Bored? Need a project or two?


Well-known Member
Check this out! Any true die hard DIYer's want to tackle some of these projects?

I liked seeing the B battery eliminator for old radios - reminds me that I've got an old radio that I stopped working on because of the 90 volt b battery required.

Years ago I made my own eliminator - dropped something heavy on it - and soon lost interest in having to do it all over again.

I would like to get that radio working again.

Also love any publication from that era where a pipe is the standard prop to represent a Dad or any "handyman". Often used to visually separate the men from the boys.

Gotta love the one-eyed girl on the scooter too.
I have a couple of Model "T" coils and I think I may just go a build me a fence charger! Love the battery spot welder and the high power home generator that will run 6 or 7 20 watt bulbs that are brighter than a kerosene lamp. Used a Maytag washing machine engine to power it. They are only a couple of horse power. How many of us would pull a car generator apart and modify the fields? I down loaded the whole thing so I can read it at my leasure. Can you beleave a BUG ZAPPER? And you thought every thing has been invented. Just remember that way back then ELECTRICITY was the newest new fangle thing in many parts of our own country! Thanks for the hoot of a book. jeffcat

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