follow-up from a past dog post.


Well-known Member
Here's some pics of my 13 yr old Sheltie with our 2 yr old Chihuahua/mini-dach sisters. Teal (sheltie) had a ball two yrs ago chasing these two little energy balls around the property. After she tired them out she would lay down and they would climb on her and just lie there. Well , like I said in earlier post, she was shutting down and knew what was comming. She told me in all the ways she could that she was ready. Not a good day but she was at peace all the way (50 mi) to our vet of 35 yrs and now rests out in our little pet cemetary with all her former friends (3 of which she grew up with). This is a pic of the one little Chiweenies called "Ruby" (the black one is my wifes favorite called "Pearl") They both know something is wrong but this little girl has been doing her best to help me get over the loss of Teal. Time heals and I can't imagine a life without dogs. Yes it's hard to part but all the fun and memories are well worth it. Both Ruby and Pearl we rescued from a family that couldn't even afford to take care of them. My brother got a third one. Time marches on...and Will always miss her.


SORRY for your loss! I am NOT a pet person, but, for some reason, the strays SWMBO brings home adopt me as their favorite human. OBVIOUSLY, they are poor judges of character!
Sorry for your loss. My little buddy, now old buddy is 16 don't know how long he has left but will be tough when its his time.
I am sorry for your loss. These dogs do become a part of the family. We had to put down our 13 year old Golden Retriever two weeks ago today. She'd been suffering with cancer and arthritis and she had a heart attack about 4am in the morning. Took her to the vet and we had to put her to sleep. She is going to missed too.
I'm sorry for your loss. Three weeks ago we had 3 dogs to but on the 29th of January the vet came out to our house and put down Tessa, our German Shepherd. She was still interested in everything that was going on around her, still liked to eat but her back legs would not work anymore, and we did everything we could with supplements and some pain pills. Unfortunately it was time. She was probably somewhere between 14 and 16 so she had a long life and a great life where we are with my wife and the cows.

I know what you mean when you say they know something is wrong. Both of ours that are still here have been down, not quite themselves. And it has been over 2 weeks. I think there are just turning the corner a little; our beagle really took it hard, you could just see he was confused and sad.

Our 3 were all from situations where they weren't wanted anymore and I'm so glad we took all of them. We'll probably add another here soon I hope, it is up to my wife. The shepherd was more hers than anybody else around here, that dog would follow her anywhere back when she could.

I hope you get another one to replace the one you lost, seems like there is so many out there that need a place to call home.
My sympathy to you as well. We had a small rat terrier named Lucy who was 6 months old when we got her. My sister brought her home from a family that was moving as was going to get rid of her. We had her for 15 years. Almost lost her once going down the road as she liked to ride along on the tractor. She saw something in the ditch and jumped off, while I was in road gear with the 4020 and NH bale wagon. I slammed on the brakes and thought shes gone. She missed all the tires and came back up to the tractor and wanted to get on again. Once my cousin borrowed dads tractor and she climbed up on the step of the tractor, saw it was someone different and got off. She was always there every morning to say hello, and was upset if I didn't. She was a goofball. In her later years I would come out some mornings and she would be snoring out on the lawn and I had to wake her up. The first place I saw her was out of the back door and the last place I saw her. We had a storm on Mother's day in 1993. Never found her after that. I always wondered if she knew she was going to go and went off somewhere so I wouldn't see it or find her.
Would like to thank everyone on here for their understanding words of support and sharing their own canine experiences. The words "mans best friend" have deeply rooted history. If you don't love them , you've never had one. Thanks all. Randy.

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