good too!
I use a hair net like device I got at Wal-mart in the sporting goods dept.

I have to wear long shirt, arms don't like the sun.

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