new use for cell phone


Well-known Member
Just got done changing the oil in tractor and was looking for a place to write it down that i wouldnt lose it and got an idea took a picture of the filter that way all i have to do is find the date the picture was taken then i know when i changed the oil. also because i took a picture of the filter i will have the number with me when i go shopping again.
Now if i dont loose the cell phone
I write the date and tach hours on the oil filter with a sharpie.

Reminds me every time I walk by it.

the metal on them is getting so thin now I'd be afraid to do that. :)

I changed one the other day. felt loke a soda can. I actually crushed it in the center hand tightening... and I'm as far from a mountain gorilla as you can get. ;)
My filters are black so I use one of those yellow paint markers you find at Fastenal .An enamel paint "ball point pen"
I write it on the filter, put the hours of change by the hour meter with a label maker. Then I write it in my book of important facts I keep in the shop. I never thought of taking a picture. Being Old School though I'm still trying to figure out this new fancey phone my wife made me get 6 months ago. I know how to take a picture, I just can't figure out what to do with it after I do.
I take mine to guys downtown they check all the places that need oil and even look at my fan belt it was in bad shape after 90K they even check all the light and replace them for free. It cost very little more than doing it my self and I don't have all that old oil to get rid of. And it also makes jobs for the young kids just getting started out.
Ps in Oregon you can't put your own gas in its safety thing but most of all it puts thousands of young people to work. And you can send your wife down to fill the car in her Sunday go to meeting dress.
Seniors and iPhones.

I was visiting my daughter in Texas last week when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper. "This is the 21st century" she said, adding "We don't waste money on newspapers. Here, use my iPhone." I can tell you this, that fly never knew what hit him.

Hey, Hey, let's not talk about my relatives like that, Soundguy.
Just kiddin'.

know what you're talking about. Managed to squish one trying to get it off, WITH A FILTER WRENCH!
don't get me wrong. mountain gorilla's have their uses. Like for moving tires.. or lifting up axles to slip cribbing in.. but some people employ them for the wrong reason. Like.. instead of putting a new 25 cent gasket on a drain plug.. or cutting a new gasket from paper.. they will instead get a heard of mountain gorilla and strip or round off the head on a 2" drain bung to get it super-duper tight.. nearly contact welded to stop leaking. all when 10# and a GASKET would have been fine. ;)
I take pictures of filters, part numbers, as well as the serial numbers to all the equipment. Seems like all our tractors have a serial break for every part ive ever needed.
I've gotten to where I snap a photo every time I take something apart to fix. It sure helps on the tractors that I don't have a parts diagram. When I finally got the belt on the belly mower to where it wouldn't twist itself I took about 100 pictures of the cure.
I use a sharpie, or welder's paint marker, and write the oil type, hours and date on the filter, itself. you can look, and the batteries never die...
I write the date on the filter with a sharpie.
I also use a paint pen and clean a spot on the oil pan near the plug and write the date and type of oil used.
Paint pen date when changed, near the fill/level/drain plug is also handy on rears and trannys.
Up here in the North, paint pen freeze protection temperature number right on the radiator cap.
Engine work, such as valves adjusted or bearings checked/changed gets a write-up in the back of my manuals.
You think you will remember, but you won't.
Especially if you have a lot of tractors.

(I do use the camera in my phone to send my son a quick pic when I'm working on something unusual or to brag a bit when a
very difficult repair finally submits to my will....)
I got forced to take a new work phone, It's a smart phone and I'm not smart enough to use it. But I've found out like you I don't need any paper and pencils anymore, all I do is push a button and talk to it for messages like what your doing or reminders, pictures. Don't tell anybody but I'm starting to like this thing.
been doing that for serveral yrs now ,.. weights ect, model and parts # of all kinds , the cell phone lite worx ok in darkness to see well enuf to keep from trippin over items under foot , after .1st week with cell phone I quit wearin a wrist watch ,. ,, cellphones.are one modern convenience that worx good although not perfect .. I wish they made them out of chocolate ,least you could eat them when you get disgusted with them .. LOL

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