Guess I shouldn't laugh..........


Well-known Member
I guess I shouldn't laugh. One of my wife's brothers had a shoulder replacement done on Wednesday.

We went to the hospital and visited him Thursday afternoon. He was experiencing some pain and was pretty well doped up. He asked me if I was done planting.

1. I haven't farmed since 1991.

2. It's February and the temp was slightly above zero.

It seems pain medication affects him like that. He fell and broke a leg a number of years ago. When he was in the hospital and doped up with pain med, he spent an entire day driving an 18-wheeler down I-80. (He did drive an 18-wheeler at one time).

My wife called his wife this evening and he seems to be doing some better.
Guess I shouldn't laugh either. But my ex's lawyer died and was buried last week. I just couldn't help myself......
(quoted from post at 21:07:24 02/08/14) I guess I shouldn't laugh. One of my wife's brothers had a shoulder replacement done on Wednesday.

We went to the hospital and visited him Thursday afternoon. He was experiencing some pain and was pretty well doped up. He asked me if I was done planting.

1. I haven't farmed since 1991.

2. It's February and the temp was slightly above zero.

It seems pain medication affects him like that. He fell and broke a leg a number of years ago. When he was in the hospital and doped up with pain med, he spent an entire day driving an 18-wheeler down I-80. (He did drive an 18-wheeler at one time).

My wife called his wife this evening and he seems to be doing some better.

I shouldn't laugh. A couple of years ago my VA doc gave me a new pain med, 3 times a day with meals. So I took one that night and again in the morning. We were going to a town that day about 35 miles away. By the time we left I was feeling a little funny so I told the wife she should drive. I took another dose at noon and then we ate supper before heading home and I took the 3rd pill. Now I didn't think anything of it, was still feeling a little off. On the way home I ask the wife if she knew where she was and if she hadn't made a wrong turn. One small town that we pass through we just couldn't seem to find. I mean for a 35 mile drive I just knew we had been on the road for more than an hour, most likely 2. That new pain killer knocked me for a loop. I stopped taking it that day and called VA and got an appointment to get that med changed.

Back in the eighties, I had a 'procedure' done in the hospital. This had to be done with me conscious, but heavily sedated. The doc said to get someone to drive me home. My Dad drove me there and back. He was laughing his A-- off at how I was making risque suggestions to the nurses and how they were just sidestepping...(they had seen it all before with this combination of drugs)
On the way back from the hospital, I was begging him to let me drive. (of course, he didn't.)
good luck
a couple i know were the victoms of a guy saving hin self some bucks . he decided to hook up a gas furnace the fumes leaked into the house she wasnt affected to bad but he got nailed bad . when in the hospital mother in law came to visit now there had been a lack of warm feelings between the two so when she came in he greeted her by saying hi you old bag now the question is how
much control did he have and for some reason hes not talking
An old farming neighbour fell and dislocated his shoulder....they were trying to put it back in place at the hospital but he was yelling and screaming something aweful.....Wee nurse had about enough of this and said to him that she was at the delivery ward earlier in the day and a 16 year old girl had an 8 1/2 lb baby and she didn't scream as much as he was doing..........His answer back....."Go and try to put that baby back in and see how much she screams!".....Guess I shouldn't laugh either?.......Sam
Had my wisdom teeth out in my late twenties. never did any drugs only drank enough to realize it made me sick. Whatever they gave me feel real good. When they were done My FIL was walking me out I hollered back to all the people in the office. That I had a mouth full of teeth and I was coming back to have them taken out one at a time. It is no wonder people get hooked on drugs.
These drugs are all great I guess, as long as they are prescribed by a doctor.
Last April I tried another different blood pressure drug, after no luck for almost FOUR YEARS! After just a week I wasn't going to put up with the side effects. I didn't get started right away on the next wonder drug. Next thing you know I'm awake and present, but nobody's home! I lost a few hours, and about $10,000 in the emergency room and an overnight stay in the hospital. At first they guessed mini stroke (TIA). Then decided on "Transient global amnesia".
Thanks Doc.
I get goofy (goofier) with anesthetic. After a colonoscopy I'll be able to walk on my own and talk to everyone, but someone has to "steer" me. I can walk right past our car and not recognize it. After an hour or so, I'll start coming to my senses and wonder how I got there. I guess lots of people are that way. I like it - when I have a "procedure", I don't want to know anything about it while it's going on. I always tell them that I don't want to know anything, and they always oblige.
I agree with the others about the drugs they give you at the hospital. But there is another consideration. With the lights always on and nurses checking on the equipment and the patient every hour, most hospital patients are also sleep deprived. So they are frequently not quite all there, even though they seem to be awake. I apparently visited with family members while I was in the hospital that I didn't remember any of it afterwards.
(quoted from post at 21:16:59 02/08/14) Guess I shouldn't laugh either. But my ex's lawyer died and was buried last week. I just couldn't help myself......

I dont dislike my ex all that badly, but the "woman" (Bi**h) lawyer of hers, well, if I ever get a chance to Pi** on someones grave, I hope I am alive to do it on hers.

I was in the ER for a gall bladder attack 2 weeks ago tonight, apparently after they gave me another dose of morphine, we had a long conversation where I agreed to some stuff that wasn't put on paper for me to look back at later. I distinctly remember saying something, and then falling asleep, but nothing else.
They gave me some valium to spare me the memory of getting gassed Friday when I had it removed. That stuff worked just as well.
I find the spinal anesthetic a much more pleasant experience. And they couldn't salvage the stone for me. So I don't even get a souvenir.

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