Can you spot him?


Feeding the cattle this morning and had some company. Been seeing this guy around the last few days.




Pretty cool. I took a swim last summer, left the kids on the beach. Flock of ducks and gulls sitting on the beach. Next thing all heck breaks loose and I turn around to see an eagle heck bent on catching a duck. Pretty impressive to see.
Is there water nearby? BE's specialize on fish but are lazy and will take carrion when available. They overwinter at the tailrace of large dam 2 miles from my house, counted 20 yesterday morning.
I see bigfoot squating down in the first picture just above and to the left of the tractor. Cool
No matter how many times I see one I am always amazed. I was unrolling a bale of hay this morning when I spotted him. Couldn't believe how close I was able to get to him, he never did fly off. He did however fly down and looked like he might have grabbed something, vole or mouse?
Truly awesome, Here in NW Pa we have quite a
few nesting pairs, each time I see one they
will turn my head...
HAHA stupid old man, took me two pictures to realize I wasn't looking for a deer. We have an osprey around here, kinda unusual.
We have alot of them here in eastern Kansas during the winter.They really like Canadian Geese,or as we call them "sky carp". Nice picture. We don't get that close to them.
I was driving in a 55-mph zone in south-central Minnesota early last fall and had to hit my brakes hard to avoid a bald eagle swooping down to grab some road kill. Lovely birds.
We have quite a few that winter in this area if you know where to look you can see 20 or so in a day. Have one pair nests near road every year also.
We have quite a large population of them here in Eastern WV. We hunt a lot and neighbors also drop deer carcasses on the farm and the eagles just love it. There were 10 BE and a huge golden most of past month. We make a continous hay bale wrap, a hundred or more in a row and there is one eagle that sits on the bales and watches for us to lift them to catch a mouse or other critter. An occasional rabbit makes a good snack for him
We see them regularly but about 3 summers ago my wife and I were riding our bike along Lake Pepin in western Wisconsin and lost count at 20 eagles in the air at one time. Truly incredible birds as long as you forget they are scavengers.

There is an eagles nest near the river I cross on my way to work. One morning a bald eagle flew across the road, going from the river toward the nest, carrying a 12 inch trout.

If he can catch anything out of that river, he's a better man than me.
There was one worked over a deer carcass a couple years ago down on the highway. Big birds.

The hawks around here will follow the planters, drills, and coulter machines around the field waiting for something to get kicked up.
There is a pair nesting in the swamp at the end of our road. Wife seen one in the nest this morning. Couple of years ago the neighbor had some out in the field. I said something to him about them and he said that he just hauled manure out and he had a fresh cow and the Eagle was after the cleanings. This is in west central Wi. by Lacrosse.

John, we have a 12 acre lake not to far from where he is and several ponds. 14 miles south of me is Meramec Spring Park. There they raise trout and from what I understand several eagles hang out there.
Closest thing we have to them are osprey, and we have plenty of them. For a short period, we had a chiuaua dog that we inhereted. Good thing for that dog no osprey ever mistaked it for a fish. One time that dog was outside and I walked out and there was an osprey pirched on one of my fence posts observing it, and I kept shoutin "It aint a dog, its a four legged trout", and that thing took off, swooping down and then up, up, up and away with a wing span of about 6', and left that chiuaua. Stupid bird.


Did ya'll see that program recently where a lot of the Bald Eagles in Utah (?) are dying of some unknown disease/factor? One guy found one struggling in the snow and cautiously used his coat to catch it and called the authorities. They came and took it for help. He was amazed at how calm the bird was once he got the jacket wrapped around it. That thing had a beak that looked like it could just rip your head off if it really wanted too!
We have quite a few out here in Central Washington. In the spring when guys are calving they sit in a tall tree and watch for afterbirth.
I spotted one just off Clinton Lake, south of Parnell, IL while cutting beans. This last year it was the first of ever seeing them in this area. They are mostly over west on the rivers.
Back in 1980 when I was working at the Mines in Death Valley, CA , the wife & I went towards town for supplies. Sitting in the middle of the road was a Bald Eagle with a dead snake, I slowed down but the Eagle refused to move. I pulled into the on-coming travel lane and stopped alongside the bird (no other vehicles for 10 miles in any direction). We were in a low-slung '76 Malibu Station Wagon and the wife & the Eagle were literally face-to-face about 6 feet apart. Sure wish I'd had a camera. Magnificent bird; there was no way that Eagle was going to give up his lunch. He just sat there & ate his snake while we drove away.

I love seeing them! Can't get enough! I got this one photographed last February at Lake Manawa, Council Bluffs Iowa

Kinda Looks like old Abe was checkin out that green tractor. Hope he don't poop on the hood tomorrow L.O.L.

Seriously though that's a nice bird to see around. we get Hawks and big birds in our yard in Canada. Got a big horned owl comes round sometimes. He seems to be partial to full grown cat meat on the odd occasion.
saw him try taking a massive tom cat off the fence, while 3 of us worked on welding Rogator booms, outside the shop early one evening. quite often see a cat with fur missing on it's head or neck to!.
Regards Robert
In New Mexico we had golden eagles and they seemed a bit larger than the bald eagles we have in Missouri where I live now. Both are impressive.

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