Small thuja green giants died


Over the winter...I lost 20 16" thuja green giant trees and a 6' autum blaze maple..all planted last may....It was a very bad winter..and they did not make it..Here in nw ohio..I guess i'll try again. Anybody else loose any small trees this winter?
Have a patch of about 1000 Christmas trees. all about 4 years old. several varieties. Fraser fir sure didn't like the cold at my place. Nw pa
My blackberries didn't like the cold winter. They are only leafing out on the bottom foot of stalk that was buried in snow all winter.

Also have some English ivy climbing on the back porch that looks pretty tough too.
I had 2 dogwoods, one English walnut, one holly and a small white oak that bit the dust here in central ohio. had -26 a couple times
warm or cold the arborvitae family can't take high winds,
especially while they are young.
Gotta wrap em if young and they are out in the open in winter.
Like mentioned, leave them for a year.
I had one 4 footer that the wind 'killed'
Totally brown, brittle wood dead, except for one very small 6" long branch
right at the base that was still green.
Left it alone and in a year or two it recovered with a new trunk.
I then cut the old trunk away.

Was a tough winter though. Of the 25 Fir trees I planted last year,
(2 footers)
I lost 9.
again though, all I lost were on the open wind side. dang evergreens.

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