weed wiper for marestail?


Well-known Member
Is there anything a guy can use with a weed wiper that will kill knee high marestail and not hurt soybeans? I have one field left to plant, the marestail got away from me and I really don't want to disk it. Thanks in advance.


I assume these are non Roundup ready beans if your not wanting to use Roundup on them as a spray solution.

But you can still use Roundup in a weed wiper staying about the bean canopy when applying.

You could also spray the beans with other products like Cobra or Flexstar and kill the marestail. Or put the cobra in the weed wiper.

You have several options. Talk to your local crop agronomist before you disc those beans under.

Disclaimer...read the label for what's registered for your crop, your area etc...

Mares tail / horsetail is a pain no matter what. I have used a weed wiper on with 2:4D and it will take down the horsetail...I use the aminie formula...easter is to volatile. Even then the Horsetail will collapse and lay on the crop below and kill the plants its laying on.

Another option which I have heard works ok is to add the adjuvent Sylgard to 10% round up mix to wipe the horsetail. The sylgard strips the silica in the horsetail and allows the round up to enter the plant.
A guy I know tried this two weeks go...haven't driven by to check it out yet.

Good Luck Grant
If you haven't planted it yet,why do you need to use a weed wiper? Just spray it with Roundup. Or is the marestail resistant?
They are round up resistant. Local coop who does my spraying says he doesn't have any thing that he can spray on them that will kill them when they are this big. With my public work schedule and small disk it will be another week before I can get them planted.

Thanks for the advice.

Resistant. Local coop says he doesn't have any thing that will know kill them this big. Manager says I need to disk them before planting. I reallt don't want to take the time to work it this late in the game.

Thank you for the advice.

Problem is even with the disk, they will probably be back up before the beans. Unbelievable root systems and some what prehistoric plant...

Did round up work on them at one point and now they are resistant...or is it just that the round up cant get into the plant. This is a general question to everyone.

One of my neighbours bought some home owner glyphosate mix at the hardware store and it took out all the horse tail around his tree yard.

I use weather max and cant get a wilt off them...thats why I believe its an ajuvent issue.

Always trying to learn something off this site. I will try to see the guys place who wiped with the Sylgard and see how it worked.
Several years ago round up would wilt it around here and stunt it where it would just stand there and not grow. Now once the stuff gets over 4 inches tall round up just makes the leaves curl up.

I miss read your post thinking they were all ready planted.

Ask your coop guy about the two I mentioned below.

We use both here and they seem to work on tall broadleafs including marestail.

I used a chemical called sharpen on smaller marestail in May right before I planted , not sure the chemical compound but it killed the foot tail marestail and didn"t seem to hurt the beans.
This won't help now. If you spray it in the fall you can kill it. It is a fall weed. Meaning it germinates in the fall and just goes dormant like wheat for the winter. I tried spraying for fall annuals last year and worked good. I will have to go get some pictures of the field. It has been sprayed and planted since last fall. The weed pressure was great right up to planting this year. With the wet weather we had this year the field was clean all spring. We planted it the 6th of June this year.
Could I wipe or wick the marestail with liberty and not hurt the non ll beans? Would there be enough residual in the weeds to hurt the beans later on?

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