Finally Got it done

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
Finally bit the bullet and cleaned up the shop. It only took my grandson and me 3 days LOL.
Looks good to me, Time for some new projects! I think it would take me 3 weeks to clean my shop out, Some projects you just never want to start, Like cleaning! Bandit
Looks good! But can you find anything? Whenever I clean up, I might as well throw it away; I never see it again seems like.

Hi Looks very nice. You guys want a weeks expenses paid holiday in Manitoba, Canada? my shops a mess and needs to look like yours. had a customer recon a nuclear bomb went off in mine. I said nope if it had it would of burned all the junk and it would be a lot cleaner L.O.L.
Hopefully I might get a break between fixin seeding equipment and when the hay stuff starts if your not coming!.
Regards Robert
Nice shop. I wouldn't know what to do with a cement floor, best I have is wood. Is that a power hack saw? If so, what is the pedal for? Stan
I finally got mine to looking like that several months ago....Once I got everything arranged and organized, Dad finally got the paperwork signed letting us get all of his stuff (post divorce) out of his shop and moved....into mine.... Think about this, his shop was 40x60 with two small back rooms and a shed, and it was FULL. Mine is 30x40 downstairs, 17x40 upstairs with two small back rooms and a shed, and it was FULL too. Now I'm trying, successfully so far, to get all of the stuff from his shop organized into mine and still have room to work.

It's taking a combination of strategic placement of everything, along with a generous application of shelving, and storage items to do it, but when I'm done I will be better off that I was to start with.
I did clean mine up once in 2005. Took 3 weeks, but I had everything cleaned and organized. Then in 2006 I poured a floor. Took another 3 weeks to clean up the already cleaned up shop. Next time it gets cleaned I'll be dead and the kids can do it.

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