Thoughts on buying tractor


Well-known Member
What's everyone's thoughts on purchasing a tractor that reflects the normal working tractor price BUT:

Is only missing a battery to run?

When offering a battery it becomes an electrical problem?
What tractor are you looking at?

Be willing to bet they are hiding something though.

The older tractors were very simple electrically. But without being able to start it and put it through the motions, no sale!
I see tractors advertised without batteries,no seat cushions,flat tires.Some are setting in weeds about 2 ft tall,been mowed around all summer and the add says used everyday.
Sounds to me like they may be hiding something. If the tractor is something you really are interested in, bring your OWN good battery and see how he acts when you tell them you want to start the tractor to see how well it runs. If it's truly just a battery problem it should fire right up. If you hook it up and it does nothing, and he replies, "Hmmm, it started right up last week!," RUN, OR offer a lower price. ~Anthony
(quoted from post at 13:34:41 02/20/14) What's everyone's thoughts on purchasing a tractor that reflects the normal working tractor price BUT:

Is only missing a battery to run?

When offering a battery it becomes an electrical problem?
I looked at a tractor once that "just needed a battery", magneto ignition. I said let's give it a don't need a battery. He said he didn't want to try that LOL! I walked away laughing....
If the tractor won't run, you should.

Missing a battery? How about we jump it? Oh, now its an electrical problem? What's the problem? Don't know? How about I have a look at it? No? Well, give me a call when you have stuff sorted out- If I'm paying "running tractor" price, then I want a running tractor.
Horse traders.

Used car salesmen.

Tractor jockeys.

Kind of a time honored tradition, hardly even seems dishonest anymore eh? ;)

Then there is the one that advertises "runs good, but needs a tune-up."
Asked why he didn't just do the tune-up and sell it whole, the answer was that he "didn't want to put any money into it."
Hmmmmm take a listen, and clearly hear a miss. Try cranking it over with teh coil wire off, and it is clearly turning unevenly. What do you suppose he is hiding under the guise of "needing a tune-up?"
This classic is one of the oldest scams going.
My suggestion is to bring a spare battery to see what is being disguised as just needing a battery to run.
I have gone to look at a few things. Once with a buddy to see a shredder.. guy gave him a deal cause it was stuck.. when we picked it up and stuck it on the trailer turned out blades were stuck in the ground underneith..not a bad buy.. on the other side I bought a 1830 skidloader that needed a "starter" so I bought it without seeing it run..NEVER AGAIN..I have 1000 in parts plust the 2500 and still isnt will be new carb kit for 250.00.. UGGG AS stated it dont run... RUN
looked at a 1650 diesel oliver once great looking tractor but i didnt know much about them then , salesman came out said ya starts right up runs good , said ok fire it up was fall & not cold out yet , already check the tool box befor he got there & found starting fluid can, anyway he procides to get that can in tool box spray enough fluid in it to blow up Fort Knox and yep she fired right up , i humered him for i while & walked away from that thing , later at an aution got talking to a complete stranger & he ended up telling me about the same tractor & he noticed it had an 88 engine in it, which i questoned the salesman about because of the indirect injection & should have been direct injection he said some late models still had them in ( came to find not true ) , so it wouldnt even have pulled the plows i needed a tractor for anyway a 65 HP tractor turned to 45HP , & i told the guy what plows i want to pull , id have been screwed if id spent my money on that & couldnt have done the job , salesman didnt care though , sorry about going on about it but that guy still chaps my a$$ today
Early 1650's had indirect injection and they are a bear to start in cold weather.I know because I have one either plug it up if the temperature is below 40 degrees or let it sit.Otherwise a great tractor.
yep ,found that out after the fact ,but the tractor i looked at was serial numbered for late of the last year produced W/ hydaul shift , it should have been direct , i forgot to add the hood had 2 holes for exhaust , ya that was factory too according to salesman , they also changed where the exhaust came though the hood & used a differant manifold on late models that one had wrong engine in it i know now the fuel pump was the give away that it was an 88 engine, ended up with a nice 1855 , always liked Oliver trators here farmed with 1650 gas & 1655 diesel too wouldnt trade them today

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