does this really cold winter mean

I don't know, a few weeks back when it warmed up a bit the skeeter's were thick. Kinda hard to believe, but there was a bunch of them.
Mosquitos and black flies.

I've lived in Maine and Minnesota. The mosquitos and black flies are terrible in both places. I now live in Tennessee where the ticks and chiggers are vicious every Spring, Summer, and Fall. I don't think that cold weather has any effect on bugs.

Tom in TN
The ones I ran into weren't very big but there was enough of them to carry me away. The summer of 2011, the end of July, in Tok, AK.
Don't know about ticks, but there's mosquitos as big as snow geese up there. I'm thinking the cold doesn't have any effect on them. They rise in clouds out of the muskeg- and make you wonder what they eat when they can't get people.
Got a newsletter from an agronomist saying that we may see a reduction in corn rootworm this year due to the cold but in the next sentence he said not to cut back on any preventative measures.
try boiling garlic cloves in water and drain,put water in sprayer and spray around the house with it. Skeeters and ticks will leave,they can't stand garlic. Google garlic for mosquitos and ticks and see what is said.
We just confirmed our trip today......I"ll let you know after July 24. Stay tuned! Maintain baited breath! (meanwhile, keep the great pics coming!)
Skeeters are the state bird in Alaska. There is always skeeters in the summer they are just worse some years. I lived there 12 years. I don't miss the skeeters but I miss Alaska.
I don't think it'll matter much.

What I think gets the mosquitos is when you have a very late freeze or two.

Still too early (around here anyways) to consider any cold weather "late".

Might be different where you are.
Quite a few summers back the airplane guy would run dry seven through his plane a few of us got 5 acres spread over our houses. Had some left over once just told him to spread a neighbors house also. Forgot to tell neighbor. I guess it scared the well out of him when that big old radial airplane came over his house in a big cloud of white dust about tree top high! But they got over it! Made one whale of a difference in the ticks and bugs.
We had one warm day recently where the mosquitoes came out while there was snow still on the ground. From what I understand you can freeze a flea or tick in a block of ice and when you thaw it out they will still be alive.
(quoted from post at 16:21:53 02/24/14) is there ticks and mosquitos in Alaska in summer? I dont know the answer,never been there,,,

The mosquiyos up there carry drop tanks!
It will be interesting to see. We had some very cold weather a couple of months ago, which was not unusual for this area. What was unusual was that there was no snow cover at all, so the ground was not protected from the cold like it usually is.

I am hoping that the cold killed lots of the wasps that plague us most Summers. If it cut down on mosquitoes and ticks that would be great.

On May 18, 1980, Mt St. Helens blew its top and my area got about 3 inches of volcanic ash dropped on it. That was a huge mess to clean up, as the ash covered everything. I washed it off the house roof and wet down my yard so the grass would come through. I had already planted my garden, so we just kept watering. Funny thing was that our garden was never better than that year. It was kind of eerie that Summer, as there were almost no insects around, and fairly few birds. Hopefully that was a once-in-a-lifetime incident, but it sure was nice not to have to fight the insects.

Maybe this Summer will also have fewer insects around than usual. I hope!
It isn't going to make a bit of difference as far as mosquitoes, ticks, deer flies, horse flies, etc. go. We've had open winters (little snow) with temps at 40 below and it didn't even phase them.

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