pete black

Well-known Member
i tilled up a portion of the garden with the tractor today and plan on planting tomatoes tomorrow. times past i have tended to get my plants, which are caged with re-enforcing wire, too close together. what distance do you find works best for you? this is in nw alabama. thanks.
I set them 3-feet apart since I don't have a big garden anymore. I think I made those wire cages
about 35 years ago from heavy reinforcement wire.
I grew all my tomato plants. I have them in a small mini greenhouse now. It's been too cold to plant them in the garden. Hal
PS: My wife has Earth Boxes for growing veggies. Our daughter has Earth boxes too.


Last year I tried planting my tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets, one plant per bucket. I don't think I'll ever go back to the old way.

Weeding is a non issue.

I can move them anywhere I want.

Watering is so much easier to ensure I get enough to the roots.

I can't understand why I waited this long to try it.
Just the opposite for me. I planted some in 10 gal pots several year's ago. Never again. Worst tomatoes I ever raised.
I plant on 6' rows at 6' spacing. I use concrete wire mesh for cages that are 18" in diameter and 5' tall. I irrigate and use composted manure tilled in. I don't trim or prune. Just let them go wild. They'll get 6-7' tall and towards the end I have to use a machete to cut a path between plants.

You do have to go well into the plant to find tomatoes. Deep enough that the birds and bugs can't find them.
Hi Dean, what birds go after your tomatoes? I've never experienced that.

Otherwise I grow the same way you do except I use raised beds that hold 8 cages (no machete needed), a little larger diameter than yours. Easier on my back.

I usually find 3-4 tomato hornworms every year, but that's the only bug problem. Generally I find them before the parasitic wasp eggs hatch. My tomatoes appear all over, easy picking.

Might be different varieties. I only grow Italian heirlooms, and one hybrid.

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