You guys in the sotuh east duck and cover


Well-known Member
Well tonight watching the weather they say you guys out south east are going to be hit by snow and ice and down deep south as in FL GA etc. So duck and cover and try to stay off the roads unless you have to go some place and be safe out there. By the way by this time next week you will be back to normal and warm again.
Yep" Old It sure Looks like it :( It's unusual for us to get this Im Battening down the hatches.. and settling in, and yes thank goodness it don't last long, Larry in N. ga
Thanks Old.I have the generator ready with extra gas to keep the well pump going. Plenty of firewood for the heater. A ton of canned food stored away. and enough ammo to ward off the 'wolves'.
I just don't understand the number of folks that don't have backup heat and food.
They are now saying that we may get a foot of snow.
Richard in NW SC

PS. I should have planted Irish potatoes last Saturday when the garden was dry enough. I will get them in as soon as it drys out.
I am 30 miles off the coast along the NC/SC line. We are expecting .25 to .50 inches of ice. We have had no snow. 35 to 40 miles west of me they are expecting upto .75 inches of ice on top of snow. They are preparing for a real mess.

nw corner of alabama, time for us southern boys to show y'all how to drive in snow and ice as they have up to 1/3 foot of snow forecasted. note-feet sounds more impressive than inches.
Old, wish we could pull the cork and go to 400. They're calling for blizzard conditions here on the Mason Dixon line come Thursday- 6-12 inches of snow and howling winds of 35 knots or more. There was a time I'd look forward to those conditions, just because they provided a challenge to work through. Maybe I'm getting old- I'm not looking forward to this one...I've about had enuf of this winter.......
Well if I was not born in Alabama I might tell you you best stay in side but me born there but learned to drive up north so maybe your one of the lucky ones if not stay inside and that way you stay between the ditches
We're supposed to get 12 to 18 inches,I'm ready
plenty of hay and wood stored in so I guess I'll head over to Walmart food dept tomorrow afternoon to watch all the excitement and scraps over the last couple loaves of bread.Just so the power doesn't go out last year we lost power for 5 days with the wet snow knocking down trees.
Back up food for me is not problem back up heat well I have to rig things to get by but I do get by. Wish I could get the house I want built then neither one would e a problem
have the wood box at the house mostly filled, chain saws ready and generator ready. Will need to top off gas just in case.
I'm in Ashland, Va, sounds like we could get 8 in plus ice
We're ready. Plenty of wood on the porch, stocks of homegrown food, two tractors with rear blades, and the loader tractor with a boxblade as a backup.
Thanks for the kind sentiment. Here in central VA the milk-and-bread crowd have been out in force already. I have this image in my head where after a week without power and snowed in, he says "what's for dinner, dear?" And she replies "same as yesterday. Bread and milk."
All is well in the piney woods of N. FL. Hope to be planting spuds next week.
Thx for the concerns.
Here, outside of Chattanooga they are calling for 5 inches of snow by daylight on Wednesday morning. It should all be gone by friday tho'.
So you are about 60 miles south of Athens TN then. I lived there back when I was in JR high and got my first drivers License back in 1970
Don't know where the Sotuh east is, but a major storm is headed for the SOUTHEAST US. ....My gosh!! How ignorant....
(quoted from post at 21:46:28 02/11/14) Don't know where the Sotuh east is, but a major storm is headed for the SOUTHEAST US. ....My gosh!! How ignorant....

Hmm, guess you've never had a typo, huh? :roll:
T'ain't that hard to push the t before the u. Oops, I typed "T'ain't" instead of "It isn't". Hope you don't think I'm ignorant. :p
Of course, anyone can make a typo or mistake---It's just that this (old) gets on every forum every day and night, at all hours and spouts off like he is an expert on anything and everything--been everywhere and did it all. It just gets a little OLD.
I was in Norfolk in the early 70's when they had a foot of snow shut everything down for a week as they had no snow removal equipment.Snowfall in Norfolk is a very rare thing.Ashland is just North of Richmond.Worst thing is ice.
Well,where the he!! did you come from? Never seen your name here before! Lighten up a little. I don't know how old you may be,and don't care, but many of the folks here have been around the block several times, and during their lives have had to do whatever they could in order to support their families and eat. I'm not sayin' everybody's perfect, but some folks get a little too pickey!
I'm about 35 miles south of Appomattox Va. Suppose to get up to 14 inches. Generator is on the tractor ready to plug up if needed. Wood under the shed beside the outdoor wood boiler. My wife stays stocked up on food, she's great about that. What we don't grow is in the cabinets. What we do grow is canned or in the freezer. We're ready for what ever we get.

We're in the area where nor'easters hit every so often. Go 6-8 years with little snow but then we get slammed when a system from the gulf comes through. 1962 is one I remember well. Had to use Cat dozers to open roads after being snowed in for 7 days. It took out mailboxes and fence post because they were under the snow and driver couldn't tell where the road was. Highway Dept. had nothing that could move a snow like that back then. We have the blue ridge to the west and ocean to the east and things get a little wild weather wise about every 8-10 years. If a system like the one heading here now were to stall out over us we could get another bulldozer snow.
Son, it is time to move out of mommy and daddy"s basement and go get a job! Yep, it is time to get a life so that the little things of your make-believe life don"t cause tears to come to your eyes everytime something doesn"t suit you.
This may not be a joking matter. We in SWMO had severe ice storm several years ago, brought down everything, all power lines, 69 kv feeder lines going into town, everything, trees, limbs, roofs, it was a disaster. Out of power for 10 or 11 days, bitter cold. If that"s what the south is getting, they need all the help they can get.
I respect you old.You have a lot of wisdom and I always look forward to your posts. I especially respect you for your service to our country. Without people like you, jerks that like to be critical might be speaking another language or might not be able to speak at all.
Ignore the comments from the peaNUT gallery.
By the way, It is 8:30 Wednesday morning and we are getting wind and and blowing snow. It will stay below freezing all day. I just hope it remains a dry snow and does not weigh the trees down.
Richard in NW Sotuh Carolina
Richard, up here in the Blue Ridge foothills of Sotuh Carolina, we are getting steady downfall of small flakes unlike some of the big flakes that post here!!!

In W SC. Yesterday it snowed all day with temp a degree or so above freezing. Built up maybe 2 inches. This morning it was 27, now(9:AM) 25 degrees. Has been snowing all morning. Swept off porch, covered again rapidly. Cows fed. Turned vehicles around and headed them downhill so we can get out if needed, hopefully wont need. 20-30 mph gusts of wind expected. Ice forecast for much of the area, with power outages. Supposed to warm up the last of the week.

I feel for you who have to put with this on a regular basis. At least you don't have to worry about fire ants.

A lot of us posters are better educated and much smarter than you appear to be and we do not comment on another's keyboarding skills. We knew exactly what OLD meant and so did you!
Your telling me about the ice storm of 2007?? I to live in Missouri and had a tree limb go threw my roof into the house where if some one had been under it could well have been a hospital trip. 7 days with out power yep BTDT not fun
Big problem with winds and dry snow is the drifts that can be made and those can be real fun if you hit one on the road. BTDT but then I have lived all over the U.S.A. from MN to FL and many places between. Still remember digging out the principals car when I was in grade school in NE. Dug him a car port out of snow and a tunnel from his back door to the car
Then don't read what I say then no one puts a gun to your head making you read what I say so don't read what I say. I earned the right by being a D.A.V. to say what I want
Sounds like you need to throw in with a little more high-tone group, Educated- perhaps MENSA has a tractor board. Meanwhile, us ol' country boys will just keep bumbling along, enjoying each other's company and not worrying much about typos or grammar lapses.

Hope you can find some joy in your life, somewhere along the way.
I was stationed in Norfolk the navel air station serve on the JFK CV67 I also was stationed at Damneck Va for a while before going to Norfolk. Did 6 years in the Navy
(quoted from post at 09:34:33 02/12/14) I was stationed in Norfolk the navel air station serve on the JFK CV67 I also was stationed at Damneck Va for a while before going to Norfolk. Did 6 years in the Navy
Again, thanks for your service.
Your welcome. I could have gone to college but was tired of school so what happened when I got in the Navy but more school. LOL Had at least 4 scholarship I could have taken to go to college even but went with the navy instead
"a little educated"........what you need to realize is that our buddy "OLD" HAS, I repeat, HAS been everywhere and done everything. AND....he IS an expert on everything. Well, I think he has a little trouble with well houses....but who doesn't.

Back off jack.
60 acre:

His "number" is so low that he has to build a wall to keep an amoeba from peeing on him. LOL
(quoted from post at 15:21:47 02/12/14) I forget where you are Tim. What County are you in?
ichard, I live in Northern Greenville county, just Sotuh of the SC/NC line about 5 miles. We usually get snow a few times a year up here but I only recall it being like this maybe 5 times in the 45 years I've lived here. Current conditions are blowing sleet, later tonight turning to snow when the winds wrap around this low. Most folks had the good common sense to stay home so the usual wrecks and traffic jams were not bad in the Greenville area.
I got my genny started today, that was a relief after hearing the predictions of the wind we are suppose to experience tonight.

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